Thursday, February 18, 2016

Le Crazy Horse

Where are all of Beth's Paris modeling photos? They were burnt up, as in, Is Paris Burning? Remember her big apartment fire, flood, cave-in story in New York when Beth lived around the block from Howard [much like his eldest daughter does now]? Oh, Howard told all about it on his radio show, several times, however this major event never made it into any newspapers or news shows or on the Internet. Howard's a phony, tell the truth for once Howard, maybe then there would be nothing left to write about except that you have no life, no story, you just sit home and type up a bunch of press items that sit in reject boxes at online publication companies until your check clears and someone needs filler for their column since the Internet is infinite and they need to fill up that void to keep people clicking on their sites.

What about Beth speaking French? Howard has told his radio listeners that Beth can speak French, yet doesn't speak it in public or in private. Howard said Beth speaks several languages that she learned while travelling abroad as an internationally famous invisible model, even though she refuses to say anything to Howard in a foreign language other than oy vey. Funny, when most people say they can speak several languages, the natural next request is to hear a bit of it, in which they comply. Much like the real model Christie Brinkley who went to college in LA and then moved to Paris to study art when she was discovered by an agent to model. She has spoken French in public many times and also when she did the Johnny Carson show back in the 1980's when Johnny asked her to say a few phrases in French, in which she happily complied. Beth? Oh, she's all bullshit and she knows it, she laughs at everyone behind their backs with that crazy horse laugh that is so engaging.

AOL Build series, New York
2-18-16. the real actress Amanda Peet

who is super famous in her HBO
show "Togetherness "dressed
like a normal person looking
fresh and pretty and not like
that baked potato Beth Stern.
Poor Beth is spinning out again on that free webby site Instagram to deflect from the fact it seems she didn't score any corporate tickets to Fashion Week in NY this time around, and is still on face swelling watch at Stalag Beth in the Hamptons. But, Beth wanted nothing to do with New York on Thursday because a real celebrity was in town at the AOL Build series doing a live interview looking very young and pretty and not dressed like a bull dyke stuffed into a dress wearing giant shoes, desperate to attract attention from any sex within a 30 yard radius so she can run home to Howard and say she was hit on with Howard feigning jealousy and telling Beth to "sue them" for harassment and they are jealous that he is with a butch blonde from Pittsburgh with giant legs...oops, don't speak reality to Howard, he runs into his closet and repeats his mantra "everyone is jealous of me!!" 112 times before he is ready to come out and watch his one shot movie, Private Parts, to calm his nerves and wonder why he never got studio execs to produce anymore of his shit unless he wants to again use his own money, like put up or shut up and it seems Howard has shut up.

AOL Build, NY 2-18-16
Beth's fat buddy Rachael Ray also attended the AOL Build series of shows on Thursday with her wino glass as usual and she has those bizarre facial reactions that fight with the Botox bloat as we wonder if she will save her daytime TV talk show that is slated for the food processor to be gobbled up and reprocessed into something else the public will swallow other than her shit recipe ideas for people striving to maintain their overweight physiques.
OMG. Rachael and her bizarre facial seizures at AOL Build, NY 2-18-16.

At Fashion Week on 2/16, the ever popular camera hog Hilarious Baldwin was front and center with her alien creation who is finally growing some hair and they got to wear designs from Carmen Marc Valvo. Where was Beth in a designer outfit with her bully son Yoda dressed in a designer cat frock? Nowhere? Too bad.

Where's Beth? Well, at this point, Howard can only market her as a tired aged cat watcher and weird free Instagram model who carts cats around to pay for her trips to her barren selfie mansions where there is only electricity in three rooms of each house.

Beth has reached her fame ceiling and now devotes her life to her selfie lockdown cat prison and plastic surgery recovery camp in the Hamptons [sans Howard who, as usual, is busy getting his name inserted in press items related to Donald Trump] and is now playing "name the cats" game with her Instagram followers so she can unload the latest Yoda the Cat book debacle onto other people. Having problems getting rid of those books, right Beth?

Even if all of Howard's 112 fans buy a Yoda the Cat book, it will hardly pay for their electric bill. But, don't worry about that, Howard, you can write it off as a charitable expense since Beth has thrown boxes of those garbage Yoda the cat books into the fireplace so that will keep things warm for awhile.

Cash poor Beth is at it again, and gets another free paid trip to Florida courtesy of her job with the North Shore Animal League and her job with her own personal foundation, Bianca's Furry Friends. We remember that Beth has also enlisted another suspect D List animal shelter in Florida to help her snatch cats and get her trips down south all paid, not by Howard, not out of Beth's vault under that area rug in her sub-floor basement hideout, I mean, hideaway, nope. Beth is on another bogus staged tax write off "rescue" mission to get a cat adopted by someone where, just by coincidence, she owns a home! Yep, it's another tax write-off trip to help save Howard from his money pit and get a few animal charities to fund her useless existence. We remember that Howard and Beth's big financing of one cat in quarantine at that D List shelter named in her Instagram message below. The message is longer than her usual one-liner gibberish since she had to fit in all her bragging to her paid pigeon followers. How disgusting that a public servant paid out of our tax dollars has nothing better to do than snatch cats for Beth so she can get her selfie missions paid for in the guise of charity work, when in reality she needs to fly to Florida to bump up that facelift in her cosmetic surgery center in her house, right Beth? Nice to know female cops love Beth, as if that's a stretch. Hey, what happened to Gossip Cop, Bethie? Howard didn't come up with the dough to fund your little hosting job? Well, nothing came of your big press release and that loser site is still on the Internet so celebrities can have a defense for their Crazy Days and Nights.


  1. Why the hell should anyone have to meet Whoreski to get a cat? What if someone wants that cat for their kid but they live in the boonies and can't make it? Would Whore, in its infinite capacity for empathy and generosity, have the limo drive waaay out there? I imagine the 'foundation' can only afford to pay for just enough limo gas to stay within a two block radius. Cheers, DBM.

  2. Who can forget the original kitten Henry who died after the handoff? #justice4henry

    1. Yes, I'd be scared if I am the Florida cat "who looks like a Henry." #pray4palmbeachhenry
