Sunday, July 6, 2014

Beth, The Kitten Hater

Caged pigeon Beth wants out as she continues to be a pariah in the Hamptons and she has failed to launch in Florida, so her only "bit", written by Howard Stern, is this kitten adoption gimmick for the useless home-bound monster he married, yes, the unemployable dolt who is getting older and packing on the pounds as we speak. All I have seen lately on the internet is Beth as a fuzzy drunk mirage haunting Katie Lee's dinner parties to plug her cable TV cooking show, but here is a photo from 2006, you can barely see Beth's crutches in the right of the photo...yes, Beth is back to crutches, since she has nothing to fall back on, except her ever widening ass.

Crutches Beth/2006

Notice on Beth's Instagram, suddenly her OLD photos of HERSELF are being snuck in between those monotonous kitten photos. Beth is dying to be the center of attention again. Notice it went from being nostalgic, to being downright rude and snotty, claiming the public are kitten haters, when it is BETH who hates those kittens.

Notice it went from "SEARCHING FOR COMPLIMENTS" to being "KITTEN HATERS"....yes, Beth, you are desperate, and desperate for a solo calendar and desperate to see your face in print absent those damn cats.

After 15 years and counting of being with Stern, it has gotten Beth back to ground zero. Just like after Howard ditched the first wife and thinking that Hollywood was calling, and that he could tie up a real model in his chamber of horrors, when all he got was BETH...I mean the joke is on Howard. He even stopped photographing the monstrosity because the airbrushing was taking weeks to complete, which is the time he needs to write phony news articles about himself, about how relevant he is, how famous he is, when he has been mothballed to satellite radio.

So here we go, Bethie's pitiful life of constantly paging through her iPhone photos staring at the thousands that the public have never seen before. Howard took all these photos that were never purchased by any magazine, any media outlet, so they sit, and Beth can dole them out at her leisure [which is 24/7] and pick and choose which photos to post for those imaginary "kitten haters", yes, Beth, you are posting the photos for YOURSELF, YOU are the KITTEN HATER, not us.

NOTE TO BETH FANS, Howard Stern is DONE taking photos of his aged cottage cheese cake. So we will see old photos that have been sitting around on his computer from years ago. I know the Florida newspaper insert below is from 2013, but the photo is from one of Stern's photo shoots from years ago and is of Beth at their HAMPTONS HOME, not FLORIDA. Howard is all bullshit and doesn't spend one extra dime on this storefront pony he married.


Beth Stern Instagram, posted 7/6/14, a recycled image.

Oh, remember this? Time to re-do your bio, honey.

Where's your second book, Beth? In outer space with all your dreams of stardom? Maybe you could find fame on the moon, I hear Sirius is looking for some awesome talent to fill its space station, #IceStationStillNotFamous.


  1. Why does she keep saying we all hate the kittens? I don't hate kittens. I am a cat owner, and have been for the past 24 years. I hate HER. Geezus.

  2. She is projecting onto us how she feels. I would love to be a kitten in one of the cages at her house to hear the shouting matches between her and Howard about how she got stuck in this kitten vortex. It is getting her nowhere fast.

  3. It must be hard on Beth, too, that her friend, Katie Lee, has moved forward. She's on a cooking show on HGTV and has another cookbook in the works. As for Beth, "Oh My Cat" must be a hard sell since she hates cats ...

  4. This is an old trick of theirs. They have been releasing the years before photo's for years now. There were many released a few years back that had the wrong flowers in bloom. Not to mention that the boob changes like and indy pit crew were doing the surgeries showed.

    Great blog, keep up the lords work!

  5. Never forget this comment from a poster on Gawker;
    "My college roommate knew her when she was still Katie Lee from Huntington, WV. Said she went looking for an old geezer right out of high school and didn't look back.
    She probably would have done better to stay and stalk Matthew McConaughey when he was in town filming 'We Are Marshall'."

    Also want to lose your meal? Watch this airhead muppet on Oprah
