Typical disturbing and demented photo of Beth in the NY Daily News accompanying an article from 2014 by Marianne Garvey, a paid stooge of Howard Stern who is now gone from the paper and so are these photos of Beth that took up half the page.
Beth and Howard think the photo promotes shelter animal adoption when in fact, it's a photo of a desperate housewife trying to prove she's a real model when she's just jealous of real models who are featured in Sports Illustrated magazine or Victoria's Secret catalogs. This photo was what led Garvey down that path to the unemployment line. No one could take it. The scary wife of Howard Stern was sending the paper into bankruptcy. Put it away Beth, nobody is buying. It's Heidi Klum with the major lingerie line with her name on it and her gorgeous body in all the ads, not you.

Yes, Beth is stuck with the cats and throws them around her selfie cage in the Hamptons as she is on constant lockdown to make sure she doesn't gallop out of her prison and make it to a tabloid reporter who will offer her a safe haven in exchange for the big wig and gown secrets of an aged radio dinosaur who can't quit his corporate gig or the money train will derail and he will be stuck until infinity with that thing he had to marry and have to sell off all of his properties save for that little village apt with Beth screaming at him to get her back on television.
This is an actual disturbing photo from the Howard Stern show Facebook site and I don't know the context, since it looks like a Flat Howard in the photo or John Mellencamp is 6'5". Howard's features are blurred with the left eye erased in the photo. You can see he is desperate to be young with that facelift and wig monster attached to his head. I love the model pose of Howard who thinks he's pretty cute when he really looks like a pretty cute passion fruit.
Howard and Beth love to brag about their real estate when it's all corporate digs aside from his personal dug out with the village people since about October 2015. You see, Howard can't stand that raging banshee either, I mean, we all have to suffer through her endless selfies where she tries to fit that entire football head of hers into her iPhone camera when Steve Jobs never envisioned a huge Martian headed football with pea eyes would want to take selfies every single day when she does nothing and is famous for nothing and grabs a few cats along her fame quest hoping someone would take a look at her since her solo visage is so frightening that Rob Zombie has so far refused to put Beth in one of his films. I mean, he has a bad enough time trying to get an R rating on his movies and with Miss Fright Face with the huge head in it, well, the film could only be shown in underground bunkers in Korea.
Love the public photos of Miss Noel Eclair Ostrosky with the two moms as she sure resembles that "cousin" Beth....oops, just spit out my tea.
Beth is still kissin' celebrity ass trying to get attention from Lena Dunham whose television show should soon be thrown off the air and we hope to have a break from a girl with the ghostwritten autobiography filled with tall tales as she again ignores the feral cats and will only touch the purebred ones. I guess pudge monsters won't touch the common cats but want the purest breeds to grace their selfies. We remember last year Beth scored a purebred Sphynx cat stolen from another state claiming she had to rescue it and flew down to Florida for that big Lois Pope event where local shelter cats weren't good enough, they had to fly in a bunch of cats from other states looking for purebred ones to give away to celebrities. [http://www.palmbeachdailynews.com/news/news/local/furry-landing-lois-pope-beth-stern-welcome-60-resc/nmRfp/#sthash.FEcJIcHT.dpuf]
Purebred Cornish Rex that was stolen, I mean, rescued from a breeder, I mean, from a municipal animal shelter and the boys who adopted it named it Lena.
Based on what Noël Clare wrote on her Instagram ("feeling the most based hybrid of relaxed and turnt"), I would guess she's a hybrid of Beth and Emily.