Saturday, March 7, 2015

Yoda Casting Call

Yes, more "Yodas" are being found and brought to the top bitch at the North Shore Animal League (NSAL) Bethie O'Pitbull who raced to be photographed with another potential Yoda that was found by a person on the streets in the New York area.

No one knew that this was a problem in The Big Apple, a sudden influx and infestation of purebred Persian cats that are just found abandoned on the streets and Beth could pick and choose the best one to snatch. Photo [left] posted on Beth's Instagram 3/6/15 of a "Yoda" that died 2 weeks ago but not before Miss Fathead could snatch it for a photo shoot.

New York is being overrun with stray Persian cat gangs.

Yes, according to Beth's lunatic ramblings on her Instagram site []  a person with some obnoxious screen name contacted NSAL and said a "Yoda" had been found and it needed their help. Well, why this person could not simply have a local vet evaluate the animal and put the poor animal down is a mystery, nope, needed to phone NSAL and have them contact Beth. Why? 

Because we are learning of a general casting call that had gone out to all five and dime bogus animal shelters and county animal control offices [no doubt with a sizable reward] that Princess Fathead was in the market for a white Persian cat, hey Beth, what happened? You needed a hard luck story, it couldn't be a Persian  cat you purchased from a breeder, right? 

Howard Stern detailed on his radio
show how he was searching commercial
breeders for a purebred bulldog.
Suddenly the story was changed that the
dog was acquired from a rescue
breeder, which rescues

the breed from extinction while dogs
sit and wait for death in real
animal shelters.
Unsold animals from
commercial breeders account for about
90% of all the unwanted animals
that are dumped onto the
local county animal pounds to euthanize.

Like your purebred bulldog you tried to lie and say it was purchased from a rescue breeder, so who coined that term for you? They rescue a breed from oblvion when breeders contribute to the overpopulate of dogs that only end up in the county shelters waiting to die, so do not buy from a "rescue breeder", but adopt a dog from a shelter.

So a dolt from NYC gets in  contact with Big Beth instead of handling the situation and having the cat put down to cease its suffering, oh but then Bethie couldn't pose in full makeup with the dying feline, right? Your purpose, right Bethie?

Everyone knows the current "Yoda" is the second one at least, the first one dying already about a year ago with this current "Yoda" as the one that Beth could market and pose with and continue to have an excuse to get her fug face in print and pretend this is all somehow considered charity work and sell books with Howard & Beth's fug photos on the book. Howard looks like a firecracker went off in his wig and his surprised eye lift and laser surgery is so severe he looks like a stone faced frozen jerk who thinks Yoda the cat is his son. 

Another [cough] rescue cat
of Beth's as posted on
Instagram named Leon Bear,

a Maine Coon that NSAL snatched
for Beth during Hurricane Katrina
Miss Richy Rich in the Hamptons Bethie O'Unmarketable, found a way to have a purpose [a.k.a., a fat paycheck that doesn't come out of Howard Stern's bank accounts, called getting suckers to donate to NSAL for the Beth Fund] and make her famous while taking hair extension breaks lying around her Hamptons Hideaway for her charity work of posing for pictures nobody asked for and are sick of seeing. 

Oh yes Miss Animal Advocate, who named her Maine Coon cat after mogul Leon Black, as stated by both Beth and Howard, love to grab that cash with their home charity business. Interesting that they don't have a cat named Monster Malone.

Two years after this video was posted of Howard & Beth's dog Bianca, the dog died of heart failure due to obesity....she completely doesn't know Howard. 

Click on the title below to view the video

Wow, some animal lovers; poor Bianca. On Beth's Instagram she keeps
spouting nonsense that any deceased animals taken out the back door of NSAL
 will be watched over by Bianca in heaven; yes, Beth's purpose, sending animals
to heaven before their time.

#leonblack #leon #bianca #bulldog #persian #persiancats #nsal #hamptons #bethstern 


  1. Great Post!
    Love the influx of homeless Persians roaming the streets of NYC. They are so insulated they have no idea how ridiculous their lies are.

    1. Everyone else can see through the bullshit except them. It just makes them even more insane-looking.
