Monday, August 4, 2014

Howard & Beth are Jelly of Heidi

Is there anything Heidi can't do? Is there anything this superwoman can't accomplish? She juggles her own personal family life raising children aside from winning Emmy Awards for herself and the Weinstein Company for her show "Project Runway". 

Howard Stern is a fumbler that should have been fired after his first year on AGT. He dropped the ball, he couldn't deliver, his mouth is bigger than his delusions of grandeur. Stern bungled AGT as ratings plummeted, since no one knows who Stern is outside of New York. So, what to do with that amateurish idiot who looks like a deer in the headlights who tries to hog a stage acting like AGT is finally his shot at getting his own network show? 

Call Heidi to save the day, after the dismal failure of Howard Stern's first season on AGT, and ratings tanked by 32 percent since the loss of Piers Morgan. Both Heidi Klum and Mel B were hired as a stellar tag team to save that little Snapple Infomercial from the chopping block and poor Howard Stern is scrambling to make it into some springboard to fame desperate to take credit for the whole show that existed before Stern started offering Cowell some dough for a job. All AGT does is finance Howard's new teeth and plastic surgery along with some cheap doll's wig that is sewn into his patchy curly head.

Heidi and Mel B were hired to save AGT's sagging ratings aside from the saggy ass of Stern and his wife who crawls after Stern on the AGT red carpet who can't even get arrested in the Hamptons to save her tabloid life...

Bates Motel Time
Wonder why these two are having a hard time getting a TV show, or any show with actual ratings. This must be their sexy look, I guess, sexy for two bridge dwellers that have to catch fish with their teeth.

Poor little Howard Stern is taking vacation from his satellite radio show because he can't handle his two little jobs as he fights to support the ball and chain and stop the pre-nup amendments. His little wig and facelift have to be camera ready for the live tapings of AGT where Stern is buried in a mass of confusion, what are all those TV cameras around him? Why is there a giant stage? What camera does Howard look into while reading from scripted material written for him in tiny print since he has those beady eyes that dart around and needs constant lasix adjustments? Howard acts like a scared girl on AGT, while Heidi and Mel B are professionals, taking it in stride and are reliable while being fun as Stern is scrambling for solid ground since he is out of his league on television.

Beth is a master of illusion, you think she is doing something for charity but her charity pays her a salary and all she does is show her ass in bikinis from years gone by as she covers up and hides the kittens that don't survive the first year with Beth, they are dumped onto foster homes that are utilized by the North Shore Animal League (NSAL). Beth trades kittens back and forth with NSAL so she can have a variety of colorful kittens to pose with and post on her social media sites with its paid corporate followers.

Well, give some aged cheesy dope some rope and you know the rest...Beth Fans wonder just how long Beth will put up with Stern not being able to deliver in the bedroom...or...elsewhere...

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