Monday, May 9, 2016

Solid Mediocrity

Howard Stern is very dependable, reliable, steady, routine, boring, mundane, mediocre, a flatliner and a major kiss ass to the old asses in charge of production. Oh, old farts love Howard Stern, that's their little era, remembering how they could all identify with the tall giant nerd with the huge nerf wig who was always chasing girls when everyone knew they didn't know which end was up on a girl's body and were only familiar with their own private parts sitting in those classrooms as a lonely pariah thinking that all that laughter directed at them meant they were class clowns instead of just the butt of everyone's joke.

Everyone is waiting for the
Howard-endorsed second
autobiography of Robin
Quivers documenting her
time on the Stern show and her
chats with those involved
with the daily radio show
and her fight for survival

with staged cancer. It will
include a giant chapter
praising Beth or Robin can
kiss her sweet pay raise
goodbye when Howard gets
off the can and finally 

gets Howard TV on
the Internet.
Howard is forced to stay with his satellite company who saved his ass from total obscurity and having to face the world alone as a webcaster, podcaster, whatever caster, and having to spend his own dollars on his own website and online video and audio streaming consisting of a radio show from his stupid apartment with a few village idiots with Felix the Tailor letting out his fat pants every month and Ralph the Stylist fluffing him up as he would have to get ready to broadcast from his iPad to paid subscribers, with Robin O Quivers sitting in her own apartment frying some ham and eggs on the grill while waiting for her cue to cackle at the stale jokes of a tired old DJ with his stale shock jock drivel. Howard knows he could never go independent. He would get only about 112 subscribers and have to charge one million per year per subscriber to fund his big lifestyle consisting of making the ex-wife jealous that he married an unknown cross eyed fug from Pittsburgh with his eldest daughter still crying in her pillow over lost future Trust Fund revenue.

Yep, it was Sirius satellie who saved Howard's ass since he was facing cancellations of his syndicated terrestrial radio show across the nation and salary cuts as well, so he ventured off onto a satellite which failed to gain any ground and was forced to merge with the XM satellite radio company yet they still fell into bankruptcy with having to be bailed out by Liberty Media paying over 500 million to acquire the company. Howard is owned by Sirius, big time, and has tried to get out of his contract by demanding about 300 million in extra dough for bringing in subscribers [he counted new cars sales and existing XM subscribers as his own "new" subscribers, a stunt that failed]. Howard is now stuck with Sirius at least for 12 years since they own his catalog of stale archived radio shows that contain such gems as interviews with Tabitha Stevens from 20 years ago. Wow, repeat gold.

More Prince news making the rounds with the National Enquirer recreating the death scene that showed the Purple Prince stumbling and falling dead in designer torn jeans in his elevator at Paisley Park and still wearing heels, yes, stylish to the end. There is a lesson in there somewhere. There are also other news outlets that dug up old court documents from an ex girlfriend who claimed [and Prince denied] that he had sex dungeons in his homes with girls in cages and he filmed the activities without their knowledge. Fast forward to now when he was discovered inside the elevator in his bedroom suite at Paisley Park. There are reports that his varied illnesses finally affected his brain and he had delusions he was being taken over or chased or whatever and needed to hide from the world while obsessing about his music right until the end with sources alleging he was cash poor due to an alleged cocaine addiction. As this blogger already stated, it was reported Will Smith was the last person to speak to Prince by telephone as we wonder if Prince was running from the scientologists [and he avoided Howard Stern, who has a steady parade of them into his satellite radio studio]. Prince knew to avoid the whole situation and tried to fight extradition to CA and face a scientology rehab center.

But, Prince couldn't stand Howard Stern or his stupid radio show or his stupid birthday show that Howard was forced to self produce so his company 112 Productions could report a work product for the quarter and Beth could be paid out of the corporation to keep her away from Howard's personal cash and keep her from raiding those Trust Funds. How embarrassing is that, throwing yourself your own 60th birthday party. But Beth knows that once Stern kicks the bucket, those Trust Funds are up for grabs, so the kiddies had better grab their cash now and be ready to battle with that gossip cop Beth who will leak Stern dirt to the press faster than her man hands can type an email and shoot it off to her aged mafia widow buddy Lois Pope and her tabloid henchmen in that tabloid filled Florida where Howard Stern only spends a few days each tax quarter in the basement Botox & Filler center to stave off the tax man by having a few cats stuffed in his luggage claiming he's a cat rescue worker.

Andy Cohen added his NY club buddy Beth Bethenny Frankel to his Sirius radio show line-up and he always looks out for his girl getting her back on the RHONY with a huge salary increase. She is now hosting a limited run live weekly show on Radio Andy. They are also Hamptons buddies and do everything together like true blue gal pals. It's rumored Cohen is on his way out of the Bravo family and that's why he let Bethenny back on before he's canned from the cable channel. I guess we have to Watch What Happens. Eat your heart out Howard, maybe iHeart Radio will have a spot for your loser format making fun of the gay community while wacking off to faux pedo porn and bragging about it with a wife that you visit for two days a week to pose for headline selfies with the newspaper in your hands. Right, your old fart format is on its way out since the infusion of Radio Andy and his line up of celeb hosts with tons going on, that is if Sirius is still around when Howard's five year contract is up anyway. Rumor has it, Sirius is tanking fast and will be bought out by another corporate cabal, but again, we have to Watch What Happens.

In the meantime, Beth is torturing her cats once again and overfeeding them and taking zero responsibility as she proves she is an unfit mother and loves making fun of her fat animals while she pushes chickens off her plate [according to Howard Stern] and scarfs down pizza and pasta with bottles of Clooney wine then dashing to the bathroom and then flying out head first while desperate to fit into her Spanx while waiting for her closeup on trading day at a local NY stock exchange company looking for some free press by donating a percentage of investors' cash to a few charities once a year. Big deal.

Charlie Boy is now Charlie Chunk with Yoda Chunk joining the pudgy group of the permanent prison cats living at Stalag Beth in the Hamptons with Yoda as the resident Beth O rules enforcer.

Nope, there's no camera in those phones, Beth. She is expected to show up again this year for the annual charity day for BTIG, global trading firm. Once Beth gets her hoof in the door, good luck getting rid of her, she will show up now every year forever. The company would have to stage a bankruptcy and close shop and move to a secret location to be free of Howard Stern's pariah he keeps foisting onto other people to make the bitch famous. Beth gets paid for these appearances as the useless spokesperson for the North Shore Animal League and we wonder how much cabbage she gets of the donated cash for the day, oh not donated by the stock trading company, they use investors' dough and count it as a charitable donation using other people's money. We can't wait to see what this power bottom couple will do next since the Hamptons crowd is tired of their shit and Beth has failed to launch in Florida as a society prion.

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