Thursday, July 24, 2014

Steady Failure

NBC's America's Got Talent (AGT) tied with CBS for Wednesday night by barely getting by with a ratings boost from NBC's "Taxi Brooklyn". Howard Stern remains a steady failure keeping the flatlined ratings at a series low since Piers Morgan, Regis Philbin and the crazy antics of Hasselhoff stole the show. 

Howard will never reach the original high ratings of AGT ever again, he isn't capable of anything but reading from a script in between heavy editing of his bizarre reaction shots hampered by his extensive plastic surgery and silicone makeup that hardens under the hot lights. I really don't know why he needs to show up at all, a bunch of still reaction shots would work just as well on that shitty talent show. 

Please hire Mrs. Pretty because his talentless wife is draining his bank account while his employer cuts his salary so he cuts production costs and spends the advertising budget on national promotion like setting up a booth at ComicCon. Please help, won't you?

My gosh, only his bottom heavy ratings sinkhole Brunhilda Bethie really cares that Howard keeps that loser second job. She is the one hammering away at that pre-nup barking orders at her wigged penpal that she communicates with from her home in the Hamptons while he resides in New York in his divorce settlement digs.

And why is it that all radio wives on the Stern show look alike? Was Howard desperate to try and duplicate the features of his ex-wife? Yet all wives look familiar...even the cleft chin in a few of these photos....

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