Saturday, July 11, 2015

Weekend Gossip

It must be true. We read it
on the Beth Fan Page.
Life at the top as Nicky Hilton marries into the Ruling Class and at Kensington Palace no less, so her poor old mom can stop her side business of supplying babies to couples who can't have their own for whatever reason and her alleged pot smoking real estate mogul dad can just keep doing whatever it is he does. 

Nicky looked gorgeous on her wedding day to James Rothschild at Kensington Palace in England. James' father hanged himself in the bathroom in his suite at the Bristol Hotel in 1996 at the age of 41. He was found dead on the floor fully clothed with the belt from his robe around his neck and tied to the towel rack. No suicide note was found but it was believed he was depressed over the death of his mother. James' sister Kate Rothschild married into the uber rich Goldsmith family only to divorce the guy so she could shack up with a rapper from New Orleans who already had a child with singer Erykah Badu. 

Kate Rothschild [left] Nicky Hilton-Rothschild's
sister in law, was dumped by boyfriend 
Jay Electronica because he met a hot model. 
Hey, the ruling class sucks, trust me, 
he got out before it was too late.

Miss Tacky Bride Beth did her Nazi wave to her fan
as she's shuttled to her waiting limo.
Nicky wore a traditional wedding dress instead of a cut-out cheap dress made out discarded fabric remnants like the one worn by Beth Ostrosky at her wedding to a radio DJ held at a tourist trap restaurant in New York where the inebriated bride had to be shuttled out of the place and stuffed into a limo because she had to be taken down from that tabletop showing her private parts to grossed out partygoers. Where was Howard's good buddy David Letterman? Who knows but Chevy Chase delivered an x-rated toast to the toast Howard Stern getting stuck with his selfie monster.

Will Paris Hilton ever score? I mean, aside from having abortions because she supposedly was pregnant by a scumbag who sells celebrity sex tapes who was/is married to Pamela Anderson...oh, the dirt the dirt the dirty. Paris tried to get Stavros Niarchos III down the aisle, who is also a member of the ruling class. Now, that's what I call an awesome selfie.

We love Nicky's 8-carat diamond engagement ring that we think was not provided free by a D List diamond company in exchange for free advertising on a DJ's radio show. I don't know, but I wouldn't walk in front of Paris Hilton down a dark alley anytime soon, she doesn't look too thrilled with her younger sister scoring such a prize.

But really, Paris and Nicky have always been very close and we know Beth fancies herself an heiress of sorts. She married into a radio DJ nerd's alleged fortune that is taken up by the leeches called Trust Fund Babies who are now full grown and complete nonearners.

Beth copies all the cute young things, you know the anime cartoon porno characters and of course Paris Hilton. When Paris was in her 20's and not in her fug forties, she posed with Persian cats all over her body in a spread for Seventeen Magazine. But she isn't a dope on a rope lying around cash-poor in a feral kitten prison camp and trapped in a marriage to a closet queen with no Maserati.
Photo of Paris from 2006. Beth has since
copied Paris with these cat selfies.

Beth does have the lazy left eye that rolls towards her nose and Paris has that famous left tiny eye with the right eye looking normal in comparison. 

As Bethie approaches her fake age of 43, I wouldn't walk in front of her down a dark alley, she might stumble and fall head first and everyone would end up in the ER, much like one year ago when Princess Bethie came flying out of the ladies room head first at Harlow Restaurant in the Hamptons and ended up in the ER as she documented on her Instagram site.

Beth normally says that she doesn't want a birthday party, well who would, she is really turning 46 on July 15 and parties with baby kitties all day while lecturing her mentally deficient nieces and nephews on how Yoda the cat cured his fake heart condition by swatting kittens off the top shelf of his cat tree at Stalag Beth. Howard had better scour the animal shelters again to ferret out more felines since they are the ones getting Beth on TV. Mr. Billionaire, who can't come up with the 7 or 8 million dollars that Beth says she needs to fund a building extension at the North Shore Animal League where Beth is their paid spokesperson. Nope, the public can fund that, not Howard or Beth.

SiriusXM's Entertainment Weekly Channel is broadcasting from Comic-Con 2015 in San Diego with a few celebs showing up like Halle Berry and the aged has-been Gene Simmons from KISS [is he a celeb?]. The ever age-less and beautiful Halle [who doesn't need to lie about her age like some people] talked about her CBS TV series Extant and hopes to do a film about "Storm", her character from the X-Men series. Everyone remembers Halle lived with the gorgeous real model Gabriel Aubry and they had a child together. Gabriel is now appearing in a major clothing campaign for Macy's department stores with the one and only Heidi Klum, Miss Gorgeous Real Supermodel.
Gabriel & Heidi pose for a Macy's clothing campaign.

Are they married or not? Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux staged another false start to their wedding vows, oh, but wait, Beth Fans remember that Jen and Justine were already married back in 2014 at a small ceremony at a resort outside of New York [ref: BFP December 2014, Rose-Colored Glasses]. Sources are now saying they were married in Virginia in 2014...hmmm... Langley, you get it, with his mom tight with deep throat working for the Washington Post, no wonder everything is kept secret with these two celebs; you are dealing with national security, enough said.

Hey Jen, the SAG awards
 are not to be taken literally.
Jen thought she would win an Oscar but was not nominated for her role in the movie "Cake". She wanted the icing on her Cake Oscar and was going to stage a wedding after the Oscar ceremony with tons of free press coverage and free publicity with the studio paying for a public formal wedding with the dress and everything. Well, everything bombed, she never got her Oscar and is still waiting for the most impact, press-wise, to stage a wedding, big deal? Right? Who cares. But Howard cares, because he horns in on her rented vacation home in Cabo at the Clooney/Gerber resort Casamigos, big deal for Stern, but he has to buy 80 cases of that shit Clooney wine that Beth drinks up the remaining 11 mths out of the year.

Meanwhile, Miss Ground Zero is doing nothing with her life but grabbing feral cats to make her famous and is back to her selfie prison at Stalag Beth, the Hamptons Hellhole. We THINK New York is free of the loser wife of Howard Stern for awhile until she can horn in on a taping of "America's Got Talent" where she had the nerve to sell seats on eBay to sit next to her fat ass for a minimum bid of $15,000. Beth and Howard continue to collect money from the public to fund their lifestyle of pushing their faces on TV and their voices on radio with zero content, zero talent, and need to start thinking about where their next senior meals are coming from; we don't think it will be from NBC.


  1. I wish I had the discipline to write everyday. Another great post dude. Thanks.

  2. I hope agedairbrushedhaglovessuckers is a real hashtag. I don't do twitter so I don't know how that works, but I love the idea of that particular hashtag dealie. Just saying 'aged airbrushed hag' cracks me up! We all know her 'only photograph me on my left side' dictum, that's why I'm always waiting for clear pics of her right. They can't airbrush her right side good enough to fool anyone, I'm sure of that. I'm also sure that Beth Hole thinks that flipping a pic of her left side would fool her fan into believing it's a real pic of her right side. #stupidvapidrevokedlicensecunt. Keep up the good work, DBM!

  3. Thanks for the comments; I don't write everyday, I take breaks and I delete a lot of old stuff. As I have said before, I could quit tomorrow and will never say goodbye to Beth Fans. Don't infer anything negative from that, no one is asking me to quit except Howard and Beth's shills that are paid to promote them. They submit harassing comments all the time that I refuse to publish. The hashtags should work if you hit on a key word in an Internet search, but I am no expert. :)

    1. Hello Dame Beth-Man- I don't have a chance to write very often but I check your page every day! I am your biggest fan and I thank you so much for what you do. I enjoy your writings so much! It is fun to come here and read the truth in a world full lies.

  4. Maybe some of the confusion about Justin Theroux marrying Aniston is because people often confuse Howard and Justin.

  5. in a sensh i only speak the truth, about all the girls that loved me before the horse head thing shtole my heart.
