Sunday, May 22, 2016

Jelly Anyone?

Do-nothing Beth who makes a living off of public donations to her personal foundation, Bianca's Furry Friends (BFF) and the donations to the charity where she gets a salary for doing nothing but shilling for them on TV talk shows, the North Shore Animal League (NSAL), always says on her reality show called The Real Housewife of Instagram, that she wants to know who is jealous of her, yet she doesn't name names. I guess "we" have to be jealous of her do-nothing lifestyle where she documents her rarely vertical lonely life of an ignored pariah on Instagram where she makes fun of her own cats that she overfeeds and forces them into veterinary care before they croak. Yep, Beth documented another Saturday where she shows her paid Instagram followers she's an ignored pariah who's snubbed in the Hamptons and in Florida whenever she is there for a tax write-off vacation with kittens stuffed in her purse with Howard Stern desperate to pretend he is wealthy while counting Beth's selfies with a cat photoshopped in is charity work as he runs and hides from tabloid reporters who wonder how he got stuck with Beth in the first place with his eldest loser daughter Emily saying Beth was a model [insert laughter].

You know, Instagram, that free site Howard Stern uses to make his aging wife famous since he refuses to fund her own TV series, her own reality show, or her own animal show on television and uses that free site showing Beth always on the floor doing a lot of nothing yet badgering the public for money to build a proposed cat adoption center at NSAL instead of using her own money while bragging about her wealth while her stooge husband sits and waits for his limo ride back to the Village away from Crazy Town and Crazy Ass Beth. Hey, Howard isn't spending his own money on her, yet they have both deemed themselves celebrities that promote no charities but the ones they make money off of, yes NSAL and BFF. You know NSAL, where the rich do-nothings dump their purebred inbred animals, the ones that don't sell, or when they need a bunch of feral cats cleared off their properties to build their homes, much like what Beth did herself when Howard bought some property in the Hamptons since losing his marital Hamptons home to the ex-wife where it was sold and Howard had to find a new place in the Hamptons so that Beth can barge into parties and attempt to get into the free magazines available at the Hamptons real estate offices. Oh yes, the bulldozers killing all those pesky creatures on their vacant lot was worth it to make way for the builders to start on their love nest with their alleged chick being shuttled around so no one could track it and was supposedly raised in California, Connecticut and Pittsburgh. But, Howard had to buy property in both the Hamptons and Florida or Beth wouldn't get into those free awesome lifestyle magazines or free newspaper inserts in the Sunday papers. 

Howard announced on his satellite radio show that "our"
cousin Noel Clare graduated from college to name drop it was with Tiffany Trump.

Let's try and jelly each other into oblivion. Beth's jelly of DBM who blogs about her because it's as easy as shooting chickens in a cage and then pushing them off her plate. Beth's jelly because the BFP gets more hits than her barren ghost town called The Beth Stern Fanpage Facebook site that has had zero content since December 2015 where some lost person posted a comment asking if Beth has any more book signings for "Yoda Gets a Buddy" when all Beth got was ONE book signing in a basement in Jersey somewhere with a few drones standing around wondering who the wigged selfie monster was clomping down the staircase with a mad woman screaming her name - yes, Beth has one fan that we know of who is not a convicted felon [including her own father Dr. Dental Dam] and that is Mariann From Brooklyn who is on the Stern payroll. Beth continues to badger Howard to reignite her website, which is another ghost town since her first book debacle in 2010, but he refuses to pay for anything and he knows she has no real fans anyway so why bother.

With Beth's latest Yoda the cat book about his blind buddy [who had to be forcibly taken from Beth's clutches since it was dying of something and Beth never said what it was and its vet had to keep the cat for good since Beth is an unstable pseudo foster mother], Howard knew not to order a million cases this time since he is still stuck with Beth's first two books, "Oh My Dog" featuring plagiarized downloaded dog first aid info from the Internet and then the first Yoda the Cat book which failed to get included at the Hamptons Library Author's Night in 2015 [the book came out in late 2014] and now the Sterns are dumping them onto school systems along the Eastern seaboard like there's no tomorrow, and there won't be unless Howard can conjure up some way to make a profit off the sinkhole swamp land he bought named Beth O.

Gosh, I was so busy being jealous of Beth's boring Saturday I forgot to be jealous of her stupid Sunday where she devises ways to dump more cats onto real foster homes and clear the decks for more cats to fill her empty life and fill her football head with delusions she has a bargaining tool to get more of the Stern dough out of that fridge where her assets will be frozen once it's discovered that she faked a DNA test years ago. So much is on the horizon to be jealous of where Beth is concerned I might need to seek advice on how to glue cats to my body and photograph it for the tax man so I can get a bit of tax relief for the ride to the harbor where the yacht is docked. Hey, it might be worth a try.


  1. Hi DBM,
    Boeuf is the epitome of a do-nothing-bitch as described by Ronda Rousey

  2. We love u dame beth man! Keep giving us the inside scoop on that wig wearing fraud Howie! Ur blog rules, I check it out all the time! I always wonder how many people check this site out, and that gets me thinking about the stern show staff. They definitely read this regularly. If so..... Jason ur a disgusting slob, will Murray please get aids n die, and Benny, ur whole life is just schtick, how sad is that. Seriously, get a wife and have a kid, do something meaningful in life instead of hang around ivy superuser. Keep it up DBM we're rooting for you!
