Sunday, July 17, 2016

Beth Struggling Amidst Heidi Hoopla

Beth Stern has been releasing her little selfie ads on her unreality show on Instagram promoting herself with a few cats photoshopped into the photos since she is having a selfie meltdown over the continued rising fame of the real super model and super mogul Heidi Klum who keeps adding to her list of accomplishments. 

Heidi's show "Project Runway" receives yet another Emmy Award nomination this year [Heidi won an Emmy in 2013] and Heidi and Zac Posen are featured on the cover of the current issue of Hamptons Magazine, a magazine where Beth can't even get into those editorial sections with the photos that are squished on a few pages since she has failed so far to crash any major Hamptons events and hasn't jumped in front of any cameras and butted her head into any group shots. I guess the Hamptons Buttinsky Control Officers (HBCO) are on high alert this season to look out for Beth and Howard's limo. Howard waits for the beeper signal on his iPhone and he and Beth jump into their waiting car and head to the nearest gathering of Hamptonites. Beth leaps out of the car and lopes through the front doors pushing past The Help who want to see her invitation, grabs a glass of champagne, jumps into a few group shots, then bolts back to the car with Howard riding shotgun in case anyone tries to wing Beth as she flies past the HBCO and they make their getaway to the next party. This has been their gimmick for years and the Hamptons is sick of it.

Heidi the Hamptons Darling with Designer Zac Posen
share a cover feature in the July 15 issue of Hamptons Magazine

Sources have alleged that several people inside the cat prison camp had to "deal" with Beth after she saw the image of Heidi with her billionaire boy toy at Wimbledon last week smooching for cameras when all Beth has ever had are a few embarrassing Instagram photos of herself attempting to make out with a wig thicket on a free factory fug cushion on a wicker man chair ready to burn.

Poor pitiful Beth is trying to drum up publicity for her loser kitten summer games coming up in August. We know this is all Beth has, this constant video loop featuring cats forced to play with cat toys while she collects her paycheck from the Hallmark Channel and pretends to donate it to her own foundation where she banks the money and has yet to announce how much of it goes to her charity where she is reportedly only a "volunteer" as well as a random spokesperson having lost her "chief" spokesperson job title with the North Shore Animal League, a purebred cat snatching agency that doles out declawed cats to Beth and other D List celebrity wannbees looking for photo prop cats that won't ruin their furniture.

Howard Stern is faring no better what with being hit with the news that JAY LENO has been nominated AGAIN for an Emmy Award for his show, Jay Leno's Garage [which won an Emmy in 2011]. How can Howard sabotage that show? Well, it's something his team of tired and underpaid dollar an hour boys have been working on and have failed to come up with anything but having Howard say that Jay is poor because he has to drive his own cars. Yep, poor Jay can't afford a fugly town car & driver with cats stuffed inside and claim his shopping jaunts are charitable tax write-off cat rescue missions.

Howard has a list of his failures called his "resume" and we are all sad that Conlon Road Photography seems to be another project that has failed to take off its runway and is gone for good. So we might as well fold up our chairs, throw out the popcorn and go home. That site provided lots of laughs and it could've had a shot at being a regular TV series on the Psychotic Family Hallmark Channel. We all remember these love sets:

This photo sparked rumors
that Katie Lee Foodie had a
bun in the oven. Billy has since
remarried and now has 

two daughters.

In an attempt for Howard to stay relevant with a phantom fan base that he doesn't have to pay to post compliments about him on media sites, he reportedly sent Ralph the Stylist on a mission to research new hair styles from the runway and landed at the recent John Varvatos show featuring young hot guys which sent Ralph into convulsions and he had to be carted out. Onlookers have reported seeing Howard with his new Varvatos summer scarves and sleeveless tees oh, around the Tribeca area. Gosh that just keeps coming up since that is where Howard gets those awesome pasta dishes right near Katie Lee's apartment she moved into around December 2015....just when Howard needed extra commute time to get to work and moved his radio show start time from 6AM to 7AM. Gosh, everyone thought he was busy with just juggling his Village people and we were diverted from the Goodfellas eateries and the foodies who love to troll hotel lobbies looking to snare their next big fish.

Howard is trying to look like the young hot Varvatos models when he ends up looking like an old woman suffering from hot flashes.

Have fun this week Beth Fans as we wait to see what Howard will do next in his attempt at diverting attention away from Simon Cowell's continued ratings winner "America's Got Talent" (AGT) and hear him trash and bash the Emmy Awards since Heidi & Jay are nominated again with Howard receiving a record breaking zero nominations for all those past years he attempted a TV show and was completely ignored during his failed tenure with AGT. Gosh, Howard even missed out in the drag competition at the Emmy Awards this year. Awesome RuPaul received two nominations for his cable TV show "RuPaul's Drag Race" as we wonder why Howard seems to ignore his tribe. That could be the problem. Come out Howard, there are natives just waiting to show you love no matter what gender you decide upon.

#rupaul #bethstern #howardstern

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the disturbing trip down memory lane called Conlon Road Photography which should have been called "Uncomfortable Settings Photography." Although that was quite the feat performed by Howard's brother-in-law keeping Big Beth hoisted off the ground.
