Friday, July 25, 2014

A Dame To Kill For?

Well yeah, if he could've gotten this Rose of a Dame, but the super famous writer, director, producer could not swing this deal, he lost too much in the divorce which was a spider web of details, oh, it had legs, way too many legs, and how he ever got everything figured out and doled out is one big mystery. I suspect the attorneys could all retire after his major divorce.

Yes, Rodriguez showed up at San Diego's Comic Con promoting movies and his TV network covering up his gigantic bald head as he always does. This is one guy that is not too bad looking but he needs hair, so instead of going the Howard Stern route by sewing hair into the roots of his bald head, he just wears a hat. 

Okay, well, such is life, he is richer than god [well, a secondary god since the divorce], but he is not caught up in his looks or in the looks of his girlfriend [are they still dating? How about Rosario? Too old? Well, she was Tarantino's muse anyway]. I suppose he is still with this lovely with the massive pasty white skin and flab galore [hey, maybe she is or was expecting another Rodriguez so I shouldn't slam the butt-for-her-face gal]. He was photographing themselves on the beach last year while on vacation.

Speaking of big butts and faces to match, we see Beth has been sent back to Pittsburgh for another promo piece for her dead dog tour and telling everyone in the world to give her money so Howard Stern doesn't have to write a check for $7 million dollars to build the Beth Building at the North Shore Animal League. Bethie, with her never-ending goofy hats to cover up those hair extensions glued to the top of her head and some phony old photo of her with a couple of rescue gosh, a loser in life, stuck with a morning zoo DJ who can't get himself launched out of radio now that he is with mothball radio, a.k.a., satellite radio.

Speaking of pitiful, Beth still lives inside her world of phony photos of herself as she plays around with dates, times, and places, as she has not been seen in public since she was all covered up at a Martha Stewart wino event before she and Stern were evicted for being vagrants.

It's tough for Howard to get ready for his CGI closeups as it looks like he is in his hospital bed transported from Florida back to the Hamptons with Beth already posting on her media sites.

OH, here is an example of the power of Howard Stern...Gary and his Wrap-Up Show were given the tiniest room at San Diego's Comic Con where about eight people showed up to hear the broadcast and taping of Gary's borefest filler that is aired on Howard's mothballed channels on Sirius...nope, XM subscribers can't get the Stern Show unless they pay extra, which none of them have...XM never wanted Stern, and they still don't.

Wow, wonder why they didn't need security for crowd control during Gary's broadcast.

Beth Fans remember Beth's father who allegedly was a licensed dental practitioner in PA who got the damn thing ripped from his wallet...oh wait, he was allowed to voluntarily surrender it to State authorities due to alleged insurance fraud... Funny Howard was having stress over the radiowaves during this time period but no one defended Daddy O.

Something tells me there is more dirt to dig up on this past incident that Howard Stern kept out of the national papers, that his girlfriend has a felon father...why the secrecy, Howard? Or doesn't it play into your fantasy you married a model from a wealthy family who still seems to live in some townhouse in the burbs...omg.

There is much to dig up from the past of Miss Beth O and her secretive family, and nobody deserves Beth more than Howard Stern. Ha...ha...ha...don't we all wish Mr. O's ex-girlfriend would start making appearances on message boards? Or, can he still afford her and/or her silence? Is he still living at home in the brick house with his wife the warden? 

All I know is that Beth's dad, who's around 73 yrs old, loves to race around in his HUMMER in Pittsburgh....quite a little toy, right? Insurance fraud is a lucrative business, wonder if that thing is bulletproof...

#ds #bobostrosky #robertostrosky #hummer #pittsburgh #pat


  1. Love the stuff about Beth's felon father -- I also caught what she said in January to the Pittsburgh Gazette that she was a "local GIRL" who married Howard Stern. Beth recently turned 42 according to her published age. She didn't even marry Howard until she was 36 - she was hardly a young girl even then!

  2. During one of Beth's early appearances on Howard's radio show , someone said her father was a dentist. She quickly corrected him, and said her father was a DOCTOR ! , not a dentist. She can't even tell the truth about that.
    Beth's father was an oral surgeon , which is the most respected of all the dental specialties. He must have been a lousy one to have to resort to cheating to make an extra $8000.

    1. Not sure he was a member of any national board; that item on my blog only says dentistry, no specialty was indicated. The press release said oral surgeon. Yes, Beth has problems with the truth, there is no evidence Dr. O had dual licensure as an MD and DDS. Seems the whole family has a problem with fraud, and fraudulently portraying themselves as something they are not. Makes you wonder how Stern got caught up with this family...admitting to a lesser charge to avoid a bigger charge of...ummm, conspiracy, money laundering, corruption? Just guessing, don't take it as fact.

    2. great theory...imagine if he was money laundering for the mob lol what do you mean when you specualte conspiracy and corruption- isnt that covered in the fraud dr.oloser was convicted of as is?

    3. Fraud meant just insurance fraud, which various sources on the internet, including from the PA Dental Board, meant only charging the insurance company for work not performed; nothing else. It is the big mystery of why a wealthy doctor, with a daughter shacking up with a billionaire, felt the need to defraud a dental insurance company...poor choices, indeed....or smart choices, depending upon what was looming in the background....thanks for your comment.
