Monday, July 14, 2014

Am I Evil?


I didn't realize the level of jealousy Howard Stern has for Simon Cowell, who had a baby with his girlfriend, as an article stated from last year about America's Got Talent (AGT). Billionaires take the summer off, while working class Stern has to haul his flabby ass into work 24/7.

Yes, poor Howard Stern who has to hide from a raving lunatic screaming about why she has no more TV show offers while Howard obsesses about that shitty birthday show that he produced using his SiriusXM advertising budget. Howard actually believes clicks on the video of his birthday bash equals new subscribers so he can earn some bonus bucks. HA, keep dreaming Stern, as you celebrate turning 60 and try and ignore your mudslide into obscurity.

Meanwhile, Howard keeps piling the cats on Mrs. Batty's head hoping she doesn't talk in her sleep, oh, but she sleeps alone, right? No worries there, right? Or does she have company when Howard is sitting and stewing in the city pounding on that keyboard hoping someone will print his juvenile, shitty articles he writes about himself. 

Poor struggling Bethie, lest we forget she had to abandon Broadway and her one friend who could get her an intro to Pete Townshend which led to a big zero. Bethie's friend was the lead actor in Tommy, which ran from 1993-1995 and the Broadway production of Titanic from 1997-1999. 

Beth appeared smoking in the bathroom in a video about fans obsessed with "Tommy" and
she attended the opening night party for "Titanic" on Broadway.

While Broadway Beth was bothering people on late night talk shows, it eventually led to daytime talk radio and the Stern vortex of stunts and shock jock junk where Howard's staff reveal their, uh, junk, all resulting in a big cancellation of Howard TV and the cancellation of Mrs. Horninsky into the studio. No cameras, no Beth.

Don Imus is to blame for all this since Stern was desperate to dump his old life and move in with a young, hot blonde, but all he got was smokin' Beth [literally; did she ever put out those cigs? I guess she stopped because she has been packing on the pounds ever since hooking up with Sterninsky].

None of Beth's past boyfriends or butch girlfriends will come out of the closet and publicly admit they dated Beth. Beth has only one girlfriend from her past that cuts holes in socks and wears them on her hands like a third grader. Beth became a hand puppet model with riot amateur photos by Howard.

Beth's childhood friend makes arm warmers, yeah, what a joke
as Bethie has her lips in a twitch forced to plug these things.

Remember when Howard tried to make Beth a makeover expert? HA, that was funny, Beth was a low rent groupie trying to justify her salary with 112 Productions.

Speaking of groupies...oh...that's too obvious...sorry.


  1. Fantastic blog. Where is this video of backstage at Tommy? I would love to see it. By the way, I saw Tommy on Broadway when it opened. A few months later I was having lunch at Cafe Un Deux Trois and Michael Cerveris was there with a couple of people, one of them being a blonde gorky kind of girl. I was fascinated with her, because she seemed so out of place. Years later, when Howard mentioned Beef being Michael's ex, I put two and two together. Yikes! You know darn well her real target was Pete Townshend, but he wasn't interested in her, for "obvious" reasons. lol. Anyway, thanks for a great blog!

    1. Thanks for the comment; Cerveris was great in Tommy; we all wonder how Beth fit in with someone like Michael...hmmm, King of Comedy ring a bell and Sandra's character?

    2. It was a video a bunch of people did, on YouTube, about fans camping out and trying to get money to see Tommy. If I can find it again, I will post.

    3. yes, please post the video. we would love to see it. thank you! Awesome site!

    4. Too much to post. Check You Tube video, Beth is in Part 6/ 9 "A Vague Haze of Delirium", Beth is towards the end smoking and drinking in the bathroom talking with some people.

    5. Thanks for the info. I'll check it out. And you are correct - Cerveris was great in Tommy.

  2. I LOVE this site!!! We have a private Facebook group dedicated to making fun of Beth...she is now promoting giving kittens cold coffee because she thinks it's cute! I reminded the "animal expert" that caffeine is poisonous and deadly for animals...she blocked me

    1. Interesting; thank you for posting the comment.

    2. I would love to join that facebook group. Can I join?
