So out goes the foster cat Blind Buddy on his feeble tiny ass and we hope he lands in a better place than stuck with Miss Cameras, Lights, and Action, as she is a superstar on a free service called Instagram. Yes, Beth O'Bitch was back snapping at her little Instagram followers who have no clue who she is and are lost at what the house rules are. Bethie cannot house all her phony foster cats in her enormous mansions or in her massive two-story apartments in Manhattan that are the size of the Titanic.

Ha, Ha, Ha, Beth O Stern crashing a loser book signing party for fug Ali Wentworth in NY on Monday, who showed up with her rarely vertical or straight husband and her troll kids who look like something a gnome rejected and left under a bridge. So Howard's little pariah is in the city waiting to dump her latest round of inbred kittens missing important parts of their anatomy to satisfy Beth's selfie obsession and get press for disgusting disfiguring news about those cats she stole from somewhere, who the hell knows, Beth never tells the same story twice the same way.
Howard Stern has the nerve to make fun of Caitlyn Jenner, when he is married to a demon who disfigures cats, throws them in a car and dumps them onto god knows who while sifting through the remains of snatched and kidnapped cats from other states for the best ones so Beth can be photographed with new photo props designed to get her face attention somewhere, somehow, when it's just that stale Instagram or Twitter. Big deal Beth, those are free sites, they will not make you famous, the entire planet uses those sights and the entire planet is not famous, including you.

Yes, thanks Dave, the second that RZ press released he had signed on to do a true life serial of the Manson story, Little Dave ran and cried to his network that he was doing a what? A FICTIONAL version of the Manson Family and the murders, with that stupid name "Aquarius", so big fucking deal Dave, fiction, go away while you still have two pieces of that wig left on your aged head. Go back to being a girl Dave, you look like Jennifer Aniston's twin sister who murdered your parents.
Now, back to our regular program. Howard was dancing around that old tired story about how he met the man cave Beth O'Nobody, a bar fly with numerous failed jobs. Everyone gossiped on the Internet that Miss botched implants Beth worked in the PR department at the old Scores strip club...not the new Scores, the old, original gentlemen's club. Oh, and it was shut down, right? By whom? The FBI? Oh, right, Howard bragged on his satellite radio show that he has friends at the FBI, friends at the police department and suddenly after operating for over a decade the Feds decided to shut down Scores right around the time Bethie's ass was firmly planted in Howard's Manhattan apartment. Scores was shut down for supposed mafia connections, illegal gambling, prostitution, graft and corruption and it was in ruins and the building demolished with Howard's FRIEND Lonnie Hanover looking for work, you remember Lonnie, the one who hosted that dinner party where he met Beth. Or was that dinner party simply a way to introduce Beth to the public? That Mercer Kitchen, the restaurant, bar, and hotel, that is the published story, I believe.
Just where are all of Beth's records that she was an employee of Scores? She worked for Lonnie, right? Pretty funny as the dates keep getting shifted and danced around inside Stern's pointy and rarely truthful head, but wasn't it at Dominic's Hamptons home that the deal was sealed? Beth claims she first fucked Howard at Dominic's home, oh Howard was fucked all right, big time, with documents being signed and Beth was going nowhere, she found her dream man. The joke has been on Stern ever since. But, hey dates, times and places don't matter. All that matters is that Beth found Howard and he is stuck with the bitch forever....kiss kiss hug hug.
#scores #lonnie #florida #blindbuddy #yoda #bethstern
How is she getting away with all of this fraud?
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