Thursday, June 12, 2014

Going Down?

While Howard Stern sent his wife off to Los Angeles for some unknown reason other than to barge onto Extra TV to brag about hoarding kittens and using them as props to somehow benefit the North Shore Animal League, Howard keeps achieving lower ratings each week since America's Got Talent (AGT) has been on the air this year beginning in May.

amfAR gala June 10, 2014
In the meantime, Stern avoided yet another year of donating to any charity and although he claims to love gays [even though he is a straight male that can't get enough of safe sex with his girlfriend of 16 years, which obviously failed to produce any safe offspring other than whatever is buried in the basement] seems he once again missed the amfAR gala event in New York, even though shuttlebutt Beth was a million miles away in LA, he still could have gone with John Varvatos, his party pal [oh, I know, they are all married and practice safety from rumors].

Howard and his buddy John Varvatos in New York, September 11, 2012. Howard never provided an explanation of where Beth was on this night. As I have reported, Beth knows when she is not wanted, and when to take trips or just simply give Stern his privacy. Their weird little arrangement is getting more obvious, what with the birthday party after-party, where red herring Beth led a pack of drunks to a restaurant/bar while Stern dashed home with who knows what or who, or where....Howard most certainly leads his own life. He is now panicking because he needs to come up with some dough to pay off Simon Cowell and keep his job on AGT.

Stern also announced that his self-produced birthday party failed to get a buyer so he it posting it free on that website of his, which is as scrambled and garbled as his brain. Oh boy, I gotta see a 60 year old married fart's birthday party, hold me back.

We all know Bethie O'Nobody called into the Howard Stern show today, the show she says she never listens to, but she had to brag that she stole some more kittens and can use them for publicity and get other people to adopt them and pay for their care for the rest of their lives while Beth keeps moving on to new photo props. Beth most likely will not be in the studios anytime soon since Howard TV has been canned and shelved. 

We also got news that while Beth was rocketed out of the East, the Poetry Princess Emily was with daddy dearest, one wonders what that summit meeting was doubt an estate summit so Stern will NOT end up like Kasey Kasem and become a plant in a corner with Beth holding a pillow over his face.

All of Howard's employees had to constantly pretend that Beth
 was a young skinny hot model. Well, that's why they earn the big bucks. 
They can keep a poker face and wait until they get home
to have a laugh riot about it with their families.


  1. Stay focused, Beth has always been fat. Tons of photos exist online to document she is always beefy. Nothing is different now. Sorry, but this is my blog, not yours.

  2. Where are Howard and Robin getting AGT ratings info? They were both crowing about the high numbers the other day. Also... Beth weighs more than Howard at this point. She is fat and he is anorexic. She definitely has a plot to kill him. She is eating meat when nobody is looking.
