Thursday, March 10, 2016

Notable Nitwit

3-9-16, Beth at the ESB. She is rarely seen
in broad daylight and has her thick spackle
makeup on to protect her facelift from
the sun. She will look like a spotted
owl in no time if she stays outdoors
for too long.
Beth O'Horinsky had to remain vertical again overnight since she always batches together her useless appearances to save costs on all that fake hair, eyelash glue and spackle for the face. This time her big events were in the Big Apple where the horsie took a bite out of one animal event on Tuesday night and had to remain vertical until Wednesday, a major undertaking for the wobbly pigeon-toed no-lister who keeps tripping over her left foot and is not used to doing anything without laying flat on her back. Old habits die hard for the old gray mare. On Wednesday, she raced to the top of the Empire State Building for another appearance, this time in her official capacity as the useless spokesperson for the North Shore Animal League (NSAL) and their "Tour For Life" gimmick to promote their corporate charity sitting on the north shore of Long Island where a bunch of rich old bags dump their discarded inbred animals.

Nick Cannon, host of "America's Got Talent",
has already been there and done it. Beth was
jealous Nick made an appearance at the
Empire State Bldg in October of last year. This is
what gave her the idea of copying him
and she screeched at Howard to get her an
appearance at the Empire State Building.
Howard had to brag about his notable nitwit on Wednesday's snail satellite radio show so Robin Quivers [the behemoth vegan liar who now eats entire zoos and won't die] would be jealous of Beth getting hair glued to the top of her head saying that her stylist was over at the apartment getting Beth ready for her appearance in NY to lope to the top of the Empire State Building and watch it light up [hey, don't be too hard on Beth, neon lights are a thrill to the former bar girl where neon is considered chic]. 

Howard's got to come up with some sort of work product for the rarely vertical selfie monster and those apts in Manhattan are just sitting empty since they have been turned into the corporate HQ for 112 Productions and Miss Beth's HQ for her animal processing and distribution center working with her minions from NSAL. Beth has to prove those hilarious tax returns are legit since she is collecting salaries from NSAL and her personal foundation, Bianca's Furry Friends (BFF) while collecting public donations. That's why Howard announces on his radio show that he pays for some of the vet bills for Beth's captured felines to show that a portion of the BFF foundation money is going to homeless cats and not solely to fund Beth's useless and lazy lifestyle of lying around all day and taking selfies claiming it's charity work. Howard also has to account for the salaries for Felix the Tailor and Ralph the Stylist as they are listed under the corporate cloud of employed Stern stooges as we wonder where they stuff the cats so their trips in and out of Stern's village hideout are paid for by NSAL/BFF. Poor Howard has his plate full while both he and Beth still think that fish are vegetables.

Beth made an ass out of herself at that tourist attraction, the Empire State Building, and acted like she invented it. Remember this is a woman claims to run from fame yet acts like a lunatic whenever a camera is in range whether Howard pays for the photog to show up or not, it doesn't matter to the fame whoring wife of Howard Stern. Wow, tourist famous here, as Howard is an old tourist attraction himself in NY as people can't believe the old fart is still working and isn't retired like his free loader parents. Dad used to be busy and worked long hours doing all that laundering for the boys with the broken noses but he could retire at 50 with mom thinking it was all luck due to her chanting with incense burning in her shrine to dead relatives and living wills.


3-9-16. Beth was cackling so much it led to major rumors she was getting high on something other than that elevator to the roof.


Beth never misses a camera shot and
will walk for blocks if a camera is there:

Photo from last year. Beth had better watch those candid shots as she looks like a horse bracing his legs against the walls of the horse trailer to balance and remain vertical while in transport:

Maria Monotonous was making the rounds at the Sirius satellite studios on Wednesday appearing on the Stern show and on the Jenny McCarthy show with a desperate publicity stunt saying that her boyfriend of 19 years finally proposed to her. No one can stand Maria and she is a known pariah so no wonder she has latched onto the Sterns. I don't really know what the joke is here but sources say that Maria lives with her mother with the boyfriend living in a separate part of the house with that makeup and bad hair. It's always "Team Maria" to make that dolt a star while she allegedly swallows cotton balls while sticking a pillow under her clothes every once in a while to get some free press pretending she's pregnant. She has a contract with the E Channel and reported from the 2015 SAG awards ceremony red carpet and received a barrage of hate Tweets from viewers wondering where Giuliana Rancic was and why they were stuck with that gawd awful Maria. 

Things are not looking too good press-wise as the Sterns can't seem to control Page Six where Beth was barely mentioned at the Best Friends Animal Society first annual benefit and fundraiser.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder how long it took Ms Dlist Dtard had to wrestle with her Spanx to get into that blue dress?
