Thursday, July 21, 2016

Reaper Radio Welcomes Gwen Stefani

Sometimes it's just better to not fight the reaper. Don't fear him as the song goes, and trouper Gwen Stefani has added her name to the list of celebs who have admitted defeat in their careers and we bid a farewell to the stardom Gwen had achieved as her fame falls back to earth and lands on a burnt out satellite at Howard Stern's reaper radio. Howard beckons to all stars whose bulbs have been dimmed because of albums that have dropped with a loud thud, fans that have gone onto worshipping celebs under the age of old, along with those celebs suffering from major divorce payouts to their ex-husbands, facelifts that are falling, hips that are widening and they need to run back to the lipo docs STAT. We now welcome Gwen Stefani to the stale Stern satellite stable of falling stars with falling faces and wigs glued to their hair that is falling out of their balding heads as they make dates with a test tube to fool themselves into thinking they are still young.

Gwen appeared at the Sirius satellite studios in
December 2015 and thought that she could
escape the reaper.
Yep, Gwen falls into all of those categories as she is added to the list of falling stars landing on the Howard Stern stale satellite radio show for losers who are desperate for some free publicity paid by Howard's Sirius operating budget. Hey, let Howard pay for something since his career is already dead, he's got to spend dough on getting some celebs into his stale studio or he will be sitting in front of a tape recorder all alone facing the fear of actually being fired and having to sit with Beth Stern for 24 hours a day and pose for body part photos for her unreality show on Instagram.

Howard has said many times that Gwen was his ideal beauty with the bleached blonde wig, I mean hair, and the bright red lipstick and we know Princess Hagatha [a.k.a., Beth Stern] has tried to copy that look and has failed miserably since the dolt fails at everything. It's what she does. Yes, Howard also likes the mini skirt with the ankle boots as Beth had the look years ago and Gwen just wants to please Howard the Reaper which is just sad. When will Beth dye the ends of her wig in black or neon colors making aged women who aren't Cher look stupid? 

Howard loves the heavy makeup since he is allegedly color blind and can only see clown colors and that's why he's the way he is.

Beth looks off in the head.

Gossip about Gwen you ask? Oh gosh, you probably have heard it all before. But sources are gossiping everywhere that she is bisexual, which is a Stern connection since the entire world thinks he and Beth are a gay couple since Howard is obsessed with male private parts and talks about it constantly on his radio show and Beth sucks every famous woman's ass like there's no tomorrow and fawns over them on their media sites. Gwen supposedly loves backdoor sex - oops, cover your eyes kiddies and just can't resist shopping and lifting all those juicy items and is reportedly a total bitch. Hey, I don't make up gossip, my job is to spread it like butter on bread.

Mr. Weavie was already back at Stalag Beth on Wednesday which is a first that we know of so he probably will be leaving earlier too.

Beth is struggling for content for her show, The Real Housewife of Instagram and is still hopeful that it gets picked up on the Psycho Family Hallmark Channel as she continues to pat herself on the back for setting up her foster cat gimmick and charity tax write-off cat rooms at her highly taxed properties.

Yes, it's a MIRACLE that Beth has stretched out this phony cat fostering gimmick
and made a career out of it after all her attempts at stardom have failed miserably.

Beth found an unpaid fan of her Instagram show! Yippeeeee, as The Today Show security team had to form a posse to hunt her down because she wouldn't leave the building after her appearance for a brief pet segment on June 9.

#howardstern #reaperradio #stalesatelliteradio

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