Saturday, June 27, 2015

Saturday Gossip

Everyone is still buzzing over the news that Howard Stern will finally stop bothering the public and get his fug face off television and we wonder what the delay is. I mean, can't he just quit now and maybe producers of "America's Got Talent" (AGT) can salvage what's left of the Summer season? Ratings would pick up in a second once old man Stern leaves the stage. Stern claims he is too busy to continue with his job of tanking ratings for AGT since 2012, declaring that four years is enough for him [since they refused to sign him for another 3-year deal, this year to year crap is for the birds, he needs a commitment].

As Beth Fans know, this blog page is your number one source of gossip. Rumors are swirling that since Howard announced his departure from AGT, Beth Stern is already on board Simon Cowell's yacht auditioning for the part. 

Beth don't eat beef. She likes it dyed
and stamped with a designer logo
with gold trim.
Hey, Howard might be busy playing games, Beth ain't. Go ahead, Howard, pretend you have family commitments and are too busy [too busy with his ghostwriting duties and typing his own comments to his articles...hey Sylvester Stallone did it for years, writing his own movie reviews and comments to articles]. Beth's a liability and loves it. Stern is dealing with a bunch of personal problems at home, all labeled "B.O."

We know this is all too good to be true, that Stern would just walk away, pests don't leave, that's why they are called pests. But we are sick of the stupid way he dresses with that fat stomach sticking out and that tie bulging under his ill fitting jacket, in addition to Mrs. Nobody hogging a red carpet when we think she has zero to do with AGT. What is she? Howard's personal assistant? Stylist? What is her reason for existing and hogging red carpets? We know behind the scenes everyone is sick of the bitch, including, all of Stern's stupid entourage that are on the AGT payroll, it was getting pretty ridiculous and people have been complaining about it, trust me, a little birdbrain told me. 
Tubby Stern and Fathead Beth hogging a red carpet tanking ratings and killing shows like there's no tomorrow.

Grumpy ignored football head Beth is sick
of not being famous. That cat hates you, Beth.
Sources have stated that Heidi gets $70,000 per episode of AGT while Stern gets $105,000. Heidi held out for more money this year, so who knows what anybody is really paid. What we do know is that Howard's dough goes to making that sinkhole he calls a wife, famous. He's also supporting a bunch of family members that do nothing with one close relative plugging the North Shore Animal League on their Facebook site while pretending to be a photographer with the fake and phony airbrushing and colorizing photos of swampland. All Beth does is fill her Instagram with photos of a bunch of cats she dumps onto real foster homes and photos of her fug face in various moods.

Everyone also knows Howard is insanely jealous of Brucilla Jenner, and we wonder where Howard's big reality show is. Will nobody offer Helen Stern a show? 


  1. great post today! sounds like things might get interesting around here. keep up the great work.

  2. the wig looks much better as a woman.the lipstick looks great. wonder what the wig looks like when he plays dress up at home. maybe beth will post a pic on instagram.
