Thursday, April 21, 2016

Neat Trick

Anyone who happened to catch that stellar, riveting kitty litter promotion with Miss Tanked Career, Katherine Heigl on Howard Stern's Wednesday edition of his stale satellite radio show, will notice that Katherine paraded in and out of the Sirius studio two days in a row wearing the same exact outfit with those same tacky leather pants. I guess the kitty litter gig pays pretty good since she is another Beth O, with the animal rescue gimmick while she wears her rescued leather with the designer labels stitched inside that matches the straw stitched inside their useless heads.

Heigl managed two appearances at the Stern Sirius satellite studio wearing that same tacky outfit and same short hair cut to hide the nips and tucks, yet only recorded one interview - or did it take two days for those stale Stern staffers to compile this shitty interview for broadcast? Who knows, only Houdini Howard knows, the master of illusion and bullshit:

This blogger has been saying it for a long time, most of Howard's celebrity interviews are pre-recorded yet Howard pretends they are same-day interviews even going so far as to plant callers during the taped interview to air at a later date. No one really knows Howard's schedule, especially with his latest 5-year contract with 12 years committed to Sirius to air Howard's stale box of tapes. He now sits on a satellite with a dwindling annual budget and has gotten salary decreases since he signed that original deal in 2005 and he began broadcasting on Sirius in 2006. So Howard is responsible for paying the bills in that studio he rents, or does he own the space? All we know is Howard is rarely there, and primarily shows up to hit some buttons on a tape recorder with Robin's microphone being turned on and off, the show is basically a joke that has gone on way too long with Beth who can only get jobs promoting pet insurance and pet toothbrushes [what happened to that company Bethie? Tanked like everything you touch?] and is on kitty litter patrol and goes into orbit if any shit is left in the kitty litter box and she has to parade over and clean it up while counting it as charity work.

Oh yes, Howard uses his satellite to plug his mare Bethie and her shit products and badgers his fan to buy her books and that doggy dental pen - uh, the doggy dental pen tanked, right? Went out of business, right Howard? In this excerpt below from Howard's website, Beth failed to mention it was a dentist who invented the doggy dental pen, not Bethie whose daddy is a convicted dental felon and had to surrender his dental license or get it revoked by his state dental board, no, not that dentist, but Dr. Jennifer Jablow who still has her license, we assume.

The real inventor of the doggy toothbrush dental pen was Dr. Jablow and Beth horned in as part of a promotional tour for her first book, that 500 lb paperback reference book about dog care that she downloaded from the Internet and slapped her name on it. Oh, it's fun dealing with the Sterns. They slap their name on another person's idea and then the whole deal falls apart and Beth never mentions another word about it and pretends it never happened.

Too hilarious that it is being reported that Princess Over the Hill Kelly Ripa is miffed her co-star got the big contract with Good Morning America and that Kelly's little talk show might be thrown off the air anyway. Well, Kell, you are old now, no one wants a BJ from an anorexic blowfish with the alleged facelift with that hairdo hiding the nips and tucks, well, it's just sad really. Four years ago Kelly wanted her husband to co-host with her but he was busy with his own career with his personal assistant in tow erasing numbers and messages on his phone like there's no tomorrow. Hey, we remember that the guy officiated over that Stern wedding in a bar and Howard loves the former male stripper from South Florida and everyone knew that the only way to get Beth to show up anywhere on time is to offer free booze. Hey, Beth would get married everyday if free booze were involved while she pretends to like animals since it's either that or sitting in front of a mirror asking herself how she got stuck with an over the hill radio DJ who can barely climb down from his surgical bed every day let alone get her a TV series that will last more than 13 episodes.

Beth Stern continues to torture kittens and forces them to play Olympic events for her upcoming failure called the "Kitten Summer Games" that she is filming while Howard Stern never mentioned a thing about it on his show this week. This kitten in the Instagram photo appears to be dead while Miss Fame Hog is unaware of anything but her image in a camera making sure her spackle makeup is cemented to her aged face.

Real celebs are at the Tribeca Film Festival in NY where Oprah Winfrey debuted her new TV show she is producing for her own network called OWN while Howard Stern's 112 Productions continues to produce nothing.

4/20/16 Oprah with the co-founder of the Tribeca Film Festival, Robert DeNiro, at the
screening of Greenleaf, a TV series produced by Oprah for the Oprah Winfrey Network.
What is Howard doing? Nothing. What is Beth doing? Torturing kittens forcing
them to play Olympic games for a cable television summer filler special.

1 comment:

  1. While the New York Post is reporting that Kelly Ripa had a major meltdown, her husband Mark Consuelos looks unconcerned that she didn't show up for work.

    Meanwhile my vote is for the "Regis and BethO Show" - a show about who can yell louder in the morning. And since they're neighbors, they can carpool together.
