Friday, July 25, 2014

Comic Con Job

Laugh it up you aged idiots; this is all you are getting
out of cheapskate Stern. So, I wonder how that 
Hawaiian Tropic Opera Singer and bit player is 
doing [yes I know, she is not pictured in the photo]? 
Anymore free singing appearances at clubs in New York?
 Or is she busy with the botox needle? 
I hope all the A*Holes employed by Howard Stern are enjoying their free trip to San Diego's Comic Con on the Howard Stern, SiriusXM advertising budget since this is also their xmas bonus this year. Oh, I mean, aside from that radiated stale fish appetizers at that submarine that gives Howard Stern free booze and fish carcasses in exchange for free advertising on the Howard 100 & 101 channels.

Rare appearance on camera coming from San Diego's Comic Con of the two fugly pudges that love Beth and are jealous of Howard; looks like Beth needed to trot along after them to do on-the-spot makeovers. Howard is thrilled he sent his entire staff to San Diego so he can relax at home and be introduced to his wife and practice writing his name on a bunch of checks for Garvey, et al.

And, we see Howard is busy with drawing pictures of his resident model wife Beth since he is stuck at home having spent his entertainment and advertising budget on his old man birthday show where he had to pay all the stars to show up, not to mention, perform, aside from providing, what? Yes, free booze and appetizers on little paper plates. Wow, what a mogul. So, including Comic Con, Howard should have fulfilled his obligation to promote Sirius, since they don't pay for advertising, they pay Stern.

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