Sunday, April 24, 2016

Numbers Game

Photo by Randee of Prince on Charles Bridge in
Prague. His legendary 21 nights at London's 02
Arena reportedly earned the superstar $22 million.
Of course any Prince fan knows of his famous 21 sold-out nights performing at London's 02 Arena in 2007 which was the subject of a book by Prince called "21 Nights" with photos by the famous celebrity photographer Randee St. Nicholas. Prince rehearsed about 130 songs since he wanted each night of the show unique for fans, so the setlist was a bit different each night. Michael Jackson was going to try and break Prince's record at London's 02 Arena by doing 50 nights of concerts in 2009 through 2010, but he died before the attempt was launched. Randee claimed that Prince needed almost no re-touching in her photographs, that he was naturally photogenic and never aged during her 18 years of working with him. 

Prince was an incredible performance artist as well as a master at production and he always wanted to leave audiences with something to talk about, creating a more than memorable experience for fans. Prince did a few book party promotions on both coasts for "21 Nights" and we know Howard and Beth Buttinsky claimed to be personally invited to attend the book party in New York in which Prince actually performed two concerts in one night as a part of his book promotion. No I won't rehash Howard's antics for that evening that he has talked about forever on his satellite radio show when he said he left early in a huff since he claimed Prince had the lights turned off while Beth was whining that she had to be up early anyway because she had a date to gallop around the park since she was in training to run in that NY City Marathon, which was a gimmick to get Beth's training paid by the North Shore Animal League (NSAL), the charity that Beth works for and receives an annual salary. Beth's wedding was on October 3, 2008, so she was already Mrs. Stern during this Prince private party. But she needed to lose some pounds so she could fit her wide body and fat thighs into that hilariously fugly wedding dress and had to look good for her wedding in a bar at Le Cirque restaurant in New York. NSAL paid for all of Beth's big marathon training so Howard wouldn't need to spend a dime on getting that mare trimmed down for the wedding in a bar so all the drunks in attendance would be impressed that Howard married a girl under 150 lbs. She ran in the NY city marathon on November 2, 2008 and received a participation medal but thought she really won a competitive medal because she's stupid.

Howard claimed Prince turned off all the lights while performing when photos prove otherwise. Maybe the audience was in darkness, but not the stage as Howard's stories for his radio audience are always rambling and bizarre and he tries to be edgy when he is just ignored in the press with no mention [that I could find] that there was any drama created by Howard that he yelled at Prince to turn on the lights or any such thing occurred and apparently was only said to Beth who wanted to go home anyway since she's a nerd girl married to an old fart who wouldn't know good music even if it yanked his weave off his head.

Photo below is from that concert on October 10, 2008, Prince performs at the Hotel Gansevoort where Howard said the room was in complete darkness and he and Beth walked out [and nobody cared]. You can see it was not completely dark and Howard is again telling tall tales for his stale listener of his satellite radio show. Howard was mad Prince ignored him, while Howard had the nerve to complain when he got in free, when the concert was for charity. How much did you donate Howard? Zero point zero?

Good thing Princess Beth Stern could make it to her big training session in prep for the NY city marathon which was weeks after the October 10 Prince concert where they had to leave early because Howard said it was dark and Beth said she had to get up early to train for a marathon [and pretend she's famous]. Beth was so happy to see her name in print after completing the marathon on November 2, 2008.

Speaking of Beth's age - oh yeah, she was born in 1969. Howard Stern planted this publicity item in the New York Post to brag to his "wife" Alison about Beth and goofs it up a bit. Howard has since changed Beth's birth date from 1969 to 1972, and now claims that Beth played Ben Stiller's "love interest" in the film "Flirting With Disaster", which is an outright lie. Beth only played one of his supposed sisters in the film, since Stiller was searching for his birth mother and siblings.

Beth has many fake stories throughout her long and boring rise to fame with a divorced and dejected DJ with tanking radio ratings. Beth never did become famous but she is a famous storyteller, since that alleged explosion and cave-in that happened to her apartment never happened, it never made it into the local or national papers or on television when these kinds of news items are always reported, especially in local news reports, and especially would be reported about the publicized girlfriend of the NY morning zoo talk radio host Howard Stern. 


I will leave you with the image of the naturally beautiful Queen Latifah as we await more fun and spin from the King & Queen of all bullshit, Howard and Beth Stern.

#prince  #nymarathon  #randee #latifah


  1. In the October 2000 article in the Post, Howard said he asked Beth out because she knew Ben Stiller. That's some standard he's got there for dating women.

    Great work, DBM, on the fascinating piece of Prince's history. I think when Howard and Beth walked out on Prince's performance at the Gansevoort, it was not about the dim lighting (which they should have been immensely grateful for) but that Howard (a Mountain man at heart) could not bear being that close to greatness and so he ran, and missed out on a musical experience of a lifetime.

  2. I would love to get to the bottom of the story of how and where they met. It seems like Barf was escorting...I mean on a date with some South African guy. Seems very escortish she's on a date with someone from out of town at a fancy dinner party. Anyways, angel Beef ditched her date to flirt with plug head how nice!
