Thursday, July 10, 2014

Halle Berry Wins - AGT Loses

NBC died on Wednesday as Howard Stern and his tired and worn out show, America's Got Talent (AGT), were no match against Halle Berry in a space suit. CBS WON the night on Wednesday kicking AGT to the curb with its stale show featuring various shades of Howard Stern's dead fur piece on his head as the summer months crawl by slower than Howard trying to type up stories for online publications that need summer filler.

Simon got his new baby;
where is Howard's?
Poor old man Stern, in his third year of sinking AGT below the ratings it had with Piers Morgan, fights off the retirement home pile of sh-t shows...yes, Stern is one of the pile. Howard spins and spins working overtime during his summer in the city not being able to afford to take three months off like real stars do...oh, where is Super Simon Cowell? Probably living it up somewhere on his yacht while Howard Stern is still working harnessed to the AGT wheel.

At first I thought the international storyteller Beth O was actually at Paris Fashion Week, but it was only Conchita Wurst, so calm down, no photos have yet emerged of Beth modeling in catalogs and magazines in Europe.

Notice how it looks like Razor Magazine was photographed at the Sterns' Hamptons house because we know Beth is only getting these jobs via her hubby Howard who was also featured on his own cover of Razor magazine.

#razor #hamptons #halleyberry 


  1. Dear Beth-Man,

    Excellent and entertaining insight as always. It seems that #68 is in full court press mode over there today and now has a partner.... eh i mean sponsor in crime named Mlaw to help with the cause. As of today Beth's people are working double time to erase any mention of Beth being a European and/or Super model from all her different online bios. Keep up the good work!

  2. "Cross eyed overweight monstrosity" BAWAHAHAHAHAHA! That made me laugh out loud!

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