Sunday, May 1, 2016

Punch A Higher Floor

Oh, yeah, Beth is going for the gold this year and has punched a higher floor in her fame quest. Didn't Howard Stern plug his mare yet on his stale satellite radio show about her big new cable TV guest appearance? No? Well, a few weeks ago Beth was in New York taping a segment for the yet to be released latest flop of that fug faced mush mouth that we all have to pretend is funny since she was born with a silver spoon in her mug and married a political leprechaun George Stephanopoulooupous, the small little person with a huge head under that hair piece along with that massive ego who allegedly slept with, yes, Hillary Clinton the alleged soon to be President but it won't last since her head did explode in public several years ago and insiders are skeptical that her health will withstand the excitement of actually being not just the First Lady of America but the President of America and well, we have to wonder who will be the VP of the nation since that person will actually serve out her term of office. Oh yes, but we can't wait for George, that small person with the fug face and irritating wife and kids to actually be appointed to a very high position in Hillary's cabinet where he will fit perfectly perched on one of the shelves in the Oval Office if not a piece of work hanging from a wall or planted in a pot on her credenza.

Beth taped a segment of the Ali Wentworth show called "Nightcap" and the cable channel called Pop [co-owned by CBS] ordered 10 episodes of this shit. Some articles are calling the show "Traci from Nightcap", which is Ali as a producer of a fictional talk show and it's an alleged comedy as it shows the goings on of putting together a talk show and it will feature celebrities, so you wonder how much dough 112 Productions coughed up to get their star client a guest appearance as a so-called celebrity with Beth looking scary, like a dazed zombie since she is in shock having to remain vertical for more than two hours at one time. Supposedly she filmed her segment on April 13. Howard can probably count it as a charitable donation since she will no doubt plug Howard Stern and their kitten prison camp in the Hamptons all to benefit the charity that pays Beth to plug them nonstop, the North Shore Animal League (NSAL).

Beth is not giving up her day job just yet as an irritating Real Housewife of Instagram since her cheapskate hubby refuses to set her up with her own website and her own show along with a merchandising empire since well, the empire has no subjects only a huge football headed leader.

Beth meditates so much on her fame quest she is growing a third eye out of her head unless that small bump in the middle of her forehead is her microchip so if she gets lost, a horse doctor can scan her head and send her to the glue factory [Howard has that chip programmed for that and Beth thinks it's the address to her Manhattan kitten processing HQ].

Beth was busy again in her phony Florida mansion financed by god knows who but we loved the old stories about Beth and her uncle and his problems with handling a deal to build a racetrack in Florida [BFP August 4, 2015]. A bunch of the O Family are in the real estate game and always have problems getting licenses and permits and we wonder what games they played on Howard who sits in a white elephant Florida mansion with nothing to do for a few weeks out of the year and is generally ignored outside of New York since he is part of the working class and not the idle rich. Beth is banished to only the sections that are open, meaning the outdoor areas, the cat adoption room, the Botox basement and the bar area. Howard is rarely seen since he is mostly bloated from his latest round of Frankenstein procedures while playing with tape recorders trying to piece together his interviews for his stale satellite radio show. 

Beth travels around thinking she is famous sitting in her Florida mansion and posing in a swimming pool hiding her fat lower body and huge legs and actually counts traveling to her various properties as "appearances", or jobs, gigs, as a famous person in her brain and then has the photos posted on Instagram. Howard and Beth are also well-known tireless cheapskates housing a few captured cat photo props that are transported back and forth to the Hamptons instead of placed in real foster homes as Beth likes to document on her social media sites. 

Do Howard and Beth finance anything? Well, yeah, as reported on this blog, Howard gave $5,000 to NSAL when Beth participated in the NY City marathon in 2008 so her training could be paid for by NSAL so she could fit into that huge bottomed wedding dress. Howard's into numerology, big time, since he's an idiot who seems to like the number 5 as well as 4 [in multiples of three], 12, and 112. They don't give an exact dollar amount of the donations since it would be embarrassing to the person, but Howard is in the 5,000 dollar range when we know it was an even 5,000. The organization is the Animal Rescue Fund of the Hamptons [what else]. Punch a higher number, Howard. Stop being a cheap SOB, but then you've got that personality disorder to deal with, that syndrome, COJO [Cheap, Obnoxious Jerk-Off].

Better watch your step in those elevators, since it has been reported that is where Prince was found already dead according to a 9-1-1 call where nobody at Paisley Park knew the address of the place and finally medical rescue techs were on the scene to say, yes, Prince is dead. A lot of celebs have trouble in an elevator what with that Beyonce and Solange episode in 2014 when they were on their way to the annual Met Gala event in NY and a fight broke out with Jay-Z looking a bit dazed and confused since he had to keep his fists in his pockets since everything was being taped.

Princess Diana spent her final moments on earth going up and down in an elevator in a ritzy Paris Hotel owned by her boyfriend's dad before meeting the Fates in a tunnel and she is now reigning in her heavenly realm barking orders at the paparazzi making sure they get her best side.

Shia LaBeouf the Broadway heckler who was thrown out of the theater during a performance of Cabaret a few years ago [or more] has a talk show in an elevator going nowhere fast. Shia and his friends and guests ride in an elevator for 24 hours as part of Oxford University's project called #ELEVATE. I don't see this ending well as we wonder why Beth hasn't booked a ride yet. We know Jennifer Love Hewitt won't book it since she hates elevators and is having none of it.

Artsy Rihanna loves posing in elevators as she posted this photo on her Instagram site for her real fans and not paid cat club followers from the outer limits.

Beth has made an appearance in an elevator back in 2012 at xmas at an obscure event at some medical center to benefit animals had gotten a call back to another elevator in a photo that was posted on her Instagram site looking horrendously bad and sans those false eyelashes, well, a bit of a laser treatment around those eyelids and I guess you can't risk the eyelash glue yet. She just landed back in NY and had to race to a Stern family event for Emily Stern and her crap photography showing at a gallery, since that is what horses do, they race around a track in a circle until they drop from exhaustion.

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