Monday, July 27, 2015

Will Cancer Cats Make Beth Famous?

Howard Stern got the charity idea from Don Imus except Howard wants something that involves zero work and zero of his own unpaid time so it was the animal charities that he foisted Beth onto, that North Shore Animal League along with that other phony organization the American Humane Association.

With Don and Deirdre Imus, it was a charity for human children with cancer. Don built a ranch in New Mexico in 1998 and eventually set up a charitable organization where kids and their families affected by cancer could spend a few weeks during the summer to have fun on a ranch, ride horses, have campfires, all that stuff, all free of charge. Stern stated on his terrestrial radio show all the time how he felt it was a gimmick to have public and private donations fund Imus's vacation home since Howard was projecting his scumbag tactics onto Don and his wife. 

According to the New York Daily News,
Imus put the ranch up for sale in 2014
for 32 million dollars.
Stern has always been jealous of Don Imus who famously ignores Stern and that golddigger he got stuck with. No, I won't bring up that one time Don Imus did a bit for his radio show about ten years ago. It was a skit where an actor playing a part claimed Beth was a bimbo who gave him herpes. I am not going into that again, it's on the Internet. It was when the screaming bitchy Bethy ordered Stooge Stern to sue Don Imus. Of course everything was dropped, Howard did nothing and said on his radio show that Beth and her family were upset and that Beth could sue Imus if she wanted to. Howard ran like a whipped puppy terrified to pursue the "joke". Howard didn't want any doors opened in any potential lawsuits and then have someone suddenly turn up at his man cave asking if he would donate a small amount of money to help homeless extortionists by purchasing a few European "fashion" magazines containing awesome photos of Beth in a fat bondage outfit busting out of her seams. Let's just drop it, Howard wants no part of it. He isn't sure there aren't a few photos of himself in bondage in someone's vault in Pittsburgh so we are at a stalemate at this point, just walk away.

So here we go with Bethie constantly pushing her diseased and dying cats into our faces on her Instagram site where she inappropriately grins like a lunatic and piles on a ton of makeup and wears little outfits and jumps in front of Howard's iPhone camera to get her selfie time and Howard shops them around to various media outlets to get them printed alongside some bullshit publicity item about his ball and chain that he is supposed to have made famous like, 18 years ago. Keep launching her Howard, she will hit any day now, I just know it.

Beth thinks that posing with a cancer cat is equal to the work Don Imus does for kids suffering from cancer and helping their families. This bullshit costs Beth and Howard zero, since Beth gets all her pet food and supplies for free from the charity where she works, the North Shore Animal League.

Beth also loves humans who are dying of cancer providing they have money to burn. She tried her best to be sweet and loving around Sam Simon before he died of cancer hoping to get a big cash donation to her bullshit animal charity benefiting her fame quest. Everyone remembers Sam, he was that super super wealthy TV producer and co-creator of The Simpsons TV show and reportedly gave Pam Anderson a one million dollar diamond ring. 

Happy #motherfuckingmonday Beth Fans
Now go out and dig up something disabled, diseased or dying that can make you famous.

1 comment:

  1. She's a professional alright. A goddamn professional shopper. Always something new in these pics. Did Beth Whore pursue Howig? Is there anything real about these two? Annoying. Cheers DBM.
