Sunday, June 12, 2016

Sterns Still Beg For Cash

Howard and Beth Stern fail to produce anything but nonstop selfies and bragging about cashing in on the charity gimmick, meaning, since 2013 they set up a personal foundation called Bianca'a Furry Friends (BFF) to remember their bulldog that Beth overfed and its heart exploded and the dog's ashes now reside in a giant urn in the master bedroom at Stalag Beth in the Hamptons. 

Yes, since May 2013 the public has been tasked with funding a building addition at the North Shore Animal League (NSAL) as a feline adoption center whereby Beth intercepts the donations via the BFF foundation and gives an undisclosed peanut portion to NSAL.

Beth has also been employed by NSAL for more than ten years as their much publicized chief fundraiser and national spokesperson. Pretty interesting that Howard Stern has to resort to once again begging the public for cash just to meet him and sit in on the show and take a tour of the studio all to benefit who? Howard and Beth Stern. They get a percentage of all donations to BFF and a portion of the public donations to NSAL go into Beth's salary as their paid spokesperson and chief fundraiser. So again, these apparent cash grabs by the Sterns more than prove they are hurting for money, as we wonder what the problem is that Howard has to scrounge around for dough and badger the public endlessly to donate to their foundation, a foundation that is allegedly campaigning to raise more public donations to build a cat adoption center at NSAL, something that does not exist and Beth has been badgering the public for dough for about four years now, and the cat adoption center will be called Bianca's Furry Friends, yet it will be funded by public donations. Another cash grab gimmick that will get the Sterns publicity, with no disclosure of why exactly they are going to the public in the first place to fund an adoption center with BFF on it, their personal foundation, yet they refuse to fund it. How low can these two go? 

Howard continues to push Beth's stupid useless paper products in the form of books and calendars all about Beth onto the public to benefit BFF and NSAL, yes to benefit Beth's salary and bump up Howard's dwindling paycheck with Sirius satellite radio. One wonders why the old fart has no cash, yet we wonder how many little mistakes are running around the country that popped out of test tubes and survived to reach their 21st birthday and popped into Trust Funds that were ready and waiting to silence the lambs.

Oh yes, Beth has enlisted her mother in the cat fostering gimmick and had the nerve to cart two cats she is fostering to her vacation cabin in Michigan. How convenient she came up with a few passengers so her trips can be paid by BFF with Beth as the master foster mom who organizes all these gimmicks so she doesn't have to dip into her personal allowance to fund her own goddamned trips around the country and that of her aged mother who for some reason always needs an income aside from juggling real estate deeds.

Beth has now extended her cat prison camps to Pittsburgh and carts cats between four locations and claims them as "rescue" missions that are paid via BFF and NSAL donations. Beth now has: Stalag Beth Manhattan, Hamptons, Florida, and now the Pittsburgh Pitt Stop with Judy O taking cats on vacation with her.

Beth's Stupidgram site has suddenly increased in views to each photo she uploads from her iPhone camera and more people are hitting that "like" button like their livelihoods depended on it and guess what, it does, otherwise they would be shoveling shit out of barns in Pakistan waiting for someone to drop a few rupees in their baskets.

The media mogul and superstar creator Simon Cowell is back in London taping the X Factor with judge Sharon Osbourne, who was fired, I mean quit over a money dispute with "America's Got Talent" (AGT) in 2013. We know Sharon also has that talk show irritatingly called "The Talk" as Howard Stern was simply dumped back onto his stale satellite radio show receiving zero offers to appear on television since he was jettisoned from his judging seat on AGT last year with Simon of course filling that vacant void left by the beweaved Howard Stern.

Howard continues to have problems dealing with the continued rise of the musical genius and famed director Rob Zombie who is back promoting another music video for a track off his new CD and is promoting his upcoming instant classic horror film "31" which is expected to hit theaters in September, with the trailer premiering on June 14.

1 comment:

  1. Love that Beth gave us the setting for that urn shoot by letting us know that her YSL sandals "helped to create the more serene feel of the shot" when in reality she looked like a mismatched moron. I don't see a picture of grief, I see a picture of a self-absorbed fruitcake.
