Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Purple Diamond

Coincidence? I think not. A rare purple diamond has been mined in Australia as just reported in the press and we know earlier this year Prince did a few performances in Australia where he was doing more intimate shows featuring himself and a piano with some ticket holders reporting that his behavior was a bit erratic, what with receiving reports that the singer Vanity had passed away and he dedicated a few songs to her and changed up some of the lyrics while cutting a few performances short of the standard two hours. Now some are saying the Purple One has been reincarnated as this beautiful purple diamond. If only Elizabeth Taylor were still with us, it would match the startling color of her eyes and would be very happy sparkling around her neck, a fitting resting place for Prince.

The 2.83 carat diamond is known as the Argyle Violet, and is expected to fetch about 2 million dollars if offered at auction in America, but most of the precious gems end up in the Middle East or Asia in the vaults of the richest people of this globe. Only 12 total carats of violet diamonds have been discovered over the past 30 years or so, making this violet solitaire a rarity indeed.

So what will Howard Stern be reincarnated as when he finally stops bothering everyone and buys the farm? Oh easy, fertilizer in a bone garden where he can play around with bones and ashes remembering the good ol' days on the E Channel when Howard was having fun fingering Debbie Tay postmortem feeding his necrophilia fetish with the wife who now panders to that by posing dead in her selfies on Instagram since no one but Beth poses with their eyes closed and head turned with their arms outstretched taking their own photo. Well, what about Beth? Oh god, no one wants her to be reincarnated and the gods are working overtime to stop their policy of reincarnating all humans automatically and will just make Beth their resident alarm should those fires of hell get a bit too hot.

Rob Reiner directs "Being Charlie" and rips off
"Ordinary People" a film by Robert Redford
who received a directing Oscar.
Howard Stern keeps producing scripted boredom on his stale satellite radio show and managed to score an interview no one wanted with Rob Reiner, the chronic depressed and depressing son of Carl Reiner. Rob, the spoiled rotten rich kid who got every break in show business even marrying the alleged bisexual sister of Garry Marshall that no one can stand to work with [Penny, the alleged raving bitch] so he could get his movie career going. He is now pushing his own scripted borefest to pander after his loser son Nick who wrote the movie with his boyfriend with daddy serving as director to buy his son's love with this movie that was screened last year at the Toronto International Film Festival called "Being Charlie" with the working title "Charlie and the Drug Factory". Thanks, I'll cry tomorrow over these pansy rich kids who fall into a life of homelessness and drug addiction, oh gosh, let's make a movie - suddenly Little Nicky is fine with it and back on track with his Trust Fund.

Did Howard Stern bring up his own past with his own loser rich kids? No? You remember, the rumors about his eldest daughter having a major drug overdose with other people saying it was the loser middle daughter od'ing on ecstasy since she was so happy to be the daughter of the racist and sexist on the radio, daddy Stern. Howard doesn't want to write a touching screenplay about how much his kids do nothing but badger him for more money for their Trust Fund accounts? We know Howard listens to the High Priestess Emily of the Naked Old Fart Photos where a swamp is considered artistic, not to mention a disturbing photo of a child hiding behind weeds in a pond.

Is this crap drawing and dumb photo a joke? Nope, sorry,  Emily has the same artistic ability as her father.

Photo by Emily Stern, who else.

What about that love story about how Howard and his first wife only communicated by telephone, and sometimes conversing only on the radio airwaves so the conversation could be recorded and used as evidence at a later date if needed. This would make an awesome addition in Howard's new book and movie deal, right? Providing the guy's got the dough, he can do anything he wants and can film it at that white elephant habitat in Florida. How fun will that be? He can let Beth play herself and pose in a tepid pool of water pretending she isn't terrified of bright sun light.

I'll stick with diamonds and pearls and leave the violets for another day.

1 comment:

  1. Since Beth is a "former model" she may be able to contribute insight regarding the class action suit against modeling agencies that treat 99% of the "modoes" like crap. CNN has an interesting article about the abuses:
