Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Painting is Dead πŸŽ¨πŸ–Ό️πŸ–Œ️ Long Live Guitar 🎸🎸🎸

Howard Stern made a big announcement on his stale SiriusXM satellite radio show today that he is officially done with the painting bit and moving on to solely the guitar bit for his radio show moving forward.

We all remember when Howard said he was going to take some photos when he was in Italy and do some paintings from those photos but nothing has materialized and then now he announced that he wants to focus on guitar playing and wants Sirius to buy him a professional guitar to work with and develop that skill since he stated he has no time for painting, guitar, and his radio show, so painting had to go. Of course we remember several years ago he said he was done with the photography bit too, so Beth basically has to either take selfies or just keep recycling old photos of herself and pass them off as current.

Also what is interesting about this is that Howard also said he would be bringing his guitar on his trip to Italy but we never saw any photos of that or any stories if he did in fact bring his guitar and play it as it lays before resort guests complained and threw that guitar into Lake Como.

Following are a few of the Beth Fan Page transcribed excerpts of the Stern satellite radio show where he basically already stated what he said today, about wanting to focus on playing guitar. But in these excerpts, he said he has an album coming out and that he would bring his guitar to Italy on their vacation.


Howard:  “Well, I’ll tell you why.  Well, here’s the thing, I’m nervous about the gift because I’ll tell you why.  I decided I want to take up the guitar in a serious way.  I said to Beth, ‘I gotta find a guitar teacher.’  But I don’t know that I have time for guitar because I’m still, even at my age, I’m still working full-time.  And I’m a painter.  And I barely have time for that, how am I gonna have time to practice guitar?  … So when Beth said to me she found me a guitar teacher, she bought me a guitar lesson with a really good guitar teacher who I know would be great, I was like oh, shit, am I really ready to go all in on guitar?”

Beth:  “You know what, you can take the lesson next week or you can it five years from now.  It’s an open —“ 

Howard:  “Okay, I’m gonna take it.  Anyway, I’m a very thoughtful guy, too, because I want to be like Beth.  I want to get her gifts that are meaningful.  … So I really made an effort to listen to Beth.  So one day we’re taking a walk and I see Beth is struggling.  It’s cold in New York, it was winter, and she needed to text.  She’s always texting.  She barely talks to me on our walk, she just texts.”

Beth:  “When you’re in animal rescue, there’s no down time.”


Howard:  “Thank you.  Terrible of me.  Billy Duffy, who plays guitar in the band in The Cult, which is one of my favorite bands, he plays a guitar called the White Falcon.  And I got a box from him on my birthday, gigantic box, weighed a ton, he sent me a White Falcon which is such a crime because I can’t play guitar.  And the guitar is beautiful, it’s a work of art.  It is one of the most beautiful guitars I ever saw.  And I would write him a note and tell him thank you except I don’t even know how to get a hold of this guy.  Maybe Baba Booey will find out for me."

Howard:  “Well, I’m easy to find.  We got an address at a radio station.  All you gotta do is put Howard Stern, SiriusXM.  But anyway the White Falcon is this beautiful — You can look it up.  It’s a custom Gretsch guitar that he’s always played.  And it is heavy and big and what a sound on it.  I started fucking around on it with this little amp back here and I mean it sounded horrible when I played on it.”

Robin:  “Did you know how to tune it?  I mean, was it already tuned?  What’d you do?”

Howard:  “I know how to tune it because I have an app that tunes the guitar so I can tune the guitar.  … But anyway it’s so criminal, I’m sitting there with it and I’m like ooh, I’m gonna play this thing, and then I play the same stupid three chords I know.  Then I run up and down with the bar chords I know that sound weak as shit because I never play.  And then I do the two little scales I know and then I put it away.  You know what am I gonna do.”

Robin:  “But if you do that every day you might become a guitar player.”

Howard:  “Well, that’s what I’m thinking of doing but because of my birthday and my advanced age, I’m really getting a mind fuck.  I’m really blocked out.  If I was ten years younger, I’d start guitar lessons.  And then I have another problem.  This is my problem.  I only have so much free time and I’m in the middle of a big painting that I’m making.  And what am I gonna do?  Divide my free time between painting and guitar playing? I can’t do that.  Too many hobbies.  I want to be good.”

Robin:  “We’re talking a few minutes.  Just run through your routine.  Make your fingers more nimble.  You’re working towards something.  But once you master those little things, you’ll move on.”

Howard:  “You don’t get it.  I don’t do things for a few minutes.  I obsess and then I go into it for hours.  … I’m doing this big painting now with landscape and architecture.  It’s such a struggle for me.  It’s so exhausting.  … Many times I’ll draw from a vanishing point and I found the wrong vanishing point.  So I drew the whole thing wrong and then I had to erase it and start all over again.  You see what I mean?  It’s just torture.  I don’t do things half ass.”


Howard:  “My wife got me a birthday gift which is a lesson with a guy here right near my house.  He’s gonna come over and he’s — I wish I knew his name, I wouldn’t even give his name, because I don’t want him to get bothered ...  Billy Joel recommended this guy or Billy Joel’s band recommended this guy to my wife and I’m thinking of sitting down with him but I don’t know when I’ll do it.  I’m working on a big painting.  I need to quit this job and become a guitar player.”  


Billy Joel:  “Yes, you can.  You can pull it off absolutely.”

Howard:  “I even went as far as to take a guitar lesson.  He wants to play ‘Revolution.’  I can’t even bar the fucking chords.  I mean, forget it, it’s impossible.”

Billy Joel:  “No, you have the whole audience singing along and you’ll be lost in the mix.  Don’t worry about it.”

Howard:  “When Alexis and Beth get up there with me and sing, I’ll do it.”

Alexis Joel:  “That’s not happening.” 

Billy Joel:  “My kids have done it.  Kids came up.”

Howard:  “I saw the kids.  The kids were good.  That was really cute.  And I saw Jimmy, Jimmy was actually fabulous.   He got up and did a Rolling Stones’ song.”

Billy Joel:  “He did ‘Start Me Up.’  He was great.”

Howard:  “He is a bundle of talent.”

Beth:  “So we will go to the last show.”

Howard:  “Of course we’re gonna go.”

Beth:  “Whether you perform or not, we’re going to the last show.”

Howard:  “I’m not performing.” 

Alexis Joel:  “The pressure’s on for that guitar teacher.”

Beth:  “Meanwhile they gave me the hook up for your guitar teacher.  I called Alexis with it.”

Billy Joel:  “You’re going up.  If you’re there, I’m calling you up.”

Howard:  “No, you’re not.  You’ll be in big trouble.  … Billy, thank you for doing this.  I love you for doing this.  And I love you for all the years of music.  Your music means so much to me and to my audience.  So thank you and thanks for being so much fun today.  And, Alexis, God bless you, I love you.  Thank you for being here.”

Alexis Joel:  “Thank you, Howard.”

Howard:  “And, honey, Happy Valentine’s Day.  …”

Billy Joel:  “Happy Valentine’s Day.”

Howard:  “Happy Valentine’s Day, Billy.”


Howard:  “No, I don’t have chores.  I’m chore-free.  I had a pretty open weekend but I was busy with the arts you know I’m a painter.  I’ve been playing more guitar.”

Robin:  “How’s that going?”

Howard:  “Alright.  I was just talking to Steve Nowicki about guitar.  I’ve been talking to Fred.  Fred had me go out and buy an Orange Crush amp, 20 watts, just for practicing.”


Howard:  “Oh, she wrote a lot of her songs but you never heard of them.  No, the big hit was Prince.  …  And others that were nominated that couldn’t hold a candle to these guys especially Rich Robinson who plays the guitar so beautifully.”

Robin:  “Well, I never hear you mention his name when you’re listing great guitarists.” 

Howard:  “You know you’re right and I should because if I could play the guitar, I’d like to play like Rich Robinson.”


Howard:  “So many people excited about my solo album coming out.”

Robin:  “Really.”

Howard:  “Yeah.”

Robin:  “Who are these people?  (Chuckles)”

Howard:  “Well, a lot of our fans who want to know more about my music.  I’m putting out an acoustic guitar record.  My thought was I don’t always want to work with a band.  I like to do my own thing.  It’s just something I needed to do.  … I really felt strongly about this because I know a lot of people like just acoustic music and the record company was trying to force me into working with a singer.  I didn’t want to.”

Robin:  “What record company?”

Howard:  “The record company.  … I’m gonna unveil another track from my album that will be out in three weeks.  I recorded a song for you, Robin, because I’ve worked with you a long time.  You know how I feel about you, I think you know, and I wanted to debut it if I may.  I’m proud of it.”

Robin:  “I’m looking forward to this.  Nobody’s ever written — this is a serious song.”

Howard:  “Oh, yeah.  It’s dead serious.  This is a song called ‘Rockin’ Robin.’  It’s a classic but I do my own spin on it acoustically and it’s for you.  So, I’d like to play it for you right now.  Here we go.”

Audio of ‘Rockin’ Robin’ played slowly on a guitar was heard.  The slowness made it hard to detect the melody.

Robin:  “Wow.”

Howard:  “Yeah.  … It’s all stripped down and we’re pretty excited about that.  We’re thinking of that being the single.”


Howard:  “Uffizi museum.  Meanwhile I found out the Uffizi museum doesn’t even have watercolors like I’m a watercolorist and I love looking at works on paper and I found out from my friend that the Uffizi’s mostly all oil paintings and I’m like uhh, now you tell me!  … I don’t like oil painting.  I don’t care about oil painting.  You know it’s fine and I love it, I mean, that people are so talented, but I like looking at watercolor because it’s what I do so I learn a lot by looking at works on paper.”

Robin:  “Are you taking your guitar with you?”

Howard:  “Oh, yeah.  I have vowed I will practice guitar every day even it’s just thirty minutes.  I have to take a plane flight, I’m taking a little practice guitar which is hard to play on.  They have these little tiny guitars, it has no head on it, and it’s tiny, it’s almost nothing.”


Howard:  “Yeah.  Who do you love.  Quack quack quack quack quack quack.  … Alright, I’m exhausted this morning.  I was in the studio til two in the morning with my band Tuchus.  We were recording.”

Robin:  “What?”

Howard:  “Yes.  Well, you know, listen, I have a band and I also have a solo album coming out of guitar music.”


Howard:  “Trying to learn to play guitar and then you see these rock stars who can run around on stage and like dance while they’re playing, you’re like well isn’t playing the guitar hard enough?  Angus Young is like doing intricate dance steps running around.  Eddie Van Halen was like that, too.  Not only was he like the world’s greatest guitar player, but he could dance while he was playing, smoke cigarettes.  He had like a little coffee shop going while he was playing guitar.  … Eddie Van Halen, I mean, I watch that video all the time, I always talk about it, he’s on stage with Sammy Hagar and Michael Anthony, the three of them line up and do like a line dance while Eddie’s doing a guitar solo and I’m like how the fuck did he do that.  I was trying to play that little intro to ‘Over the Hills and Far Away’ that Led Zeppelin does, I couldn’t dance, I could barely play it.  … Those guys are so talented.  Really nuts.” 


Howard:  “First of all, I download movies to watch.  I’m bringing my guitar, I’ll practice.  I’ve got a whole agenda on the plane to keep me calm.  I know I’m not doing what you’re saying, that’s not happening.”


Here's Today's Stern Show Transcribed Excerpts

#dawgshed #howardstern #music #guitars #painting #artwork #robinquivers
#danspapers #bethostern #italy

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