Friday, August 14, 2015

Dead Beat America's Judge Pays Up

Only one lucky lady gets to wear
the Mrs. Stern apron, well, only one
at a time.
According to, Howard Stern has finally cleaned up his act and so far, has paid two of the three liens placed on his property in Florida for remodeling work that was done to build a massive new closet for the closeted couple who obsess about closets. 

Now, Beth O'Stern can throw some kittens around her new posh closet in Florida and claim it's all for charity which is the same thing she does at Stalag Beth [Manhattan processing center] and Stalag Beth in the Hamptons, the actual prison camp for feral feline selfies so everyone will pay attention to the aged pariah and think she's a nice person when she is just a person at the end of her rope and out of options, gimmicks and TV shows. 

Right folks, Howard Stern spent a reported 52 million in cash on a Florida mansion and refuses to pay about 7 - 8 million on a kitten shelter at the North Shore Animal League (NSAL) in which Beth and Howard both have been badgering the public to pay for, with Howard's on-air pleas for cash from his dwindling satellite radio audience and Beth with her constant pleas on television and her media sites begging the public to send her cash so we can fund her dream of her fat name on a building at NSAL to house a bunch of cats while she goes shopping for cattle slaughter industry byproducts bragging and yelling "HEY, THE COWS ARE ALREADY DEAD, GET A LIFE" while she pretends to care anything about anything but her fat wallet and her fat fughead firmly in front of her iPhone 24/7 saying that rolling around on the floor with cats is charity work. 

Hey Miss Rich, pay for your own damn building at NSAL, while you have to buy your own books with made up stories about a cat with the plagiarized name Yoda, to pretend you are famous and a bestselling author. All that is bestselling is that fairytale you sold Howard and he believed you. Can't you come up with a better gimmick? No, because Beth stated on her Instagram site that her cat she lovingly calls Blind Buddy will be marketed to the public to fund her dream of being rich and barging on talk shows again to claim her animal slaughter industry byproducts are gorgeous in pink as she herds cats into a wire cage and holds up their adoptions for several weeks until her selfie fix is satisfied and then she does a drive-by dumping session onto peons who take her kitty cat disgards.

Hey Beth, instead of more dead cows for xmas with designer logos stamped on their butts, why not have your pigeon husband with the hair system buy you that little building extension at NSAL? Nope. You need more slaughtered cows with designer logos stamped on their hides right? Oh, the tireless little selfie worker is such an inspiration to model and celebrity wannabees everywhere who are so fugly and untalented all they could score was a dumped 45 year old DJ whose ratings plummeted following his divorce from wife #1. Dare to dream.

Happy #FearFriday Beth Fans

#jamie  #curtis  #beth  #stern #florida


  1. Note to self: Do not read Beth Fan Page right before bed. Terrifying images of Beth-O-Monster are likely to occupy dreams.

  2. The swastika necklace 😂😂😭😭😹😹
