Monday, May 12, 2014

Back Stage Bethie

She is always there in the background, lurking around backstage, in the alley, in the back room, talking to the stars trying to horn in, never leaving, never seeming to have a home always "dating" someone and never gaining access to the top star, the famous guy, always the one you have to ditch, cancel her security pass, lock the doors, don't answer the phone, and finally pass her off onto another sucker named Stern. Time to clear up a past lie in print, in random bios about Beth that exist on the Internet. One that kept coming up was that Beth dated rock stars or their "sidekicks" which is an odd term to use but that's how it's been stated online. Howard even paraded Beth to a concert of "The Who" years ago to somehow prove a point with Pete Townshend as if Howard got Beth and he didn't [a farce made up in the mind of Howard]. 

According to, August 6, 2002, a woman called into the Howard Stern radio show and asked Howard how his girlfriend knows The Who's Pete Townshend. Howard explained that Beth dated a guy who was in "Tommy" [Michael Cerveris] and Pete was doing musical at the time so she got to "meet and hang out with the guy". Well, Beth only got one photograph of herself with her alleged boyfriend Michael Cerveris, but the photo is not from Tommy where he was working with Pete Townshend who wrote the book for the musical, but from his Broadway show Titanic. Yet we know from YouTube that Beth participated in a bathroom scene of an obscure fictional storyline of fans obsessed with the musical Tommy, and Beth was with some actors smoking and drinking [a 9-part video series called A Vague Haze of Delirium].

Beth has only been photographed with Michael Cerveris for the Titanic party, not for Tommy.

Tommy was on Broadway from 1993 to 1995, Titanic was on Broadway from 1997-1999. Michael Cerveris confirms he toured with Pete Townshend, not The Who:

Okay, so now Beth's past is weirder than ever. There is no photographic evidence she ever dated anyone particularly rich or famous until Stern came on board, an aging married man with newfound money from his one-shot movie deal and Beth was ready to spend it. Howard bought his Manhattan man cave circa 1998, and it is believed that his first Alison wife ever stepped foot inside but it was the family accountant who told her Howard bought it. But we know Bigfoot Beth stepped inside and never left.

Everyone knows Howard tried to get Pete Townshend into the studio for an interview because he "won" Beth, and implied that Pete missed out. We all know the alleged problems Townshend has had with possession of alleged illegal material, so again, I suppose that fits with any perceived "fans" of Beth, they seem to be all have problems [remember superfan wackpackers Double A and Crazy Crabbie, both ended up in jail and were fans of Beth as they have stated on Stern's radio show]. One wonders what is hiding in Howard's closet and that's the reason Miss Beth showed up in that Manhattan penthouse and never left.

Sweet Charity could be the story of Beth O.

Now we are up to 2007, according to, the September 17th show, Howard told a story about his awful weekend. He said that they were supposed to have a nice family weekend so he had his parents over to his house. His mother missed two steps and fell down flat on her face. She was taken to the hospital and was fine. We find out where the fall happened, it was at Howard's rented Hamptons house because on January 21, 2013, Howard told the story again, and said his mother fell flat on her face at a house he rented one year. We know that was in the Hamptons, before he had a new Hamptons home built using his new found money from his Sirius satellite deal.

So what happened this Mother's Day weekend? Oh it seemed Howard mumbled something about only getting his mother a card and he actually went back to Broadway to see a show with the Kimmels. Yes, Howard, who used to give speeches about how boring the theater and he said on his radio show how gay Broadway is, now it seems he can't keep away from it and I wonder if Beth met any of her former Broadway buddies. Funny, we get no Instagram photos of Beth parading to the theater, all we got was that awful Billy Joel spectacle where Beth had to parade on stage and horn in on Billy's birthday concert at The Garden.

So, no "mom" reports this weekend. Wonder why Ray Stern didn't want a nice weekend in the Hamptons with her son and his lovely second wife? We all remember when Howard turned his back to stride inside the house as Ray Stern went sliding across the entryway past Howard as Beth watched from the sidelines of their former Hamptons Hell House.


  1. Remember that time when there was no electricity in Howard's parents' house in winter and he didn't even bring them over to stay in his apartment? I think after a week finally his sister brought them to her house or something.
