Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Corset Queen

Dark Lady the Fortune Queen,
New Orleans.
...of new found fame, brushes her cat in her black limousine. On the backseat are scratches from, the remains of her marks her fortune she has won. Couldn't see through the tinted glass, she said "home Ronnie" and he hit the gas. Howard followed her to some darkened room, she took all his money and said "I'll be with you soon". 

Beth is laughing and dancing all over the rarely truthful husband Howard Stern, whose entire legacy on the radio is embarrassing and fit for a landfill with his sidekick who loved falling off her chair in her sound-proof booth mixing drinks before she got the memo that should would not be paid extra as on-air talent because only Howard had that privilege while purposefully telling his show writer and hard of hearing sound effects puppet to hide behind a giant barricade since they are not getting paid extra either if their images are caught by those robo-cameras inside the Howard Stern radio studio. We all remember that Robin had her tantrum and disappeared until finally Howard said she was suffering from a yet unscripted illness while he claimed publicly on his satellite radio show that he was planning her funeral when he finally disclosed that Robin had "cancer". Yeah right. Okay, but the behemoth lived and Howard still has to pay her and she is chomping at her feed bag as to how much she will get with Whalerock [providing Sirius can figure out how much of a chunk they can get out of the deal] as on-air talent when they broadcast their radio show on the Internet with video streaming or whatever, as if anyone needs to see Howard's permed weave with his facelift  under perfect movie magic lighting and special effects camera lens with Robin in her latest macaroni grill wig.

Robin owned a horse and looked like a sack of potatoes on his back, so here is a photo of Cher on a horse instead:

Did Howard Stern get a chance to mention on Monday's stale satellite radio show that his paid pigeons are still on that horn 24/7 begging for a bone from the table of the Kardashians? Primarily, their second mom Brucilla Jenner, Mr. Corset Queen who has so far ignored Howard Stern the D-List carpet queen and his tranny-looking dolt he married who fancies herself a "Barbie" who looks more like a Bobbie on steroids with an ass that is getting low as Howard tries to imply that the IVF failed again and Miss Rarely Vertical got her monthly visitor and no baby is on board.  Oh well, try try try try again Miss Beth, remember that alleged pre-nup can't be broken without that baby or babies on the table to negotiate with. Howard and Beth are in the corset club with Brucilla but will Howard finally get his interview with the Queen of Reality TV? Maybe Howard will finally be honored by the Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transsexual Transgender group if he shows them this picture below. It could happen, Mr. Cheapo needs to fork over some dough it he wants to win any awards or be honored for anything but producing cheap shit satellite radio or a selfie award from a hair club for men in the D.C. area.

Also, on Monday's satellite radio show Howard claimed that he went to an off Broadway play during his big break between his pre-recorded drivel he calls a radio show, a stage play called Ass Powder or Dry Powder or Dry Idea, a play that is closing on May Day [how appropriate] and stars Howard's favorite Cabo buddy John Krasinski whose got that scientology wife, Miss Former Date of Tom Cruise, since Howard is a scientology-chaser hoping to get John-boy to agree to an interview on his burnt out satellite dish. Okay, so he allegedly raced to this play because some other couple dodged the bullet and dumped the tickets on Howard who is always a fixture around town with either his cover date Emily his daughter who claimed that Howard turned her off dating men or his blonde wigged buffoon Beth who has nothing better to do than stuff cats in her purse so she can claim that all her bar hopping is really animal rescue missions. I am not sure how this play is billed as a comedy/drama since high finance is hardly funny especially when the play boldly exposes how everyone in high finance is guess what, only concerned about making a lot of money any way they can get it and are amoral. Gee, who knew. Sounds like Stern was a secret financer of this borefest gibberish.

Oh, Howard is a regular around town you know....ever since about 1997 or so, he's been in the Big Apple taking a bite out of crime and becoming Mr. 9/11 terrorist spotter who was in the city reporting live never leaving that microphone, Helen Stern, Agent 112.

Are we keeping up with Beth insulting her animals after she overfeeds them? Oh, she just stands back and supervises the servants around Stalag Beth and laughs when a cat somehow gets fat all on his own, having nothing to do with a bunch of bowls lying around all day filled with food. So now we've got Charlie Boy who Beth has renamed Charlie Chunk as she makes fun of his weight gain while the heckler Beth doesn't seem to get it, these are her animals in her care, but she could not care less, it's just a shitty job foisted on her by Howard since he failed to finance anything that stuck on the TV airwaves longer than about 13 episodes before it was thrown in the round file and dumped in a landfill.

You would think at 17 lbs, Beth would know to watch his weight. Nope, after four years of nonstop eating she renamed him Charlie Chunk. Oh, that solves the problem. 

Now that "American Idol" is history, Nicole Kidman gets her cutie husband back home with her at least we think so since he is used to darting around Los Angeles in that sports car and sometimes he isn't alone. The gossip about Nicole? Well I never invent gossip I just spread it like butter on bread, but various sources make the claim that Nicole makes her female, ummmm, friends like Thandie Newton, sign lengthy nondisclosure contracts before becoming involved with them. I wonder if Howard has the same thing? Some say Nicole is very difficult to work with other than being a catholic lesbian and reportedly, never was a scientologist, so there you go. Allegedly she is a bulimic serial cheater, gosh that sounds like Beth O who admitted live on Howard Stern's satellite radio show that she cheated on all her boyfriends aside from those freakish proportions she's got now, many sources allege Beth's bulimic too since she can never lose that fat ass and thunder thighs. Beth has admitted in a few online interviews that she hung around her brothers in school and had many boyfriends all at the same time...geez, sounds like another Long Island Lolita, but hey, I know nothing, only blogging here. Simmer down. And what about her husband? Well, it was always Nicole that hated him working all the time and partying without her so maybe now things will settle down in their nest. Locals have reported that they frequent Starbucks when at their home in Tennessee and could not be a nicer couple. Howard tries to frequent Starbucks but he is an alleged serial liar, so who knows what he's up to other than about 2 packs a day - packs of what? Oh those six packs on those two coffee gophers, you know, cover stories for cover stories while you just can't keep Howard out of a stage play, on or off Broadway, nowadays...hmmm.

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