Monday, April 11, 2016

Still In Demand

Howard and Beth Stern? Jerry Lewis, the King of Comedy is back on film in a movie called "Max Rose" and the premiere was on April 10 in New York sans the Buttinsky Twins since they are famous for nothing and have no business attending anything featuring the great Jerry Lewis. The film was screened at Cannes in 2013 and it's about an aged pianist remembering his life and that maybe his recently deceased wife of 50 years had not been faithful to him. We hope this isn't a thinly disguised biopic of Howard Stern when he finally has to be moved into a care facility for aged ass holes who thinks that Beth was not as faithful as a hound dog with Howard senile thinking that radio is a new medium and that anyone wants to see it televised via the Internet. Well, that's not radio is it, it's called video, and Howard keeps trying to sell his radio show as a TV show since a real TV talk show featuring himself has only resulted in him getting his ass kicked off the air due to him having no talent and Howard staring into a camera showing off his latest round of plastic surgery isn't really entertainment. 

Jerry Lewis in NY on April 10. The funnyman
turned 90 years old on March 16.

The program centers on dogs who have been
traumatized because of abuse, abandonment or are from
puppy mills. A 9 million dollar center to house such
dogs will open in North Carolina next year and
many of the rehabilitated dogs will be
placed in permanent homes.
What else? Everyone knows that Howard and Beth Stern promote or support nothing unless they somehow can make a buck off of it or it gets Beth's mug on television. Of course the Animal Planet wants nothing to do with the aged fame hagatha Beth O and she was not invited to an exclusive premiere screening of "Second Chance Dogs", a special that will be aired on the Animal Planet cable TV channel. The screening was held in NY on April 10 in conjunction with the ASPCA's 105th anniversary. Instead, Beth is stuck at Stalag Beth in the Hamptons as usual posting a bunch of photos of the same group of cats as if that somehow proves she does anything but visit the kitten room once a day for a bunch of selfies that are then uploaded randomly on Instagram and it's just the borefest that has become her life. She also loves posting goober photos of herself and her family members as if it proves anything other than it looks like Beth's parents were cousins. Beth is obviously past her "Sell By" date and once she spotted Howard Stern her long time of sitting on a shelf was finally over and she scored a big fish tourist attraction with tons of family members on the payroll, but hey, beggars can't be choosers but it got the O family some financial relief just in time to save Daddy O from a lifetime in a federal prison since a fool and his money are soon parted and Howard was parted with some dough to bail the old guy out of trouble and Howard got stuck with the bait.

Hunger Magazine April 2016
Heidi Klum? Oh, yeah, still in demand as she is featured in the 10th issue of the 5th year anniversary of Hunger Magazine in an amazing layout, something that Beth O would never be invited to do since she's not famous and married a radio has-been aside from the fact she was never a mainstream model or actress or anything but a plus sized model from Pittsburgh. 

Heidi is drop dead gorgeous, I mean, Howard couldn't take it and imploded with those hair transplanted weaves shrinking into oblivion and he no longer has the "America's Got Talent" (AGT) budget to replant anything on his head or plant any more publicity items in the NY Daily News featuring full page photos of Beth's monstrously hideous freakish proportions.

Hunger Magazine April 2016

Heidi was also featured in Hunger Magazine in an awesome layout in 2013:

Hunger Magazine 2013

Howard? Oh he wants it both ways. He pretends to be in demand by paying for his own publicity items, but this time it backfired. I am sure everyone might remember the publicity piece about Howard that was printed in The National Enquirer back in January of this year. The article was about Miss Half A Brain who got the bright idea to be angry that Howard re-signed with Sirius satellite radio for another five years of taping that drivel and that she wanted him home with her since he also quit AGT.

Okay - so, if you read the article, it claims that if Beth were to pursue a divorce, that it would be a "$600 million divorce". So what is that? Howard's net worth? Beth's portion of the prenuptial agreement? If Beth signed a prenup, the dollar amount and property settlement is already laid out and it would hardly equal $600 million. There would be practically nothing at stake, the stake is already in a barbecue and burnt beyond recognition. 

Howard always said publicly on his radio show that he and Beth have a prenup, so this article does not confirm that and it calls into question whether Beth signed a prenup or not, right? If she didn't then yes, $600 million would be at stake providing Howard has that kind of dough and it's not just inflated for this publicity piece, as inflated as his permed weave and ego. It has been alleged by insiders, that Howard takes home roughly $40-$50 million per year solely from his radio job and this alleged $600 million is a fantasy figure but then again, did Beth and Howard sign a pre-nup or not? If you rely on The National Enquirer, the answer would be no.

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