Friday, May 20, 2016


On stage atmosphere at
the amfAR benefit, France 5-19-16.
Cannes is the place to be and that's why you will never find aged cheapskates like Howard and Beth Stern. It's where the beautiful people are and where the generous people are since Howard Stern never shows up to any benefit where it involves himself handing over cash to a worthy cause and not just handing out Beth's shit bogus children's books or stupid airbrushed photos of themselves, the D-List Duo where Howard loves the love sets with himself and Beth with the iPhone camera all set to go and then he races to erase their features in the iPhone laboratory so he can release some hilarious blurry photos of themselves on the Internet or in free shit magazines and everyone laughs at them behind their backs. So, there you go, secret revealed, they are being laughed at behind their backs. The beautiful Heidi Klum of course was at the annual amfAR benefit in France that is held in conjunction with the Cannes Film Festival and always takes the podium since she is an outspoken supporter of many causes that benefit children and the rest of humanity worldwide, receiving awards from the Red Cross and UNICEF and lends her support and caring beauty to countless amfAR events along with her billionaire boy toy Vito Schnabel.


Flashback Friday to another famous lady who is also a current judge on "America's Got Talent", Mel B, who was invited by Prince to interview him at Paisley Park in 1998 and we got a bit of a tour of the studio with the doves in a cage and the playground outside. 

Let's not forget to feel sorry for Howard Stern who never got that interview with Prince so Howard could find out how big his penis was yet rumor has it, that he has been trying to reach Mike Walker from The National Enquirer to get details of the deceased Purple Prince's private parts. Yes, anyone who has heard any of the Howard Stern radio show drivel knows about Howard's obsession with that organ while claiming it proves he is the straightest married man on Earth while his constant companions are Felix the Tailor and Ralph the Stylist with Beth the wife on lock down at Stalag Beth in the Hamptons badgering kittens almost to death and posting dozens of photos per day of the same cats on Instagram and expecting a different result. Yes, she expects a TV show out of all that cat shit when all she got was her show on Instagram where any dimwit can post selfies ad nauseam and Beth's the biggest dimwit of them all with her wit getting dimmer with each passing year of not being famous. 

Howard even has a purple couch in his studio hoping Prince would consent to an interview with Howard but Prince never hit rock bottom, he never went bankrupt and had to perform with Train or have a clothing line at KMart like that scientology-looking hair transplant wonder who gave Beth a free denim vest and she had the nerve to wear it instead of burning it or giving it to her cross eyed cousin Noel Coward Clare Ostrosky Ostrosky....who's your daddy honey? Robin Elizabeth Ostrosky? Your mom who had gender reassignment surgery and is now called daddy? The cousin with two moms and a sperm donor? Just asking, no offense intended or implied. But I think there's a Hallmark TV movie in there somewhere if Beth would sell the story to Hollywood I think they would buy it. Maybe ask Chaz Bono to play Robin.

Prince had taste and style and wouldn't put up with Howard who loves crap music no one has heard of from 1970. I mean, just what is Cream other than a Prince song that Howard has never heard of? I guess Howard hates music anyway since it fights with the voices in his pyramid weave. It's like blogging about watching grass grow as you wonder how much money you might make once it's legalized with abandon and your eyes puff up like those bags under the crossed eyes of Howard's prize he won at the Pittsburgh Fairgrounds.

Another flashback Friday item remembering how great Cher was and is and today she turns 70 years old. She is ageless and timeless and never gets old and stale but is effortlessly beautiful as she continues to turn back time and rise above the Howard Stern show. Gawd, she knew to avoid him. So far, she isn't signing any interview agreement to allow Howard to make money off of her interview throughout infinity. Oh yes, those celebrities interviews via the now canceled E Channel cable television show when they taped Howard's daily radio show, then Howard TV, all canceled, where Howard made money off reruns of his celebrity interviews and how much did the stars get for those reruns? How about zero? Howard is struggling to get his taped daily radio shows back on television or on the Internet without embarrassing himself with getting only 112 subscribers. He loves trying to get paid twice for one show. Yes, he does his daily borefest then wants it to be broadcast so he is paid twice for one so-called performance. Nice trick, he has been doing it for some time until he had to go to a subscription based service that lasted a few years due to lack of subscribers to support the channel. So there you have it, or don't so Howard now just tapes everything hoping there are village idiots who will pay to see the Rod Stewart interviews or a washed up has-been sink into that purple couch and try and convince everyone they really were famous back in the day.

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