Beth Stern is conjuring up sales for her pet calendar "Coco & Friends" for 2025 on her Instagram show and says how they are selling like hotcakes when one wonders how come when she does a selfie calendar for the charity she shills for, the North Shore Animal League (NSAL), they do not sell like hotcakes but are more like hot potatoes that NSAL can't unload.
For Beth's NSAL 2023 calendar, the pre-order sales in 2022 were nonexistent and they had to have a half-price sale to get rid of them. [See the blog sidebar for that backstory.]
I wonder how come her hubby Howard Stern doesn't buy up the NSAL calendars featuring his rarely vertical wife, Beth? Because it would only benefit NSAL and not the Sterns' personal foundation. Howard buys a bunch of their own calendars and gifts them to people counting them as a tax write-off charitable expense and he can claim their foundation has a work product when in reality, Beth's Furry Friends has nothing to show for their donated funds but a few pet calendars and pet beds scattered around their multi-million dollar properties.
Beth's Back in Reruns
Beth has been busy posting reruns of old unpublished photos of herself on her Instagram show to pretend she is busy and fussing with adoptable cats all day when she does none of that. The cats are shuttled from her New York apartment to her Hamptons home by NSAL staff and her own toadying assistants while Beth is normally in Florida co-habitating with her plastic surgeon in the basement of her empty shell house where the cats are in a subterranean floor accessbile by a steep cement and metal staircase if the elevator is out of order.
New Member of Club 88
As exclusively revealed on the Beth Fan Page, beginning in 2024, suddenly male notables are dying at the curious age of 88 which could be time travel signaling as the movie "Back to the Future" had the detail that the time travel car, the DeLorean, had to reach the speed of 88 MPH in order to pass through the time tunnel wormhole or it would get crushed or a piece shorn off when the wormhole closes thus causing death to the time traveler.
Now we have Richard D. James, the Emmy-award winning production designer of "Star Trek: Next Generation" TV series, dead on November 11th at the age of 88. So far, only men have been admitted to Club 88. It's interesting that this would be reported at all because he was a technical person, not a celebrity. Same with the death of Don Buchwald, he was not a celebrity either but it was newsworthy enough to report nationally, that these industry people died at 88 years of age. [Ref: Beth Fan Page 9-3-24 and 10-2-24 for the full story.]
Here's the November 18, 19, and 20, 2024, Stern Sirius Satellite Radio Show Transcribed Excerpts
#dawgshed #howardstern #donbuchwald #lesleedart #leslee #siriusxm #memorial
#funeralforafriend #lovesliesbleeding #funeral #bellbookandcandle #cat #siamese
#bethostern #jamesstewart #kimnovak #manchuriancandidate #cher #robinquivers
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