Anyone who cares to remember, Howard forced Dr. Ablow to bless his upcoming nuptials to the screeching football head girlfriend Beth, who barged into the Stern studios when he still had Howard TV [now Beth phones it in, no TV deal, no Beth]. Did the Monster Horse get the approval of the mormon psycho doctor? Is Howard soft in the head? Does Howard stand for nothing? Yes.
We hope Beth didn't take that doctor's name literal. Yes that's his creepy book and he had to listen to Howard brag that he bagged Beth Nobody.
So, why does Howard want the blessing of the Mormon church? We know they love procreating and Howard is against that, especially now with the diseased towel he married and states publicly on his satellite radio show [well, sort of public, all those unsold cars get an ear full or a tank full of Stern's rants], that he wears a condom with Beth, as if Beth has any holes anywhere below the waist that could lead to the creation of a fetus, well, let's not get into that.
Didn't Howard state on Wednesday's satellite radio show that wearing tons of leather isn't hurting anyone? Well, how else can the Sterns prove they are super rich and famous? Wear fake leather? Oh god no!! That's for poor people who can't afford thousands of dollars worth of designer leather products.
More body parts might come off at Stalag Beth, Hamptons, as I have documented on this blog the past casualties at Stalag Beth. The kittens that suddenly turn up with broken legs all under Beth's care, animals who are dumped onto suspect homes and die off with Bethie handing out replacement cats. The carnage continues with Beth as she lies around on her expanding ass rolling over onto kittens as she guzzles the Clooney wine all day and Howard hides from her all night.
Howard is covering up and hiding the fights going on with his princess pariah, the battle of the bulging pseudo celebs, as Howard is circling the drain with record low ratings for the 2015 summer season of "America's Got Talent", and Beth is already at the bottom of the drain begging for money from the public to fund her dream of her name on a building at the charity that pays her a salary, the North Shore Animal League (NSAL).
Why do you think suddenly the Sterns are in league with Lois Pope? Circling the drain much, Bethie? Reaching the bottom of your fame quest? Lois's son is in continuing legal battles with his pug faced mother. As I have said before on this blog about Pope, she is suddenly into the animal charity gimmick desperate to keep her children from inheriting any dough from their daddy who started the National Enquirer, with Lois's daughter long gone and institutionalized for being mentally disabled. Her son has been in constant legal battles with mom, what with her wanting to take out kidnapping insurance against her son and grandkids, oh perfectly normal, right? Wonder if Beth has thought of that? But Howard runs and hides from her and lives with his personal companion and always has his latest hobby "teachers" around and boy toy gophers called "photography assistants" [which Howard had to stop doing since the doorman kept stopping them at his new building], so he is never really caught alone anywhere.
Doesn't this sound like Howard Stern? Oh, he can trash anyone he wants, but don't dare talk about him in the press or in any books, about him or his family, the road only goes one way. Stern can trash you for publicity and to get his face and name in print, don't trash him, no matter how true all your statements may be about him or that cross eyed ghost he married with no past.
Why do you think suddenly the Sterns are in league with Lois Pope? Circling the drain much, Bethie? Reaching the bottom of your fame quest? Lois's son is in continuing legal battles with his pug faced mother. As I have said before on this blog about Pope, she is suddenly into the animal charity gimmick desperate to keep her children from inheriting any dough from their daddy who started the National Enquirer, with Lois's daughter long gone and institutionalized for being mentally disabled. Her son has been in constant legal battles with mom, what with her wanting to take out kidnapping insurance against her son and grandkids, oh perfectly normal, right? Wonder if Beth has thought of that? But Howard runs and hides from her and lives with his personal companion and always has his latest hobby "teachers" around and boy toy gophers called "photography assistants" [which Howard had to stop doing since the doorman kept stopping them at his new building], so he is never really caught alone anywhere.
Doesn't this sound like Howard Stern? Oh, he can trash anyone he wants, but don't dare talk about him in the press or in any books, about him or his family, the road only goes one way. Stern can trash you for publicity and to get his face and name in print, don't trash him, no matter how true all your statements may be about him or that cross eyed ghost he married with no past.
No more turkey burgers for Howard and Beth as Robin Quivers reported this week on the Stern satellite radio show, about the turkey shortage in the nation. Well, that doesn't stop Beth from being a prize Turkey Model.
Wow, that is some post! My head's still reeling from all the points you brought up. Well done!
ReplyDeleteIt's enough to make Howard's wig fall off.....and may it do so in public! LOL Sally D.
You know whats ridiculous? I asked Beth on twitter (even though she blocked me) to spread awareness about a few animal causes going on and she wouldn't do it. I heard Howard say she reads everything so I figured I'd give it a try if she's such an animal activist. Of course she wouldn't tweet or retweet any of it since it had no value to her. She makes me sick. Excellent blog as always!