Sunday, June 28, 2015

The Worst Thing About Sunday knowing that you are facing another week of the Howard Stern stale satellite radio show infomercial with Howard plugging his D List wife, Beth O'Nobody, and her charity gimmick where she has her kitten dumping ceremonies normally documented on a bloody Sunday and posts them on her fan sites consisting of her charity gimmick site called Bianca's Furry Friends and her personal Instagram site filled with people who follow her thinking she is an eight year old child. No one has heard of Howard Stern's aged pariah, they don't know who she is and they seem to be a bunch of morons who think constant kitty cat photos are something of value and somehow entertaining to anyone above the age of 10.

Beth Ostrosky Stern Ostrosky frequently quotes Winnie-the-Pooh on her Instagram and Twitter accounts. If this doesn't help Howard in divorce court, nothing will. Maybe she can eventually live with Lois Pope's mentally disabled daughter who Pope committed to an asylum years ago, we think she might enjoy a roommate.
Screen cap is from Beth Stern's actual Instagram
site. This is not a joke or a photoshop, 
the woman is really this insane.

Who are we kidding here? Beth is an aged has-been, never-was, who was so desperate for fame yet so desperately fucked up in the head as well as dealing with that fug thing on the front of her head called a face, she chased after Howard Stern thinking he was a "catch", when no one was looking for him, including his own wife, Alison, who dumped the pervert shortly after finding out from their accountant that he bought a "bachelor" pad in Manhattan when he wasn't a bachelor. 

Still pretty hilarious that Howard will be quitting "America's Got Talent" (AGT) after this year since Beth O stuck her face in selfie promo ads using the AGT logo to advertise an upcoming live broadcast to showcase herself and auction off seats starting at 15,000 dollars. Yes, seats that are free to the public during the tapings of AGT, yet Beth has decided to sell some of them and pose for pictures with the lucky morons who actually shelled out a minimum of 15,000 dollars to meet the fucked up 45 year old who not only reads Winnie-the-Pooh, but quotes from the books.

Howard Stern was desperate to make his wife a model and frequently had her pose for stupid bikini photos for obscure websites featuring heavily shaded and airbrushed photos of the deformed Beth O, a failed model and failed celeb.

Beth is so desperate to be famous before Howard's flabby ass is kicked off of television [I mean before he quits], she is inserting herself into the live tapings of AGT and now says their bulldog Bianca was actually a cat. So, who's crazy here? I mean, there are thousands of photos online of Beth pushing Bianca in our faces and it was a bulldog, I swear, it was not a tiny black cat.

Well, maybe Ms Mafia Wife, Lois Pope, will be the final nail in the coffin of making Beth famous, or infamous, which ever happens first. We hope that since Howard will be quitting AGT that he will have more time to cart around kittens and dump them onto real foster families in the never-ending treadmill of having to make his wife famous. I mean, hasn't he fulfilled that goddamned pre-nup yet? 

Mr. Limo, carting kittens around with Beth sifting through them and only keeping the ones that she can market and make her famous while she plods around wearing dead cows on her feet claiming to be an animal activist and an animal advocate. Wow Beth, you never cry about wearing your slaughter industry byproducts since they have designer logos on them and that makes it okay. Oh, you only cry for kitties you dump onto real foster homes not the animals that die to fill your closets, okay, fine.


  1. so she flies to florida and gets a couple cats flies back to ny and now fly the cats back to florida with those poor kittens.beth should be in the nut house for sure. it seems like she is doing alot more harm than good for those poor kittens just so she can become famous.why dont mainstream media pick up on this? love your blog!

  2. You pretty much nailed the Toxicity that is named "Beth." Hey, FWIW, if you want to laugh at a bunch of hysterical, but unfortunately true "Beth Demotivational Posters," hit up "The Shed" and then "Fun With Beth De-Motivationals - Create Your Own." You will enjoy the with and witticisms.
