Thursday, July 14, 2016

Demoted Beth?

Beth has her little loser unreality show on Instagram called The Real Housewife of Instagram where she takes thousands of selfies claiming she is doing charity work while using her selfie stick that she should stick up her you know what and let the camera flash away at her private Instagram parts deflecting from the rarely seen Howard Stern who is living it up on the down low with the Village Idiots with insiders gossiping that he continues to spin and bust out of his seams with poor Felix the Tailor letting out those fat pants and Ralph the Stylist trying to juggle the wigs as Howard is supposedly on a mad tear in Tribeca going out on the town to meet up with mountains of shrimp and pasta with a side of crow that he pushes off his plate whenever he wants to pretend he is vegetarian [seafood is okay to slaughter; they can rot in hell] and it's all about what? Being ignored by Simon Cowell, the super media mogul of NBC's "America's Got Talent" (AGT). Simon saved his show from being thrown into a paper shredder and recycled into that drivel coming out of Whitney Cummings aged ass that she calls a comedy routine and tries to sell it as a sitcom with that Stern/Buchwald agency getting around 10 percent. 

In comparison, the real supermodel Heidi Klum is not only a superstar on AGT but is celebrating 15 years of her show "Project Runway" and had a big party in New York while loser Beth the animal abuser sits home and stuffs a kitten in her crotch.

More documented animal abuse coming out of Beth's crotch at her cat prison camp in the Hamptons. Just when are the Animal Control Officers coming to take Beth away to a padded cell?

Beth posted an ad for NSAL on her unreality show [shown after the article excerpt below] with her teeth bared into the camera and featuring her enormous football head with her lips drawn back like she's going to take a bite out of crime and revealed that she is no longer NSAL'S CHIEF spokesperson and FUNDRAISER. We remember a few years ago that was her big job promotion, she became their chief spokesperson and fundraiser where she yelps ad nauseam on the morning TV talk shows about the greatness of NSAL. Beth hasn't gotten any press lately about any D List celebrities who have donated any cash to NSAL to fund that proposed invisible cat adoption center with Beth's selfie foundation Bianca's Furry Friends (BFF) slapped on the building, yet it's funded by public donations. But, as reported on this blog, she has had guest stars on her reality show and good luck breaking free from Stalag Beth without making a nice donation to BFF.

Yes, it seems that Beth got demoted to only being a spokesperson for NSAL and is relegated to a "volunteer" so no suing Miss Foster Cat Snatch & Dumper if the cat rips up your curtains or attacks your infant in its baby carriage. Beth is only a volunteer, not a paid cat trainer or expert. She just has that cat fostering gimmick she does since the woman is an unmarketable pest that should have been exterminated long ago by the Entertainment Control Officers who keep watch on fug wives of D List radio DJs who try and horn in on TV shows and as bit players in movies or as backstage Broadway broads hanging around the talent. The "Fundraiser" title has been dropped from her bragging sheet.

Howard's fan is all upset over this apparent demotion of Beth. Well, maybe it was costing NSAL too much money in lawsuits since Beth mucks everything up and can't be trusted alone with any human or beast. Plus, NSAL has a lot of expenses providing pet food, supplies and maintenance for her kitty cat foster rooms at Stalag Beth in the Hamptons, and Beth has NSAL meetings at her corporate HQ offices in those Manhattan penthouse apts [corporate tax write-offs for the Sterns?] that Howard bought with his money from VHS sales for his Private Parts before the dismal D List movie was sold to the cable TV market and is stuck in a vortex on a loop somewhere broadcasting to Eskimos who think Howard Stern is something that crawled out from under a whale rock.

Beth does nothing unless she is paid. Just ask her about that pre-nup she allegedly signed. Paid much, Bethie? Oh yeah, and Howard keeps paying as her stupid career is finally over as she is now Frau Warden at Stalag Beth and is trying to expand her Feral Feline Colony to that white elephant, no, not her mom, I mean that Florida Botoxology and Phony Cat Fostering Fortress as well as having her agent, I mean her mom, set up with her own cat fostering gimmick at her home in Pittsburgh. Yes, it's all on this blog as the info is taken from published articles and Beth's media sites where she includes awesome photos of her cat rooms at all her real estate holdings that will soon be blown out to sea once that parakeet dies in that windowless basement and poor old Howard suffocates under those wig balls glued to his head and those Varvatos scarves get wound tighter and tighter around his neck lift.

Watch out Muffin! This is how Wonky the Feral Cat met his fate when he was run over in the driveway and catapulted into the bushes and wasn't found until days later and Beth has yet to get a tattoo in memory of him and has failed to set up any foundation or pretend to raise funds in a campaign to build a cat adoption center at NSAL in his honor.

Uh-Oh - what happened here? Did Princess Fug Face get her sub canceled? Stern's check bounced all over NY? Superstar and supermodel Heidi Klum attended the Cinema Society premiere of "Cafe Society" on July 13. Where was Beth? She used to always love to hog a Cinema Society red carpet. Now don't tell me Beth boycotts Woody Allen movies because she hogged a red carpet for the Cinema Society screening of "Midnight in Paris" in 2011. Beth doesn't care if Howard boycotts a director with talent, she will be on a red carpet supporting the Devil if it gets her some free Prada outfits [get it, the Devil wears Prada?]. Well, I guess no making fun of Beth's plus sized designer knock-offs this time while Heidi Klum looked effortlessly beautiful as usual, no filters needed. Gosh, having a billionaire boy toy boyfriend sure agrees with her along with three hit TV shows to her credit.
Heidi at the after party pictured with Stella Schnabel.
Gosh, that last name sure sounds familiar.

#heidiklum #bethstern #bethblog #nomorebullshit #mypurpose


  1. Great post as usual!

    FYI--Bethie has her haters at NSAL. Animal League like a tweet calling out beth for yet another IG pic of her strangling a poor little kitten for a dumb selfie pic.

    It is hilarious watching her spiral into the depths of insanity on IG, posting 22 pics per day, even when family is in town.

    Let's all wish Bethie a Happy 45th Bday! Won't be long till you hit the big 5 0 Beth!!
