Sunday, April 10, 2016

The Sky Is Falling

Howard Stern must think the sky is falling or at least the roof over his head is in doubt and shouldn't be trusted as he was hiding under a thick knit cap suitable for escaping whatever fate awaits him at Stalag Beth in the Hamptons aside from dealing with another crop of hair being planted in his once again thinning head. 

Everyone remembers those long days and nights in the Hamptons years ago when he was never photographed without a stupid hat pulled down over his eyes and barely able to wear those giant glasses since he was hiding hair plugs, as Howard always said about other people. He used to always say all those guys sitting around indoors with a cap pulled down tight over their head meant they had fresh transplants that they hoped would take root.

Photos above posted on Beth's Instagram on April 7 & 8.

Howard is always photographed at Stalag Beth in the Hamptons fully clothed ready for travel with a big coat and sitting near the entryway ready to skate out in all kinds of weather in the dead of night for fear of the Demon Jailer Beth O'Stern who might hack off some body parts or someone might end up with his lifeless body thrown into the bushes much like the fate of most of Beth's cats lately, the ones she is so-called "fostering" or the ones she keeps, I don't know which ones have it worse, I guess it's the ones she keeps. The cat Beth makes fun of by naming him "Charlie Chunk" had a chunk taken out of his body after Bethie allowed him to be overfed and obese and now has a vet hacking off body parts with yet another cancer scare as we remember Apple the Cancer Cat who recently died and Beth didn't care a bit about it, no foundation no honors no nothing and Howard didn't even mention it on his radio show, oh, but he had phony tears for Bianca the Bulldog since he was setting up a big foundation called Bianca's Furry Friends so the public could fund Beth's do-nothing lazy ass lifestyle and Howard could get some tax relief. 

Photo posted on Beth's Instagram 4-9-16 and she labeled it
"Chunk out of Chunk" because she's obnoxious and makes fun of the cats
she overfeeds because she has no clue how to take care of any
animals not housed in cages and fed constantly until fat enough
 to be slaughtered for human food.

If anyone has the stomach can check out Beth's daily Instagram of horror featuring eyeless cats, legless cats, earless cats, and god know what else aside from her feral cat she named "Wonky", who was found dead in the bushes just off to the side of the long driveway months ago. Beth makes fun of the animals in her care and then wonders why they are fat or dead with only Bianca the Bulldog [another obese animal in her care] who died of unknown causes and Beth had it incinerated in record time with Howard's youngest daughter flying into the city to say good-bye to her dog that was already gone with Howard not having the courage to travel to the Hamptons to see his so-called beloved dog before it was euthanized upon the orders of Frau Beth. You see, it all happened when Howard was in Manhattan as usual during the work week and he only visits crazy town on the weekends. That is why Howard refuses to retire from satellite radio or cut back his hours or days, claiming he is forced to work a 3-day work week, then he claims to be bombarded with business meetings the rest of the time. Why? He's as afraid of Beth as anyone, right? Why would a self-proclaimed mogul with no mortgages have to work about 12 hrs per week on the air, plus another 12 hours per week in meetings, then more time with his show prep [pre-recording just about everything you hear on his stale radio show], and then he has to find time to fire a few back office staff that write snarky comments under fake names on message boards and to online articles about he or Beth, and his week is pretty full and barely has time for a few date-stamped newspaper selfies with the wife before jumping in his limo back into the city. Whew, I'm exhausted just thinking about it. Poor guy, he needs to hide in his Florida mansion but Beth has a blow torch anyway and that safe room ain't none too safe from the Great Dictator who has taken over his life. I might cry...tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Great photo of Beth's frighteningly huge choppers and little slit eyes - and she thinks she's a model. Meanwhile Howard looks like he's ready to knock over a convenience store at a moment's notice.
