Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Howard Stern Killed the Dog Star

Oh yes, Mr. Sick, Mr. Cry Wolf who stated on the air last week that he was sick while his do-nothing wife Beth O'Nobody posted her usual multiple photos of the same cat on Instagram [that she thinks is her personal website] along with photos of Mr. Library Howard Stern who is always sitting fully clothed in a hat and coat reading some newspaper and this time, hanging onto tissues and braving the indoors of his Hamptons hideout, was all wacked out by wackpacker filler on his stale satellite radio show fretting about making the big announcement on Monday's show [April 11] that SiriusXM subscriptions have finally reached the 30 million mark. Now let's not let wheeling and dealing and complicated stock market gibberish confuse the facts. It's Sirius paying for their own subscriptions via corporate bonuses, publicity schemes, free trial periods, free limited renewal subscriptions to stop people from canceling, along with corporate blocks of subscriptions paid by various companies at a reduced rate, and the new car market where they count each car as a subscription whether the new car owner pays for it or not.

Does Howard get a cut of each new subscription? Say, a dollar for each new subscription? I doubt it since he had nothing to do with it unless he puts tires on that loser wife he married and she throws a bunch of her designer leather products on her body so Howard can sit on her and call her a new car with an old  saggy seat and claim that SiriusXM comes with her rawhide and old treads.

Howard began broadcasting on Sirius since XM rejected his hilariously stupid offer as this blogger has stated on many occasions and Howard finally admitted on Monday's satellite radio show, and he was stuck with Sirius or continue with free radio with a Charlie Chunk pay cut or face sitting home staring at that thing he was stuck with marrying after she allegedly signed a prenuptial agreement. What happened in 2009, after Stern had been on Sirius since 2006 with a merger in 2008? It's called BANKRUPTCY. Thanks to Howard Stern, the medium tanked because they overpaid the dolt with no talent and no work product, but has a show filled with talk talk talk about how famous he is and how his dullard inbred wife was a globally famous model with zero photos to prove it except for modeling fat clothes for Pittsburgh and New Jersey discount stores while badgering the public for donations to make Beth famous while she counts staring at cats as charity work.

SiriusXM finally had a jump in paid subscriptions
since Andy Cohen joined the flailing satellite company.
The info is all over the Internet as well as on this blog. Bring in the new car sales, bring in the corporate chunk of subscriptions, bring in NBC who bought a chunk of airtime to plug their shows and air a bunch of content with tons of commercials, bring in tons of free trial subscriptions, yes finally SiriusXM had turned around and began seeing a rise in subscription costs as well as subscribers. No thanks to Mr. Tree Planted On His Head, but thanks to NBC and their deal with Sirius, and thanks to special programming like Radio Andy, which began in 2015. 

Sirius had to step up to the plate and admit that hiring Stern was a mistake and scrambled to bring in new and exclusive content like Radio Andy. But Howard is a tourist attraction, a sideshow freak, that appeals to aged closeted men dining at the private cross-dressing clubs in NY and the aged group home set who remember the old Howard Stern, the married asshole who hit on every girl who paraded into his studio to plug something on free radio. Howard, the guy who thought he was a rock star and could bed any hot girl that came into his studio only to find out when he was single, there were no hot women in sight, they all fled once they found out the old pervert was single, omg, get me outta that studio and back to my limo to LA where the real moguls are that can make any girl a star.

What about Stern's guests? The caliber is way down for 2016 especially since he doesn't have help from NBC who has a deal with Sirius and broadcasts "The Today Show" on Sirius and Howard lost NBC's "America's Got Talent" so no one wants to bother with Howard anymore, unless you want your show to purposefully tank for tax reasons.

Bring Beth to Satellite - we know she has made appearances on the radio and we think her cackling screeching is just what America needs to fight terrorism. 

#siriusxm  #louis ck  #howardstern
#Liberty Media

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