Sunday, September 7, 2014

Funeral Famous Sterns

Yes, Howard, you turned and made sure you
were spotted by the cameraman
and Beth's new bleached wig is in full
view as you told her to turn her head to
ensure she gets her hideous
 bitch profile in the camera shot.

Pretty sad when the biggest thing in Howard & Beth's world is the Joan Rivers' memorial. 

Pretty sad when Howard and Beth have to parade into the memorial service taking their time to get the maximum media coverage as they stroll around the block with their new wigs and tons of makeup stopping and turning to get their faces in clear camera shot of the paparazzi.

Pretty dismal but expected turn out for the queen that nobody liked and had to pretend was funny as she wore out her welcome of insult humor and writing boring books, but then that is all she had at the end, although she did get a bunch of cable shows that were willing to pay for her and Missy and add some spark to otherwise run of the mill cable reality shows.

But as a self-proclaimed fashionista Joan had a lot of nerve critiquing celebrities when it is a stereotype I don't mind repeating here that people of a certain religious persuasion are known cheapskates that don't know how to dress to save their lives. Their tastes range from cheap and ugly to cheap and gawdy.


  1. At least Joan was a devoted mother whose kid and grandkid loved her. Can't say the same for Wiggy.

  2. i hope beth had a good time, she was dressed like she was going out dancing at a club.

  3. Wow. She really did post that after-funeral picture? What a complete dolt. And I agree. At least Joan was loved by her daughter and grandson. You never see the Stern clan together.

  4. OOOPS ! Please change "engraged" to enraged! You are the best!

  5. This comment relates to my comment on your September 8th entry. Sorry for the confusion!
