Friday, August 8, 2014

Famous Idiots

I thought all Howard Stern cared about were hot chicks, right? Funny he constantly states he is not religious and wars are caused by religion then suddenly takes sides and sells soundbytes to news outlets to try and stop Palestine from bombing Jewish weddings while he allegedly funds the wall built by Israel to stop Palestine from throwing rocks at them. But Stern needs to prove he is political and tries desperately to copy Don Imus who gets the big guests in the political world as well as having his free radio broadcast also aired on Fox Business cable channel, something that Stern has to go to therapy over to calm down his jealousy. Nobody listens to Howard, that's why he has to have a bunch of opinions about current news events because he is desperate to get noticed and justify his existence on satellite radio.

Meanwhile, Beth isn't even a big enough idiot to be included in the rejection list for host of "The View", how funny is that? I guess Beth is famous for being married to her stupid husband yet even Beth failed to out-idiot Jenny McCarthy, who the network wanted to fire last year but now we have Rosie O to save the day and save our free TV channels from ignoring the lesbians. At least Rosie will promote Broadway to middle American tourists and increase tourism for NY which was the reason NBC moved both The Tonight Show and America's Got Talent to New York; they wanted to try and boost ratings from tourism and sponsorship dollars.

Pretty funny that Rosie turned down Stern
when she had her radio show. Rosie had been
quoted as saying about meeting with Stern,
"one meeting, Nobu". No, Stern could not get Rosie on 
Howard 101, no doubt, because he wants to 
pay you in bagels and donuts and one cup of coffee.

Stern will do or say anything to supplement his meager income, while his wifey is caged inside her brain thinking she is a real model and a real celebrity. Well, suck it up honey. Since you have entered the public arena thinking you are a real model and celebrity, then you are subject to public opinion, public criticism, and becoming a public laughing stock, all courtesy of your employer.

Howard tries to be straight pretending to love photographing his #1 model, Beth O'torsky and might fancy himself as another sort of, Richard Avedon...but it is pretty funny since Avedon was known to do just about zero post production work for his own photographs, not the fashion photography for magazines or ads, but his own photos, or sessions commissioned by celebrities. He hated airbrushing and touch-ups as is evident from myriads of his photos, most notably of Marilyn Monroe.

Then we have one of the most vain unknown women in history who is photographed by one of the most vain and irritating idiot shock jocks in history, Howard Stern, who takes photos with his iPhone, which are smeary and blurry, which is exactly the look Howard is after with his aged wife. Yes, Beth has the most average, plain Jane, screwed up girl-next-door look who fancies herself a cover model, having appeared on numerous free magazines that nobody asked her to do, as well as numerous magazines that promote purebred animals like Cat Fancy [purebred animals are purchased by the wealthy with us poor people getting their inbred leftovers and unwanted litters that are dumped on local municipal animal shelters].

I know, we all can't be gorgeous like Rob & Sheri...

...but, Beth isn't even ugly enough to turn heads, really, she is one of those poor pitifully plain ugly people who are invisible, she blends in with the masses of average nobodies. I mean, forget pretty, she has no classic features, she isn't interesting to look at and she has zero personality...nothing shines through.

Beth is so profoundly nothing, she has tried tons of plastic surgery and managed to look like an ugly girl with tons of plastic surgery with zero personality; she emotes bitch.

Beth desperately tries to dress like a young
skinny supermodel only to end up looking like
someone's mom with those Charlie Chunk legs:

So, what on earth are we supposed to do with this latest issue of Social Life magazine? Okay, fine, more iPhone photos from the master photographer of this nobody he keeps pushing into our faces--he even filled in her man's receding hairline. It looks like he used an airbrush to actually draw a hairline around her botox forehead:

How come Howard didn't use this photo from Cabo last year
 for Beth's Social Life magazine cover? All I see are saggy implants, 
elephant legs, giant flabby knees and she has to cover up
and hide that massive plastic surgery face.

WOW, the phony airbrushed photo of the blue bathing suit Beth wore in Cabo looks different. So could Howard use his 112 Productions expense budget for the Cabo trip in the guise of a photo shoot? OMG...what a phony idiot. Beth looks nothing like this, the candid photos are the real Beth, Howard even enhanced her skin color since all of Beth's skin laser peels have reduced her skin to a pale nothing color.

I guess Howard added a red lobster filter to this one:

#sociallifemagazine #bethostroskystern #cabo


  1. It would be amazing if Howard would take note of your insightful analysis of Beth and face the facts. I remember early on when he first started pushing "the beautiful Beth O" in our faces, it was hard for me to pick her out of a crowd because there was nothing distinctive about her. The only things that have made her more recognizable over the years is her incredible egotism along with the engagement ring she still waves around like a winning lottery ticket.

    Great comparison between Beth's obliterated face on the "Social Life" cover with the beautiful photos Avedon took of the irreplaceable Marilyn Monroe and her million dollar smile. Howard has no capacity to appreciate the best.

  2. nice find about beth's cheap hair extensions!

  3. I'm sure he has buyers remorse, but it's too late for Wigward. He's stuck...

  4. I recently had the displeasure of seeing a clip of Mom Caves with Bumpit Beth Ofailedtvskys hosting. It was so horrific, and it show cased Beth's creepy stripper wedding dress shrine.She instagramed a pic of it cause one of her fat cats decided to try to get away from her or maybe she placed the cat there so she could have an excuse to humble brag that she baged a zombie billionaire who renovates closets for her disgusting nasty scare crow hats to have a lighed cubby home.
