Thursday, September 15, 2016

Prime Beef Benefit Beth

Yes, Beth Stern [Miss self-proclaimed "almost vegan"] had the nerve to show up again this year to the charred cow diner called Prime restaurant in the Hamptons to collect some dough for her charity gimmick as the self proclaimed volunteer and spokesperson for the North Shore Animal League (NSAL) that allows her and Howard Stern free passage to all their various properties claiming that dragging cats around with them while on vacation are really animal rescue missions. For the past three years this event at Prime restaurant was held in July, but the Hamptons were busy this year with real parties that the Sterns weren't invited to and bumped the event to September.

Hey Beth, if you "want to go vegan", you need to stop eating meat and fish and all other animal products and stop parading to cash grab bogus animal events where animals are roasted over an open flame. Oh right, fish aren't animals and I guess charred cows aren't animals either since you love them with metal hinges attached to their hides or stuff your feet in them wearing an accessory to murder.

Beth had to wear another huge big skirt to cover up and hide her huge lower body plus, she has short calves. She goes from fat knees straight down to those weird ankles and creepy feet.

Miss Bethie was still Botoxed-up from her recent jaunt to Los Angeles to shill for the American Humane Association this past weekend and her face was a hardened mess of bizarre grimaces as she can barely keep that wig together this season without the gray hairs showing through. Yes, Beth darkens the roots of her weave to make it appear she is still growing brown hair from that football head.

Meanwhile, Howard Stern was back on his satellite dish this week bragging about how rich he is and could barely hide his jealousy and anger that SiriusXM execs had to do something to add content to their channels. So they packed the stations with tons of new shows like Radio Andy to keep the subscribers they have interested in satellite radio while Robin Quivers motored into the studio this week to complain that the kitchen at the Stern studios had been shut down. Gosh, no more free meals for Robin, since Mr. Self Proclaimed Media Mogul Stern has to cut corners to maintain his reported take home pay of around $40 million while the rest of the supposed $80 million pie goes to expenses to maintain a dark studio with one light bulb and a fuzzy CGI robot camera lens to make Howard look under the age of ancient just in case he finally gets a sucker to buy Howard TV.

Poor Robin showed up to work this week in person all for nothing. No free coffee, no free nothing anymore now that Stern is scrambling to pocket more dough to keep his nut-filled residences from becoming unshelled.

On Monday Howard talked about the death of Alexis Arquette
and Robin failed at scoring free
coffee at the Stern studios:

On 9-14-16 Howard talked about how he can hardly visit his parents at the senior group home without causing a commotion since apparently his fan base might die of a heart attack and then where would Howard be? Nowhere. Oh wait.

Oh right, Howard loves to make an appearance in his dark studio at SiriusXM spouting about how he's a big star...who can barely manage just over a million and a half Twitter followers. Those followers ain't payin' your bills Howard, we know Sirius always cuts your annual operating budget, right? No more free coffee, no more kitchen, and they wish they could get rid of Howard. Maybe Sirius should remove the staircase and elevator to Howard's studio and see what happens. Howard would have to balloon up to his dark studio to do his borefest satellite radio show.

Well, that's a wrap for Season 11 of "America's Got Talent" and as long as the show stays on the air, Howard can keep badgering Simon to throw him a bone and let him appear as a guest judge and throw a bag over Beth.

#31 #AGT #Sternrejectedasguestjudge


  1. You outdid yourself on this one, DBM! Brava!

    More about the book that Beth threw on the floor for her chunky cat to read called, "The Book of Veganish", this is the target audience per Amazon:

    "Bestselling authors Kathy Freston and Rachel Cohn join together to create a toolbox of resources to aid socially aware teens and young adults interested in adopting a vegan lifestyle."

    -- I'm trying to figure out which part of that sentence applies to Howard and Beth.

  2. Great analysis DBM!! ++++++++++++

    Do you see that the North Shore 2017 calendars feature Beth? Guess those "All About Beth-O" calendars were a bust! LOL!
