Monday, July 21, 2014

Sell-By Date

We think Beth is past her "Sell-By" date and needs to be out of rotation in the life of Howard Stern whose needle is stuck in a scratch on the record player of his career. I mean, come on, let's give this up and stop pretending Stern actually launched a star, or that she ever was anything but a girl living in NY trying to make it as a model and actress. I mean this joke has gone far enough already. My gosh. I never knew she was a key light model.

Beth never got into The Plaza and never got the royal treatment as did Martha's champion dog in 2012 as he enjoys a posh lunch before winning Beth of Breed at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show [I meant Best of Breed]:

I think this is as far as Beth ever got to dining at The Plaza:

I predict the older Beth gets, the younger her hair and outfits will get.

The Beautiful Couple who failed to launch their ship, but their ship never came in, it sunk long ago. Time for a rewrite guys, time to stop the morning zoo bullshit and face it that you are old and over and an embarrassment to SiriusXM and that Howard hides surgical tape under a giant wig for the taping of America's Got Talent to pull back his face and hides his darting, glaring eyes behind shaded cosmetic glasses.


  1. dear beth-man,
    Yoko had another break down on social media this morning and played the kitten hater card again. who is she talking about when she wrote: it is too early to block kitten haters? I would imagine all her haters would be blocked by now I know evryone at The Shed is. Can you shed a little insight on this? thanks! PelicanWig

  2. Gee, I missed this since I WAS WORKING - a concept Beth knows nothing about. If only I had to worry about "kitten haters" and posting old pics of myself in bikinis. When will she learn that we love kittens - it's her that we hate. Sigh.
