Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Dirty, Not Sexy and Not Funny

Since Howard Stern was forced to re-sign with Sirius satellite radio [or face sitting home and doing nothing but live with that thing he married, the selfie monster who has nothing to do all day but stick her face in her iPhone camera], it seems the stars are running to the other talk radio shows on Sirius like Radio Andy, Sandyland, and that Dirty, Sexy, Funny show with Jenny McCarthy, along with her husband who have a reality show on A&E cable television. 

Jenny McCarthy posted the photos below on 2-23-16 with her guest Lisa Rinna and a Tarot Reader to the stars. No Lisa Rinna on the Howard Stern satellite radio show? Did Howard get to pre-record any phony interview with her yet? I bet Howard would have liked a Tarot reading too from Tory but it might confuse his brain housed inside that cheese whiz weave since he would have to check first with the High Priestess of the Stern family, the Goddess Emily of the New Age who scares off men because she doesn't shave under her arms and had plastic surgery but denies it.

Melanie on Sandyland Radio.
Melanie Griffith didn't want to stop by the Howard Stern satellite radio show? I bet she would have fun stories about that movie called "Jane" circa 1997 that never got off the ground since Melanie found out Howard was cast and she backed out causing the producers to lose financing and the project was abandoned. True to Howard's scumbag form, he sued and was awarded a reported $50,000 to go away. So ended the big movie career of a loser that doesn't know he's a loser and should take whatever is offered him or not offered and go away quietly.

Sandra is featured in a Marc Jacobs fashion campaign and not Beth O.

Brooke Shields stopped by the Sirius satellite studios in January and seemed to forget to stop by the Stern studio even though, according to Kathy Griffin, Brooke hates Howard since they talked behind her back and said her mother Teri Shields was a loud drunk at Brooke's wedding to Andre Agassi. Oh well, I guess the real model Brooke just is too jealous that Howard married a pudge from Pittsburgh with the horse blanket and cow modeling photos from 1996.

Beth provides hair extensions updates on her
reality show on Instagram.
Where is Howard and Beth's reality show? Oh, they think those stupid selfies are a reality show and that Instagram is a television channel. Beth is alone and lonely at Stalag Beth in the Hamptons throwing cats around a room before tiring of the whole mess and locking them inside the wire cages so Beth can wobble back to her bathtub and those disgusting sitz baths where her selfie assistant has to help the monster into the tub and has to pose a cat around to pretend they are not kept under lockdown in the cat room on the first floor off the pool area because they are not a part of of the main house that is the primary residence of Beth and the O'Brother clan.

2-21-16, Heidi was a host of the 2nd Annual
Hollywood Beauty Awards benefiting
Children's Hospital of Los Angeles.
Oh, Howard's dirty but not much else, if that's your thing but it seems the celebs are flocking to Andy, Sandra and Jenny, and praying they don't get stuck with Stern and have to listen to how famous he is and how he did a film 50 years ago and wonders why he got dumped from NBC's "America's Got Talent" as if he doesn't know you have to catch him off guard and create a diversion. So the show was being moved back to Los Angeles and Simon Cowell was all set to appear as a judge on his own show and even coined the phrase the FANTASTIC FOUR, meaning himself, Howie, Mel B and superstar Heidi, who is really big right now and is constantly globetrotting which does wonders for publicity for AGT.

Howard does nothing, appears nowhere, he has no life, no TV show, no nothing except that nothing wife he married, so he isn't marketable anywhere except to mole people living underground in bunkers thinking the world ended and all their satellite dishes can get is the Howard Stern show.

So, what about Beth? Beth is an animal activist as long as it doesn't interfere with her lunch dates with her liquor bottle or interfere with her latest custom order of giant tranny shoes for both she and Howard to parade around the living room and pretend they have friends. Beth writes on her blog about keeping your animals indoors during cold weather and could care less about an animal rescue group trying to save dogs from freezing cold NY temperatures. Nope, Beth can't be disturbed from her useless job of reading apps already approved by the North Shore Animal League to adopt cats that Beth can hijack for a 10 day photo shoot at Stalag Beth in the Hamptons before dumping them onto a few dopes. 

Yep, you guessed it, so far, Beth has ignored the item above on her big fan Facebook site since Beth is super important on her reality show called Instagram where she posts those useless cat photos showing her pointless existence as the hired hand on the Stern Stooge Ranch in the Hamptons on her mouse wheel of monotony.


  1. Greetings Dame Beth-Man! I listen to “Sandyland” every day and I love how she trashes Sirius all the time.(It’s funny that she never mentions Howard.) Sandy gets fabulous guests and she does awesome interviews. Another fun show on Andy Cohen’s channel is “Reality Checked” with Amy Phillips. Amy does a hilarious imitation of Lisa Rinna and the other Real Housewives.

    1. Radio Andy has easily surpassed Howard's retro radio with "Sandyland" and "Reality Checked" alone. Amy Phillips as Lisa "Ya gotta hustle" Rinna is priceless!

  2. Ha ha! I am listening to today's "Sandyland" show and Sandra mentioned that she ran into Howard at Sirius yesterday. She said he never acknowledged or welcomed her to Sirius (what a surprise) but she is trying to get him to come on her show. Sandra is such a sweetheart but so naive.

    1. Poor Howard can't stand competition from real talent like Sandra...:)

  3. why didn't the Humane Society/APSCA rescue that dog? :(

    1. Supposedly that rescue group works with the ASPCA but they have no authority to physically remove animals from a location but can pursue legal action to do so.

  4. That image of Beth looks photoshopped is that on her instagram?
