Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Sterns Enlist the D-List

Howard and Beth Stern have been struggling for about three years to come up with celebrity supporters for their selfie foundation in memory of the bulldog Beth overfed to death, Bianca's Furry Friends, and to support their prison camps for captured feline photo props that have been set up at all of their properties and most recently Beth's mom has her own phony foster kitten room now in her home in Pittsburgh, obviously, we have no knowledge if she is still living in that embarrassing middle class townhouse or the million dollar mansion that was bought, when? Not sure, but it might have been around 2001 when a certain Pittsburgh Princess of Nothing moved in with Howard Stern even though he kept it a big secret and when he revealed it, no one cared but the snickers could be heard all over that back office and down the hall and into the garage and all the way down the street to the gym where everyone remembers the pudgy blonde hanging around Howard Stern and gazing at his bulging potbelly covering up that bulging wallet while he attempted to lift weights and broke his finger since he was sticking it somewhere it didn't belong. Howard is pretty desperate for work right now since losing out on that summer job with NBC's "America's Got Talent" and has been begging his studio guests for work. Well, what can you expect, that Stalag Beth in the Hamptons is costing Howard money since he has to pay for plugs in online articles and normally for that upcoming issue of that free litter box liner called Social Life Magazine where Howard has to pay for a cover and layout for his aged puffer fish and you can just get so many free pet beds and carpet remnants from the charity where Beth works as the chief fundraiser and useless spokesperson, the North Shore Animal League, to stock the prison camps and corporate HQ in Manhattan. Maybe Denis Leary can get Howard a job in an animated film since he is struggling for cash.

Now Howard's enlisted help from his pervert pal Zach Braff, with the face that could stop a bunch of clocks but the clocks would rather run instead of being stopped and forced to stare at his mug, to support their feline prison camp. Zach posted this cat on Instagram and had to plug Beth and Howard saying he visited their house. Beth is having the BIG O over this, as if Mr. Casting Couch Pervert is anyone to brag about having as a friend. How low class can these Sterns get. 

In contrast, Simon Cowell continues to be a hero to children suffering from cancer and lends his support and his cash to worthy causes and doesn't just pose with a kitten in a selfie and call it charity work.

Hey, what about Heidi Klum? The gorgeous supermodel that Howard could only dream about getting and then that dream turned into a Night Mare called Beth. Yes, that is Heidi's billionaire boytoy boyfriend's photo on her shirt.

Beth continues to enlist D-List kids to support her fame quest and pretend that they just love Beth while they learn how to strangle kittens. I don't know, but it looks like another member of the O Family. 

We can't wait to see yet another hilariously stupid photo by Howard of Beth on an upcoming issue of Social Life magazine. We remember Howard paid for a cover article for Beth for that free digital magazine called 25A in October 2013. Beth was so airbrushed she looked like a wax figure and Howard plopped that nest on her head to try and reduce the size of her football head along with reducing that nose with a CGI nose job and when her eyes are open, she has to stare at a focal point to stop that left lazy eye from rolling towards her nose. The June 2016 issue of 25A features the former Stern show comedy writer Jackie Martling, who got fired around the time Bethie showed up on the scene and Beth has been enjoying that Jackie Jackpot of dough ever since to make her famous by getting her on the cover of free magazines remembering Howard has to pay for this PR shit for his airbrushed wife. You see, Howard knows she's fucked up. That's why the heavy hand on that airbrush gun along with the tons of makeup and wigs. She's quite a fright sans all that crap.

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