Thursday, April 7, 2016

Howard Stern - Star Maker Failure

Howard Stern has an over 20 year record of being a television failure and producing nothing that has been a hit and has never discovered any talent or made anyone a star except for Stuttering John Melendez who went on to become The Tonight Show announcer for Jay Leno. But really, you can't count John as a "star" he's just a sideshow oddity who Jay hired to make Howard mad. 

The only so-called success in Howard's life was due to the producers of the original E cable channel, when they decided to just film Howard's daily live radio show and split it into two half hour episodes, normally airing one current show and one rerun. Howard could do nothing to muck it up. Finally, the shock jock days were over but Howard wouldn't stop bothering people so the E Channel canceled his show and moved into the reality show business by airing "The Girls Next Door" featuring the daily lives of the girls living at the Playboy Mansion and it proved to be a hit, a much bigger hit than Howard Stern's cable TV show ever was.

Howard wears makeup and
notice the disappearing eyebrows
since he is frequently in drag.
Howard was eventually forced off free radio since his show was being canceled across the nation and he was facing pay cuts, fines, etc., for his so-called indecent material when in fact, the nation had moved on from his stupid shock jock High School antics and radio stations were looking for excuses to dump the over paid old man Howard Stern. This happened especially after the first wife dumped his ass and he was stuck with his live-in NY club girl hanger-on, Backstage Bethie, and his radio show ratings on free radio [where they actually have ratings] took a huge nose dive. Now he's been dumped on that pay radio corporate cloud that needs filler believe it or not, and provides tons of junk to attract someone to its channels other than the block of subscriptions purchased by corporate America and purchased by the huge car companies that stick it in new cars for a trial period hoping the new car owner will pay for the useless content save for a few music channels and Radio Andy.

Beth wonders why people call
her "Horse Face Ostrosky".
Howard failed at making Beth a star because she is remarkably untalented with a weird face and a body that looked like it had been run over and pieced together by Dr. Frankenstein. When Howard admitted defeat and had to admit he was stuck with Beth he would trot her in and out of Nobu in front of photogs who could dig up nothing about her past since she was an unknown nobody until a few of her fat plus sized modeling photos appeared across the Internet. We all have fun looking at those fat photos to this day since Howard lies [I know, not a lie if you believe it] that he hooked up with a famous global model while producing zero photos to prove it. 

I am sure everyone has seen these photos, it's "Tan Mom" Patricia Krentcil and Beth O. No wonder Howard had Tan Mom on his show and allowed her to stumble and crawl on the red carpet at his birthday show, probably to shut her up while making sure the world knew she was nuts in case she decided to tell the tabloids about going on the same cattle calls as Beth back in the day. You just pay an agent or modeling agency to take the standard canned photos and you hope to get work somewhere. Howard eventually became an iPhone photographer to take a million photos of his aged pariah since she was being ignored en masse and Howard had to prove he married a model, a model with a goofy face and thick body, a model sitting around on her ass 24/7 groping kittens. Other than MagicSilk fucking ugly lingerie, Beth has modeled for 112 Productions posing for photos no one wanted and have been printed only in publicity articles paid by Howard Stern. His production company recently has produced Howard's birthday and his appearances at celebrity weddings and funerals. Poor Beth had it rough at the starting gate having to hoof it herself to The Big Apple with her daddy eventually having a meet and greet with federal officers while trying to support his filly until putting her in a claiming race where Howard bought her and has tried to make her famous ever since. We see how that went. She's got a blogger making fun of her entire life. Now that's success.

Beth has the same portfolio photos as the famous "Tan Mom":

Beth was finally launched by Howard when she did her first so-called official interview that was for a free newspaper available on the streets of New York where pigeons and wandering homeless nomads could snatch it to pack their nests. Since Beth was a famous unknown nobody, no mainstream news outlet or magazine cared to interview her. We know the rest, her daddy became more famous than Beth at one point when he became a convicted felon and decided to suddenly surrender his dental license to PA state authorities. Howard never addressed that on his radio show since he can't face reality, that he scored a fugly nobody whose daddy has a record. Cover up and hide.

Howard kept auditioning for
America's Got Talent but
no one discovered him. The show
fled back to Los Angeles without
leaving a forwarding address.
Here we go, "America's Got Talent" (AGT) is finally free of that TV ratings killer Howard Stern. Simon and his "Fantastic Four" have been doing tons of interviews since everyone is in shock the shock jock went away quietly with his tail between his saggy thighs and admitted defeat since his contract was up and Howard couldn't threaten any lawsuits and had no bargaining or negotiations, AGT just packed up and moved back to Los Angeles knowing that a community property state is Kryptonite to Howard. As I have said, it's okay for Beth to earn a meager living selling meagers [Take The Money and Run] in Los Angeles since Howard gets half of her dough for her bogus D List cable TV appearances filmed in LA [e.g., Hero Dog Awards].

Beth was snubbed at Nasdaq on April 6 since a real animal charity rang the closing bell. The New York Humane Society was there promoting their campaign to help animals that are at animal shelters waiting for homes and not the animals that Beth so-called saves, the breeder rejects that are horridly inbred and born deformed and Beth makes up some story about how they were abandoned animals.
Gotta be Beth's ex-husband, right? Josh Ostrovsky was there promoting shelter pet awareness and getting people to adopt from a local animal shelter, as  the NY state director of the Humane Society and supporters rang the closing bell at Nasdaq, April 6, 2016.

Beth of course is doing nothing but providing more documented animal abuse and bullying on her show The Real Housewife of Instagram and is fighting with herself over who is more famous, she or Yoda the cat. Judging by her second children's book debacle, I think Yoda might be heading for the Rainbow Bridge before Charlie Chunk.

Beth recently posted another one of her hilariously bad photos of herself and had the nerve to actually have it framed and has it hanging at Stalag Beth in the Hamptons which only proves the woman is insane and is on reality lockdown. It's that same fucking ugly smeary mess from Howard Stern Photography.

Photo posted on Beth's IG 4-4-16.

Beth tried to use it in some Don Buchwald PR portfolio which listed her location as Los Angeles. We know she has tried to be a TV host but only succeeded in getting the show thrown off the air. It was the Mike & Juliet show years and years ago when she never heard of a cat and wanted Howard to make her a TV star. Beth auditioned for Good Day LA, Good Day NY and countless other Good Days but the networks decided to have their own good days and showed the bitch the exit door. The original photo probably was taken around the time she got married in the Hamptons in 2008 and nobody cared.

Useless Beth got one of her little boy followers to take one of her cat photo prop rejects so she can pretend she's famous as she finally got too fat for her fake rings she wears round the hood because she's afraid Howard might stage a mugging and get back the real ones and hock them and put the cash in his vault and pretend to launch an investigation to find the crooks.

Beth's pigeon helpers skew the camera to make Beth's enormous thighs look thinner
 as she continues to terrorize and overfeed cats and document it on her Instagram site.

Happy #ThrowbackThursday Beth Fans

Remember the first blog entry? We've come a long way since then.

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