Where did you buy those goofy breast implants stuck on your boy body? |
Anyone who bothers to follow Beth Ostrosky on her media sites knows that she has provided ample photographic and video evidence that she fosters cats inside her posh closets in Manhattan and the Hamptons. I have yet to figure out how rolling around on the floor in her girdle and bra or showing off her giant dresses with kittens stuck on her body is considered charity work. But that's the only way anyone is remotely interested in looking at this freakish Frankenstein creation of 112 Productions. I mean the jokes write themselves here.
Well Howard has a closet filled with women's clothing that is not all Beth's and is a public transvestite, I mean he has appeared in drag a million times aside from his stupid book covers for "Miss America". All Beth needs is a closet for her fat jeans since marrying money bags Stern but she is on a fame quest. If she were a video game she would be at level ten with no weapons or power-ups with zero lives left. She has an enormous football head with the crossed eyes, screeching voice, a frozen botox face and a sour personality and she wants on television.
We have recently learned Beth is doing the same thing with the closets in her property in Florida to again show off how rich she is with the designer leather products while throwing a few cats around the room and calling it charity work. Lois Pope, the self proclaimed socialite, will have airplanes filled with a bunch of dogs and a few cats dropped in Florida to foster homes and shelters all for publicity and to film it for television.
[ref: http://www.bethfanpage.blogspot.com/2015/05/beths-fan-page.html]
We remember the exclusive story by "Gossip Extra" that Bethie needed a bigger closet in her Florida mansion but now we know the reason, to house those phony foster cats that are supposed to make Beth famous. We can be assured the super renovated closet will be equipped with sound and cameras to document all of Beth's antics rolling around on the floor with her phony foster cats.
Keep up the renovations, Howard, then you can keep up the tax breaks. |
Miss Barren Mom Cave got shown the door. |
But just because the Selfie Princess claims to be a tireless charity worker, why does that equate to the public having to look at her giant plastic surgery face on television? She is a horrible television personality, with her screeching bragging that she married Howard Stern wow, who could've seen that coming. A D-List radio DJ in his 40's looking for another wife under 40. Who to choose, who to choose, oh, Beth with a murky past so no one can make fun of Stern that he married a catalog crone whose menopausal eggs have failed to hatch. Oh right, Stern doesn't want anymore little bottom feeders sucking out the dough that goes to building his selfie photography studios called "closets".
We did love seeing Beth on television with the HGTV show Mom Caves. Beth is happiest mugging for the cameras showing everyone she is a dolt who barely made it out of High School and dropped out of college for a pregnant pause before doing catalogs modeling plus size lingerie and pants that never need ironing.
Beth is now off to Florida to get ready for Kitten Drop 2015 when a plane will fly over her Florida fortress to drop cats for Beth to pretend to foster.
So how did we get stuck with Beth in the first place? Well, earlier this year she did an online video interview for the Huffington Post and said she has been with Howard for over 15 years. Most likely it was in 1995 with the filming of Ben Stiller movie "Flirting With Disaster" [directed by the voyeur David O. Russell], and released in 1996.
Beth Stern's Kitten Drop 2015, Stalag Beth Florida. |
Amazing stuff as usual. Beth really is the gift that keeps on giving. I wish you would post twice a day!
ReplyDeleteOh, man.......I can't stop laughing! "Kitten Drop 2015"!!!! And that pic of Dr. Johnny Fever
ReplyDeletefrom "WKRP" announcing it all is an EXCELLENT touch! You know, after spending all day at
the county Urgent Care clinic yesterday, this is just the kind of hearty laugh I need. Thanks!!
P.S. That sort of clinic could really use help from moneybags-types like Howard & Beth,
but hey, when there's kittens that need "saving,"......well, the choice of where to donate
your charitable dollars is obvious, right? Sheesh! Sally D.
Great post today. Love kitten drop cartoon. Have a great weekend.