Monday, July 7, 2014

The Howard Stern Show Tapes

Howard Stern reveals his angst and desperation having paid followers continue to promote his vacation weeks on Internet message boards, we know that NBC is taking note of the slamming of Mr. Stern across the Internet on all message boards and time is running out for the King of All Stale Material. 

Hey, why doesn't the Howard Stern Tapes Team replay the awesome and funny Don Imus bit about Princess Bethie from 2003?

Don Imus did a hilarious bit on his radio show where a basketball player character called Beth a bimbo with herpes all in fun but Howard can dish it out but he can't take it, especially where his bimbo is concerned. Howard can dish out disparaging remarks to everyone on the planet even though he liked to claim Beth was no part of his show so is off limits to parody but then bragged that she is a globally super famous model, therefore, Howard, she is in fact a public figure and fair game. 

Rest assured no lawsuit happened since the bimbo can't prove she isn't a bimbo with or without herpes, right Beth? Oh, but Imus did this all in fun and the Sterns can't take a joke.

Can Howard spell pay cut? Oh, he is used to that, having received constant pay cuts from Sirius. Well, Howard thinks his fan base of local losers won't notice that there is no more Howard TV, there is no more co-host, staff have been reduced, Robin [who is not reducing] has been sent home...Sirius has crowded its channels with more know, like how Simon Cowell crowded the judges table at America's Got Talent (AGT) with lovely ladies so people might tune in sometime and ignore the aged wig on the end who turns out, is a humorless dolt.

Can't Howard find one message board that likes him? 

Can Howard continue to spin fairytales that NBC actually moved AGT to New York because of Stern? NBC was moving the show anyway, along with The Tonight Show starring JIMMY FALLON, yes, Howard, JIMMY, a person under retirement age who actually has an audience in which you are calling them up endlessly begging for an appearance before they change their phone number and email. That was the reason for the exodus of Sharon Osbourne, NBC already made the decision to move the show to New York, phase out Osbourne, while laughing at a shock jock begging for scraps at the judges' table, while the aged jock talks up the show endlessly on his satellite radio show.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Stern is having another meltdown staging kitten drama as she is ignored by Howard who is holed up in his Manhattan Man Cave desperate to plug up the leaking holes of his career.

Source: Beth Stern Instagram

OH, BETHIE we need more bikini shots to divert attention away from the fact you are an UNFIT FOSTER MOTHER...Yes, Beth, time to show your ass for kitten haters!! Beth is desperate to prove she was a model at the old age of 35 as if Howard could make her famous at that age. She never made it when she was young and pre-nose job and boob job, so how could she make it now when all the readers have moms the same age as Beth?

Keep up the damage control Howard, you are spinning, and you have run out of storylines for your time bomb, a.k.a., your wife. Keep typing away on message boards hoping anyone gives a damn about your sunken career as your wife has already tanked in the Hamptons...oh, where is her Hamptons magazine cover? Are you still working on that? Or are you busy typing up Internet articles reciting your dead resume? Oh, how about another restaurant sighting? That's good for some press somewhere...I am sure NBC loves those restaurant sightings, that is, in between your wife being drunk and shuttled off to an emergency room as she documented on her Instagram website...ha...pretty good.

#bethisabimbowithherpes   #donimus


  1. Dear Beth-Man,

    The downfall of Stern's career has absolutely filled the void that his comedy team once filled. The fact that he is completely pussy whipped to the exact specimen he made a fortune destroying is what keeps this story so fresh. Stern has morphed into Imus and everyone else that were at one time or another the butt of his jokes.

    I actually enjoy the slow pace of his demise. His show is completely unlistenable but the softballs he and his "wife" lob over the plate keeps me interested in the embarresing train wreck his career and legacy have become.

    Keep up the great and entertaining work.

  2. How does a little kitten fracture its own leg? IMPOSSIBLE. Did she drop it from a great height or step on it or something? When will the animal shelter wise up and stop letting her keep the cats at her house?

  3. She probably manipulated the kitten for yet another photo shoot and fractured its legs, or maybe stepped on it in a drunken stupor. Notice that there are no pictures of Beth at the movie premiere with Howard on Sunday. And sure enough, her Munchausen by proxy kicks in on Monday and she has to whisk the cat away to the vet, just to get some attention for herself. It's so obvious, and yet fascinating how oblivious she is to what she is doing. The only people who think she is an "angel" are the sycophants on Twitter and Instagram, who are blind to what's really going on. I too am fascinated by this being played out in public like this.
