Beth's fan Facebook site brags about her pseudo charitable feats where she sits and waits for shipments of animals to be delivered to the North Shore Animal League where Beth picks the best of the bunch, some are snatched purebred animals that were separated from their original owners by a natural disaster or some other catastrophe and Beth sifts through them finding the perfect ones to satisfy her selfie obsession, something she calls charity work.
Beth has just press released that her Florida home will now be a foster home for cats, much like her Hamptons home called Stalag Beth. Bethie gets two homes to use as a tax relief charity scheme for rich morons who can't make an honest living. We know Princess Beth has to go into hiding to get all her nips and tucks and the Hamptons house just isn't private enough, right Beth? A random photographer might be out and about? Beth is heading to Florida under the guise of charity work. We knew Howard Stern wanted to move Beth farther away, the Hamptons was too close, even with his new digs in the Village of the Damned a bit farther from his Sirius studios and thus the need to start the show one hour later after being on the radio for 30 years. Suddenly Mr. Stern needs extra commute time.
You will notice in the excerpt below, Beth does nothing unless it is for television. Beth lives for TV and she thinks she will finally be famous with her new permanent gig with Lois Pope in conjunction with the North Shore Animal League.

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Will Howard finally kiss Leno's ass? He is personal friends with Lois Pope, the facelifted plastic surgery fossil with the bleached wig on the right. |
Now Miss Stern is firmly established with Miss Pope, and that disgusting American Humane Society, a thinly disguised animal charity that is funded by the Screen Actors Guild who pays for that seal and cert that appears at the end of all television shows and movies that feature live animals. Yes, their record is dismal, with dead and dying animals that barely make it past the first day's shooting and the ones that survive are dumped back at a municipal shelter where they are euthanized within days after their big screen jobs are done.
Thank god Howard could hang on for another year on "America's Got Talent" (AGT) since Stern needs the dough. He has not fulfilled his side of the pre-nup for many years now, the promise to make his pudgy pariah wife a celebrity in exchange for pretending they live together when it's all a farce. Yes, Howard's PR team is in full force to make Beth a superstar this year working with old lady Lois Pope to make it happen setting aside a giant space at Beth expanding concentration camp for feral cats, now they will have their own cells at Stalag Beth South Florida. We can't wait for that second superstar purebred cat Beth will just "find" and have another ghostwriter make up a giant dramatic story around its rescue and Beth will take hundreds of selfies with her new foster prisoners. The O Family must be having the big O over their newfound charity tax shelter in Florida. Good luck darling Stern daughters, looks like you will have a battle royal on your hands once Stern buys the big casino. Kiss kiss hug hug.
Readers of this blog site already knew about the return of Piers Morgan to AGT. Just how many judges can fit at that judges' table until Stern finally falls off the edge and cracks open that wig?
Great scoop about Stalag Beth expanding to Palm Beach! And as we know, the only way Howard could get Beth to Florida is by luring her with a big TV camera ... and then Howie gets his little vacation after all.