Friday, August 19, 2016

Miss Kitty Litter Needs to be Flushed

Beth Stern has dozens of unpublished photos just sitting on her big iPhone that she continues to dole out on her unreality show The Real Housewife of Instagram to garner compliments from her obscure cat club followers who have no clue who she is, with some asking what she does for a living and if she's married or not. It's pretty pathetic but this is all Beth has, what with posing in that kitty litter box at her Hamptons Hellhole trying to be relevant to sand mites with Howard Stern taking breaks from his rarely live stale satellite radio show so he can fire off more press releases all about how famous he is and inferring he has 30 million listeners to his pay radio show service when he only recently got a bump up in his show's Facebook followers to just over 600,000. 

Hey, when's your Social Life magazine cover party Beth? Can't get a sponsor? Normally, the magazine posts notices of their cover parties for their celebs like Christie Brinkley, where her own company was one of the sponsors. I guess Beth can horn in on a Social Life magazine event on the 27th and claim it's in her honour.

Sources are alleging that Howard Stern is in full election mode funneling dough to his friend Donald Trump who Howard thinks will enact a new law to add a check-off box as a part of the driver's license renewal, to require everyone to acknowledge that Howard Stern married a model and everyone is jealous of their love. Even the High Priestess Emily will be affected providing she still has her NY driver's license. I guess we just have to wait and watch what happens but sources are also alleging that Beth will get that Emily under her thumb if it kills her and to stop Howard from raising that ceiling on her Trust Fund.

Everyone knows that the presidency hardly matters since America lost the hot hunk JFK, Jr. His wife was one of the people Beth tried to copy with the overly bleached blonde hair and red lipstick. We remember Beth thinks she also looks like Darryl Hannah from Splash and Gwen Stefani when all Beth really looks like is a plastic surgery specimen who's always 50 lbs too heavy to copy anyone.

Oh yes, all of Beth's photos are photoshopped since she stages these jaunts around New York and calls the photographer. Otherwise, her genuine candid photos are a fright as shown on this blog many times.

Didn't someone bring up this week on Howard's satellite radio show, that he should write another autobiography? Gosh, wonder what that will be about? Oh, about 30 pages since he can't talk about the ex-wife [is that gag order still in effect?] and he can barely mention Beth without providing proof of exactly why she was forced out of college and that she was sent overseas to model and was super famous everywhere while providing no photographic evidence she modeled anywhere but New Jersey. But Howard could write about being an awesome father to a bunch of feral cats, wow, that would fill a page. Hmmm, wonder why he has no interest in another book about his big life, oh wait, he can talk about how he went to satellite radio and it tanked big and had to merge with the other satellite radio service in existence and the merged satellite radio company tanked and was facing bankruptcy and had to be bailed out while begging the new car industry to put satellite radio in every car and beg the sports stations to come on board along with NBC, and well, that would be another page and a half. I think Howard could knock that off in a few weeks and then insert 800 photos of Beth photoshopped with various backgrounds and using that heavy magic marker to slim down her giant wide body and he would be done. Howard could sell it for $19.99 with all proceeds going to their selfie foundation, Bianca's Furry Friends.

#sternstuckwithbeth #instagramnightmare
#kittylitter  #alison  #howard  #beth  #divorce
#trump #christie

1 comment:

  1. If Howard has his way under a Trump presidency, fright bikini photos of Beth will be mandatory screen savers on all computer devices.

    Do you take scream with your coffee??
