Since Howard Stern was kicked off television for the millionth time, he is desperate to not be ignored and his paid publicity mouthpiece, the aged [aren't they all] wackpacker Mariann From Brooklyn is tasked with phoning into the Stern satellite radio show with any and all Stern mentions in the press, on TV, or generally plug Howard and on Wednesday's show, Mariann had to report that the daytime show called "The Talk" routinely talks about Howard and plays clips from his show but Howard said that was okay since Julie Chen makes sure to say his name, say his name, say his name, which is all paid publicity from his Sirius budget. I mean, it's just sad at this point since this is the only way Howard can feel relevant and get his name mentioned on television. Howard is so desperate to be talked about and appear relevant to housewives and househusbands that he pays for plugs of his radio show and has to finally kiss General Chen's ass to get it done. Oh, brother, can't Howard get back on TV? Wasn't his 4 years on "America's Got Talent" enough for him to get his own TV show? No? My gosh, there is no market for an aged cottage cheese butt who panders to scientologists or he would have about zero guests walking through his studio? Howard is obsessed with them and we wonder who paid his dues to get him that TV stint, oh right, the corporate cloud Sirius and NBC are in bed together and they kicked Stern out of that bed and he's back with his do-nothing wife who is working on a cat adoption center that her husband refuses to finance since Howard is only rich on paper.
Juliette pictured with fellow Scientologists in 2011 at the Church of Scientology Celebrity Centre 42th Anniversary Gala in Los Angeles. |
Everyone remembers her famous character actor father Geoffrey Lewis who died last year. Juliette has a publicity team behind her that is unbelievable [called scientology paid PR] and is seen just about everywhere even jumping to Cannes or wherever the action is you will find Miss Brain Damage. Yep, sources say that she has quite a few dead brain cells due to alleged heroin abuse and is considered mildly retarded at this point. Other sources allege that she has bedded every one of her costars in all of her films and loves reciting scientology recruitment speeches during the "act". I bet she and Beth would have some great conversations and if only we could eavesdrop on that MENSA meet-up. If only that new maid in the Hamptons knew Morse Code I could tell you so much more about Beth's horizontal see, Howard's lawyers omitted that in those contracts the servants have to sign. There are no clauses in those contracts that prohibit them from revealing information via Morse Code, charades, drawings, pantomime or interpretive dance.
Remember Priscilla Barnes in The Devil's Rejects? Generally, the cast of ladies in a Rob Zombie film have to be older than his wife, so you see the challenges he faces with each of his films. |
Taking selfies gives Beth something to do since Howard refuses to spend anymore money on that money pit and badgers the public to give her money to build that phantom cat adoption center at the North Shore Animal League where rich aged retirees dole out the cash to clear their properties of any feral cat populations while Beth just runs over hers in a driveway and the problem just goes away. Funny we got no Instagram photos of Beth's dead feral cat she named "Wonky" or any photos of flowers on a memorial stone. Nope, Beth did zero when she "found" the cat dead in the bushes at her Hamptons home.
Yep, Howard now kisses the ass of Julie Chen yet he's still mad at her husband Les Moonves who won that lawsuit years ago that was as tangled as those weaved weeds planted in Howard's head. But Howard's new employer Sirius loved all the publicity and Sirius bailed out the dead star radio DJ and reached a settlement with Moonves that included the Stern show catalog of edited useless garbage that makes up the overly long and boring career of a radio DJ who transformed himself into a boring talk radio show host, no not host, since he rarely has guests trolling through his studio but mainly brags about himself nonstop and how he eats a ton of pasta to maintain his paunch that he hides under layers of thick clothes and baggy pants hoping no one notices his saggy ass and fat belly while he compliments himself and that pink troll he married who walks red and pink carpets but has zero information or details about the actual events she crashes.
Beth pictured at the Breast Cancer Research Benefit on Tuesday night dressed in drunk tank pink to save time. |
Everyone thinks that the Pony Princess did not actually attend the Breast Cancer Research Foundation benefit in NY on Tuesday night but only hogged the pink carpet and hung around the open bar. Howard was happy and giddy spending a fun evening watching TV with Ralph the Stylist and Felix the Tailor and the awesome tight butt coffee boys that have to write down Howard's coffee order for the morning while delivering some fags to smoke filled with god knows what. Howard brags about his celebrity life but in reality he stalks a red carpet scoring corporate freebie tix to a loser Broadway show opening and Howard calls it hanging out with Steve Martin. Omg, Howard has no clue he is a laughing stock D-Lister dumped onto a pay service since he knows he has no fans that can support his lifestyle if he were to go it alone and do his own thing with his own website and his own podcast, it would fail, like finding a hot model or celeb to marry him, it's called a big fail, as Beth O'Old was a leftover from the bar scene and nobody was interested.
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