Thursday, February 25, 2016


The gorgeous Grace Slick was one of the first celebs to come out publicly as an animal rights activist and was against products and medicines being needlessly tested on animals, which equated to torture for the animal before it died a horrible death. Grace was the real thing, beautiful and talented and smart and was not a rarely vertical talentless selfie monster whose daddy had her escorted to New York while he barely escaped a prison sentence if he didn't decide to suddenly retire from his dental practice and surrender his license to state authorities. Too bad Beth was such a fug and could never support herself on sheer creep, but there really is no market for a creep other than in D List underground horror films for nerds who think they are buying snuff. I mean, it's not the parents' fault they produced such a pariah. But looks and talent aren't everything yet Beth doesn't have either which is quite amazing that she met and married a radio oddity, a fixture, a relic, a man who is proud to still be stuck on the radio after years of struggling to break into television and being sent that same letter that he gets in the mail addressed to his super agent and super daddy figure DB...something like: "the network is going in a different direction and will not be renewing your contract; thank you and have a nice day".

Gotta hand it to Howard, this is the best 112 Production gimmick he ever thought up, a bloated selfie monster with her own reality show on Instagram who thinks all those little auto-comments that are instantly posted means she's a superstar, well, you are honey bunny! Keep it up, there is a spot in the fame world for a menopausal bloated butt face who keeps pushing cats into a camera and calling it charity work. Sometimes you have to create your own success even though a million other people are Instagram stars too and love posting kitty cat photos, although most are under 15 years old. And look at her weirdo eyebrow in that photo on the right, like the scalpel slipped.

When will Stern decide to finally hang up those headphones and get a real job in show business? Ha, just cracked myself up, well, Mr. Starbucks needs to find a new hobby as his outright storytelling [dare I say lying?] is getting to be sickening. Oh, right, he parades into a Starbucks and no one knows it's Howard Stern and not one photo ends up in Page Six. Okay fine, we have to bite the big apple here, where is the joke, Stern? The punchline? There isn't one since he fired everyone and has to come up with some stupid topics to rattle on about to fill about four hours of commercial time on Sirius satellite radio when all the action is happening on Radio Andy, Channel 102 on SiriusXM just sneaking up on those Stern channels, isn't he now. Hey now.

Who could forget the debacle that was Howard's interview show on the original E Channel on cable when it was just starting out. Howard used that same stale ugly purple couch [like the one he has now on Sirius] to interview celebrities when Stern kept staring blankly into the camera with strict orders given to the cameraman to focus on Howard, giving him the close-ups on cue and directing the interview to being all about him, oh how funny. Well, the E Channel put a stop to that and quick.

Grace is also a talented painter, something Howard Stern has been trying to do since he copies everyone, he has no original idea in his head, he has to suddenly turn to doing painting and drawing since he has to pretend he doesn't care about working when the reality remains he is getting zero job offers aside from sitting and talking on a satellite. His agent, however, continues to badger everyone to put Stern's facelift on television, but hey, Stern had his chance. His last ditch attempt at fame was given to him by NBC since they partnered with Sirius satellite radio with airing their shows like The Today Show on satellite, so they gave Howard a spot on "America's Got Talent" since it was only a summer filler show, what harm could he do? Well, NBC found out as the show's ratings were falling faster than Beth's ass. Well, it all failed since Howard is just hopeless and needs to hang up the wig and microphone and call it for what it was, a long drawn out joke, he is played out and needs to be benched.

Rosie O'Donnell was on Sirius for awhile and had a talk show on the Oprah Winfrey Network yet failed to find an audience and was canceled. But didn't she broadcast at some point out of her home in Florida or maybe the New York area? Now you know where Howard got the idea from since he is desperate for a corporate sponsor for that cosmetic surgery center in Florida while housing a few cats in that foster room and Beth can get some photos of herself with a cat so the whole thing can be a cat rescue mission paid by the charity that employs her, the North Shore Animal League, along with Sirius picking up a Charlie Chunk of the production costs which would be a cost savings to the satellite company.

Actual photo of Rosie doing her show on Sirius satellite radio.

Oh yeah, Howard working from home, now that would be great, it would provide some much needed content in between those commercials. I mean, we have got to hear all about how Beth never got her big break in show business since everyone was jealous of her. Howard is terrified of being sent home to telecommute. He would get zero guests except Beth and her current "rescue" cat but I doubt Sirius will sponsor Howard's money pit, including his Florida fortress.

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